Offical PUBNAT 8 is OUT

1. I've called all the centers that will take my call...and listed them throughout the thread. Still waiting on Miami, Indianapolis, Seattle, Boston and New York. Cuz they don't know how to return messages. I also don't have numbers for Guam, San Juan, or Honolulu.

2. If I had the time or cell phone minutes I would be happy to call every tower 7 and up...but alas...I don't. Just call 'em up ask for the ATM. Say you're an applicant and you have a question about the facility. We want tower too...but I'm only picking states with ATRCC, so that's who I'm calling.

3. THIS JOB WILL BE HARD! If you can't hack it you might wash out or get sent to a lower level facility. In general a level 12 tower is harder than a level 12 en route. If you want to know for sure the wash out rate somewhere, call them. Either way it doesn't matter because you're going to get selected where you're going to get selected and you're going to go there...even if they have a high wash out rate. No sense worrying about it.
Aiye aiye captain.

Not one time did any of us say that it's impossible to check out, but we're saying it's much more difficult to check out at a higher facility than a lower one. Would you agree? Or am i not "good" enough to say that. Youre condescending attitude towards those not picked up is absolutely arrogant. Dont act like you're the hottest thing on this plannet because you got picked up OTS...:rotfl:

Not to mention, i'm not even sure how you're able to link good and being picked up. What does that have anything to do with it? Here how about this, have fun at ZNY. Hope you dont ever washout.

Maybe you should talk to some more controllers, how about those that have washed out. I had a conversation with a controller from ZLA who is now at a surrounding airport. She washed out after 2 years. I think you just have your panties in a bunch that you're going to one of the busiest airspaces and you dont like people telling you that there is a good chance of washing out.

I am not being condescending, I am calling you out because you think you know everything, when the truth is you don't know anymore than the rest of us, if your connections were so good, you would have been picked up.

Do I think the job is going to be easy? I probably wouldn't have even considered it if I thought it was, but the fact is all you have to say is about how everyone washes out of high level centers, and I personally think you are full of it.

The fact is you don't know me and telling me that I am going to wash out (which is how I take it when someone says all OTSers wash out) is being condescending.

1. I've called all the centers that will take my call...and listed them throughout the thread. Still waiting on Miami, Indianapolis, Seattle, Boston and New York. Cuz they don't know how to return messages. I also don't have numbers for Guam, San Juan, or Honolulu.

When I interviewed I was told that ZNY had met their hiring goals for `09, that they employed 370 CPCs and developmentals, that they were expecting more retirements, and that they were authorized a total of 440 CPCs at full staffing. This is from the ZNY peronnel manager to me. He also said he had recently conducted about 18 interviews from pubnat 5/6. and had more to go, although I know at least a few of those were for potential hires at other facilities.

I was also told their developmentals had a high success rate.
I am not being condescending, I am calling you out because you think you know everything, when the truth is you don't know anymore than the rest of us, if your connections were so good, you would have been picked up.

Do I think the job is going to be easy? I probably wouldn't have even considered it if I thought it was, but the fact is all you have to say is about how everyone washes out of high level centers, and I personally think you are full of it.

The fact is you don't know me and telling me that I am going to wash out (which is how I take it when someone says all OTSers wash out) is being condescending.

Yeah because i said i know everything. Dude, do you even read what i post? All i ever say is how people wash out? What are you talking about?

RE-READ my post, i said everyone at LAX has washed out that is OTS. LAX being the key word. I didnt make a mention of centers at all!

And on top of it, no where did i say you were going to wash out. Why the hell would i want any of us to wash out? I want us all to succeed! Hell, if anyone, i'm here pushing for everyone to succeed since i've been bypassed a few times!

Before you start putting words in my mouth, check to see where i'm at with everyone. All i'm saying is that people that have not even seen the inside of a center or a tower (fresh people, nothing wrong with it) are pushing for a high level facility. All i'm telling them, which is based off of conversations or observations, is to re-consider, or at least take the time to learn about it.

Oh and by the way, try to get to KNOW me before you call me full of it. I dont think i said once you were full of it...but it's nice to know resorting to name calling is what you do.

Take a chill pill, have a drink, and try to see that we're all in this together. All i'm trying to do is help anyone/everyone to make a sound decision. Thats it! If you think that's condescending, then i dont know what else to tell you.
You started the name calling when you called me condescending. My original post was not only about you, but seriously don't talk about what you don't know about.
You started the name calling when you called me condescending. My original post was not only about you, but seriously don't talk about what you don't know about.

Condescending is not name calling, it's a demeanor you present...

Im describing how you're talking, not what you are personally. If i was to attack you personally, that'd be considered name calling, instead of attacking the way you're talking to me...

Oh and i'm glad you're the holy one that can decide what i can and cannot talk about it. If it doesnt help you, keep moving on. My original thought about high level facilities was not only about you.

Imagine this were a thread about flying, and how it can be crappy, and the lifestyle isnt all that great etc. If i was to talk about that when someone is saying "i want to take a loan out for 90k to fly a jet!" and i was to tell them about how it's not the lifestyle that everyone thinks, and to give them guidance in other ways of pursuing it, i wouldnt see a big deal.

My original point, going to a high level facility is not a walk in the park. All i'm implying is to check out (not you per se) what you're getting into. I cant believe you're getting upset that i'm talking about to evaluate all options. I'm here to help brother! Hopefully someone will benefit, that's my goal.
Does your friend know what the chances are of getting to ZLC? oor if they are going to need trainees in the near future?
Not good. They only took a few OTS this time around. Hiring has slowed significantly out there.

The training manager out there selected me at the panels for ZLC, but apparently the ATO felt they'd be better served if I went to ZAU instead.
You two need to hug-it-out, mmm'kay? :)

Haha you know me Doug, i'm a no hate type of guy. We have our little moments online, but i never take anything personally or hold grudges. Shoot, i still remember after i got a red card over a Chris Ford thread, and me and him had lunch the next week!

I'm over in Socal and if anyone ever wants to have a few :beer: then i'm always game! That is, mine will be water. ;)
Have to agree with you. I've been watching this site for the last week. The data isn't given for washout rates. Also, What the hell is a professor suppose to tell you? Don't go here it doesn't matter OTS people will have the same success rate as you, the only difference is you paid money. I'll sum it up with this. I called a local (small tower) to ask for and tour and the jackass asked if I had a Military exp. I said "no" he told me, you won't make it as an OTS, people off the street can't do this. My reply, "well, where does the military get there people"! he went quiet and then said well I cant help, goodbye. It doesn't matter, it's all aptitude and weither you can learn it.
Have to agree with you. I've been watching this site for the last week. The data isn't given for washout rates. Also, What the hell is a professor suppose to tell you? Don't go here it doesn't matter OTS people will have the same success rate as you, the only difference is you paid money. I'll sum it up with this. I called a local (small tower) to ask for and tour and the jackass asked if I had a Military exp. I said "no" he told me, you won't make it as an OTS, people off the street can't do this. My reply, "well, where does the military get there people"! he went quiet and then said well I cant help, goodbye. It doesn't matter, it's all aptitude and weither you can learn it.

Agree with you there. Not everything is fact. You have to take from it what you can.

I've said it now and before, just learn what it's like getting into, before you do it. Nothing is wrong with preparation. A level 12 will be harder than for instance a level 5. You cant dispute that. Before anyone goes to petition to a high level facility, take a peak inside and see what it's about.

I think that's a pretty safe statement to say, no?
Have to agree with you. I've been watching this site for the last week. The data isn't given for washout rates. Also, What the hell is a professor suppose to tell you? Don't go here it doesn't matter OTS people will have the same success rate as you, the only difference is you paid money. I'll sum it up with this. I called a local (small tower) to ask for and tour and the jackass asked if I had a Military exp. I said "no" he told me, you won't make it as an OTS, people off the street can't do this. My reply, "well, where does the military get there people"! he went quiet and then said well I cant help, goodbye. It doesn't matter, it's all aptitude and weither you can learn it.

I think he meant that people out of the military have a better chance because they have some experience.
What do you guys say when you call? I don't want to sound like some stupid joe blow off the street.

I plan on calling DSM tower to see how many they need, it's my 1 and only choice.

I suggest that you say exactly what is in your third sentence.
What do you guys say when you call? I don't want to sound like some stupid joe blow off the street.

I plan on calling DSM tower to see how many they need, it's my 1 and only choice.

I don't know if I would pigeon-hole myself by going in with the mindset that I would only accept a job at a certain tower. Pennsylvania was my first choice, and it is a state with a fairly decent number of terminals, but I didn't even get in the state.

There seems to be a trend around here in that the people who seem to be the most picky about where they go (selecting the same states for their geopref time after time, choosing terminal only as opposed to terminal or center, etc. etc.) seem to be the ones without offers.

Just my $.02
I don't know if I would pigeon-hole myself by going in with the mindset that I would only accept a job at a certain tower. Pennsylvania was my first choice, and it is a state with a fairly decent number of terminals, but I didn't even get in the state.

There seems to be a trend around here in that the people who seem to be the most picky about where they go (selecting the same states for their geopref time after time, choosing terminal only as opposed to terminal or center, etc. etc.) seem to be the ones without offers.

Just my $.02
Agreed. I lucked out and got selected for a state with 2 FAA up/down facilities and that's it. No ARTCCs here. I have a feeling me being picked up had a lot to do with the fact that nobody really chooses Arkansas (at least from what I can see on the forums)

It's all in the luck of the draw really. Unless you're like WoH and calling every single ARTCC and asking about staffing, there's no real way to know who is hiring.
A little insight from my prior FAA employment...

I started OKC with 18 people. Once we were done with the 4 week basics, we were joined by six others (military and CTI). After all was said and done, 2 did not make it through OKC. The remaining 22 went to ZAB (17) and ZHU (5). Since I resigned, I found that four washed out from ZAB, one from ZHU, and out of everyone, one guy has checked out. It took him almost two years.

Thought that may be interesting to some folks...
A little insight from my prior FAA employment...

I started OKC with 18 people. Once we were done with the 4 week basics, we were joined by six others (military and CTI). After all was said and done, 2 did not make it through OKC. The remaining 22 went to ZAB (17) and ZHU (5). Since I resigned, I found that four washed out from ZAB, one from ZHU, and out of everyone, one guy has checked out. It took him almost two years.

Thought that may be interesting to some folks...
2 years to check out is good though. The average enroute checkout time is closer to 3 years, from what I gather. If you do it much before that you're doing pretty well.

Most people make it through the Academy. My friend just finished last week. Of the 36 people in his 'split' class, only 1 person did not pass their PV. 35 out of 36 is pretty good odds. I'd also like to add that throughout the entire 4 months there, this one persons instructors felt he wasn't going to make it from the get go. Apparently he had some issues.

Of course it's going to be awhile before we'll know their success rate at their facilities, but hopefully he keeps in touch with some of them. I'd like to know how it goes for them. Seems knowing folks is the only way to get an idea of washouts, because they don't really publish anything. In his class of 18 there were 9 people for ZJK, 5 for ZAU, and then I don't remember where the others were going.
A little insight from my prior FAA employment...

I started OKC with 18 people. Once we were done with the 4 week basics, we were joined by six others (military and CTI). After all was said and done, 2 did not make it through OKC. The remaining 22 went to ZAB (17) and ZHU (5). Since I resigned, I found that four washed out from ZAB, one from ZHU, and out of everyone, one guy has checked out. It took him almost two years.

Thought that may be interesting to some folks...

Nice!! Half of my class went to ZFW and other ZHU. Only a couple washed out at ZFW but 5 at ZHU.