Offical PUBNAT 8 is OUT

What is it?

Basically, instead of completing all your D-sides first. You will start on a D-side and R-side position simultaeously. It's almost uncommon for all the other centers to have a high washout rate within developements 0 - D2 range. But at ZHU, ZNY, ZAU and ZAB it is common to have a hire number of washouts within this range. Most of all other centers high washout rates come after D-2.
I'd love to know where all the people around here get their information on washout rates, especially since it isn't published anywhere. It always seems to be the people who haven't been picked up who have to most to say about how hard the job is. Maybe that is why you haven't been picked up.
I'd love to know where all the people around here get their information on washout rates, especially since it isn't published anywhere. It always seems to be the people who haven't been picked up who have to most to say about how hard the job is. Maybe that is why you haven't been picked up.

lol it's all of the sources everyone has on the inside, duhh... seriously though my ATC instructor said they are sitting around a 40% washout rate right now... I don't know his source but I'm sure it's someone with the feds. I have no reason not to believe him but once again it's not straight from the government. They have clamped down the requirements for CTI once again thats why he told us this. I think they are realizing that people off the street are just as capable as CTI students.
lol it's all of the sources everyone has on the inside, duhh... seriously though my ATC instructor said they are sitting around a 40% washout rate right now.
40% at a certainly facility, or 40% across the board? That seems way too high.

My friend is a controller at ZLC, in his 5 or so years there it's been a very uncommon occurence for anyone to wash out. Let alone 40% of the people who are training. And the people who did wash out were all given the opportunity to work at another facility.
40% at a certainly facility, or 40% across the board? That seems way too high.

My friend is a controller at ZLC, in his 5 or so years there it's been a very uncommon occurence for anyone to wash out. Let alone 40% of the people who are training. And the people who did wash out were all given the opportunity to work at another facility.

He said that was in general and like I said I have no reason not to believe him so if you can give me a figure from someone who knows exactly what the rate is I will believe you :) Not trying to argue, just passing on what I've been told
40% at a certainly facility, or 40% across the board? That seems way too high.

My friend is a controller at ZLC, in his 5 or so years there it's been a very uncommon occurence for anyone to wash out. Let alone 40% of the people who are training. And the people who did wash out were all given the opportunity to work at another facility.

Does your friend know what the chances are of getting to ZLC? oor if they are going to need trainees in the near future?
Okay so I talked to ZLA, ZJX, and ZKC...and they all gave me very vague answers.

Los Angeles ARTCC: "If you put us down as your preference there is a good chance that you will be selected" I don't know what a "good chance" is and I don't think she does either.

Jacksonville ARTCC: Yes we are hiring, no we don't know how many

Kansas City ARTCC: Ditto

The front desk people keep sending me to personel thinking that it's not a question for the ATM and the peronsel people obviously don't know the answer.
What do you guys say when you call? I don't want to sound like some stupid joe blow off the street.

I plan on calling DSM tower to see how many they need, it's my 1 and only choice.
I'd love to know where all the people around here get their information on washout rates, especially since it isn't published anywhere. It always seems to be the people who haven't been picked up who have to most to say about how hard the job is. Maybe that is why you haven't been picked up.

I'm not 100% sure it's geared toward me, but if you'd like to talk to the ATM at LAX, be my guess, he's the one that told me no OTS'ers have gone CPC.

And yeah, that last part certainly makes sense. I havent been picked up because i understand the job is hard. Dang, i'm busted!
I'd love to know where all the people around here get their information on washout rates, especially since it isn't published anywhere. It always seems to be the people who haven't been picked up who have to most to say about how hard the job is. Maybe that is why you haven't been picked up.

I'm not sure if you're trying to call me out bud but i WORKED at ZHU for a year and saw first hand EVERY single OTS(4 while I was there,not many I guess) wash out on the DYSIM. I went over to Afghan for a year and made some real $$ and reapplied because I wanted terminal. I got the $$ and received a Terminal facility. I also know CPC's at every facility I listed that was in the military with me who can confirm how certain people shouldn't go to certain facilities. I'm not sure if this was aimed at me.. But I'm just saying :)

lol it's all of the sources everyone has on the inside, duhh... seriously though my ATC instructor said they are sitting around a 40% washout rate right now... I don't know his source but I'm sure it's someone with the feds. I have no reason not to believe him but once again it's not straight from the government. They have clamped down the requirements for CTI once again thats why he told us this. I think they are realizing that people off the street are just as capable as CTI students.

LOL!! I believe it too!

I'm not 100% sure it's geared toward me, but if you'd like to talk to the ATM at LAX, be my guess, he's the one that told me no OTS'ers have gone CPC.

And yeah, that last part certainly makes sense. I havent been picked up because i understand the job is hard. Dang, i'm busted!

LOL!! Some people just see an opening and believe it's a respectable job and jump in. They better quit quoting Kanye "Uh-Uh You can't tell me nothing"

Now, back to the topic..:cool:
If big centers had such a high washout rate for OTSers, then why would they pick up OTSers to begin with? The answer is they wouldn't. There are plenty of ppl around here (some that currently work at centers) that say centers are BETTER equiped to handle developmentals because of the number of CPCs they employ and the ability to dedicate people to training, if you would like, I will go hunt for those posts and link them, but right now I have other things to do.

Stop telling people how they are going to wash out, if you were so good you would have been picked up for 5/6.
If big centers had such a high washout rate for OTSers, then why would they pick up OTSers to begin with? The answer is they wouldn't. There are plenty of ppl around here (some that currently work at centers) that say centers are BETTER equiped to handle developmentals because of the number of CPCs they employ and the ability to dedicate people to training, if you would like, I will go hunt for those posts and link them, but right now I have other things to do.

Stop telling people how they are going to wash out, if you were so good you would have been picked up for 5/6.

Aiye aiye captain.

Not one time did any of us say that it's impossible to check out, but we're saying it's much more difficult to check out at a higher facility than a lower one. Would you agree? Or am i not "good" enough to say that. Youre condescending attitude towards those not picked up is absolutely arrogant. Dont act like you're the hottest thing on this plannet because you got picked up OTS...:rotfl:

Not to mention, i'm not even sure how you're able to link good and being picked up. What does that have anything to do with it? Here how about this, have fun at ZNY. Hope you dont ever washout.

Maybe you should talk to some more controllers, how about those that have washed out. I had a conversation with a controller from ZLA who is now at a surrounding airport. She washed out after 2 years. I think you just have your panties in a bunch that you're going to one of the busiest airspaces and you dont like people telling you that there is a good chance of washing out.
My goal is terminal, DSM level 7. With locality pay it tops out at 85k, not too bad for that area.

Sounds pretty nice.;)

My goal is ONT. Right in my backyard (10 minutes from the house) with an okay pay scale. Not to mention they receive air carriers while still being a level 6!:beer: