Offical PUBNAT 8 is OUT

Maria, it simply means we will be in OKC by the time those selections happen :laff:

Heh honestly in all the trend studying I've done on here, as much as I would like to think 7 is getting the show on the road, my better senses tell me they will combine 7 and 8 like they did 5/6 and 8 will be expedited of course with the new geoprefs in the application but they won't make selections until FY10 which is probably why they are saying Nov/Dec.

I would like nothing more then to have selections for 7 by September. I hate to say it but we can't deny the evidence of the way they "have" operated...

But...PUBNATs 5 & 6 closed within 1 month of each other (per J1252 in the Pubnat 5/6 forum):
5 closed 07/31/08
6 closed 08/29/08

PUBNATs 7 & 8 will close within 7 months! I'm not saying the pace for PUBNAT 7'ers will pick up, stay the same or slow down, but there doesn't seem to be much of a trend here. Everyone on this website has a different timeframe...boy oh boy...hurry up & wait is right! :insane:
But...PUBNATs 5 & 6 closed within 1 month of each other (per J1252 in the Pubnat 5/6 forum):
5 closed 07/31/08
6 closed 08/29/08

PUBNATs 7 & 8 will close within 7 months! I'm not saying the pace for PUBNAT 7'ers will pick up, stay the same or slow down, but there doesn't seem to be much of a trend here. Everyone on this website has a different timeframe...boy oh boy...hurry up & wait is right! :insane:

I think you misunderstood me, or maybe I wasn't clear... Yes they closed that long apart but the selections took place at the same time it looks like... I wasn't talking about application I was talking about the panels selection :) PUBNAT 7 closed in December and this one closes July 17th or something so they are about that far apart but yet everything the FAA is saying leads people to believe 8 will be fast tracked and put in line with 7, just like 5 and 6. I'm not making dates in fact the time frame I talk about is much more realistic compared to some of them floating around here. I am a realist and would rather be caught talking about a date way passed the expectations because at least then I can only be excited instead of disappointed. Luckily I have school to keep me busy. I do feel sorry for the people who don't have a lot going right now as I could see how this wait would drive someone mad! :insane: I still think it's all part of the hiring process lol They're just testing out the field :P
I think you misunderstood me, or maybe I wasn't clear... Yes they closed that long apart but the selections took place at the same time it looks like... I wasn't talking about application I was talking about the panels selection :) PUBNAT 7 closed in December and this one closes July 17th or something so they are about that far apart but yet everything the FAA is saying leads people to believe 8 will be fast tracked and put in line with 7, just like 5 and 6. :P

I see...I was referring to the fact that 7 & 8 will close so far apart from each other (as opposed to 5 & 6 being so so close) I don't see lining those two together; panels selecting at the same time (no matter whether 8 will be some type of record breaking time or not). Again, I'm not voting for either route, just contrasting, not seeing a comparison. :)

But on a lighter note: "...yet everything the FAA is saying leads people to believe..." What has the FAA said to you lately? I am patiently waiting on that GeoPref contact! :D
I also believe that 8 will be placed along with 7 - so there shouldn't me a very long wait for those who recently applied. I just hope I get through - it's a long shot, but I would at least like a chance to take the AT-SAT.
Do we wait till the closing date of PUBNAT 8 (and possibly long after) to get a date to take the AT-SAT test?
For me, it was 5 months from the time my first pubnat closed until I took my AT-SAT. It was another 3 after that till my geoprefs email came, and another 6 weeks after that till panels were held.

pubnat 7 is just now taking the AT-SAT. A month behind in reference to my time line, and my time line has been slower than pubnats before me. I would not be getting my hopes up for a speedy process if I were you.

pubnat 8 might get lucky in that by the time the announcment closes, pubnat 7 should be done testing. When I applied to Pubnat 5 they were still testing pubnat 3. I am fairly certain that this is the longest part of the process until you get your TOL.

Pubnat 7ers should not be hoping for a combined panel like 5/6 or else you are looking at probably another 9 months till they have panels.

just my $.02
True, but for us PUBNAT 8'ers, we're hoping for a combined panel cause then they'll be in gear and we can get a fast track since they'll feel bad for making 7 wait.

Or at least mentally that's what I'm thinking. This is the FAA, they have no problem with slow and claiming cheap, while they spent a crap load of cash on trips and food.
Where are pubnat 5/6 people at with their process?

Do you think PUB 8 folks will be tested in less then 6 months?
Pubnat 5/6 is in the process of getting TOLs, some of us have them, some of us don't. A lot of people stopped posting here after the invites finished going out in June.
As far as testing goes, I am saying there is hope you might get tested sooner, since pubnat 7 should be done testing soon, and when I applied, there were 2 whole pubnats ahead of me in the testing line.
Our AT-SAT was two months after 4 closed. Then 3 months to geo-pref and 4 months to Panels.

I think that 8 will be tested quite soon and am hoping (although loftily) that we might actually go to panels by the projected Nov/Dec time line. Either 7 folks can expect selection within the next 6 months. 6 months from AT-SAT to selection is nothing to scoff at.

I think I need to note that 7 has taken a very very very long time. Although it was not normal for a PUBNAT to take 6 months+, we have to get used to it because it seems to be the new format. One in summer and one in winter

Maria! I spoke to Chicago this morning!

Chicago ARTCC: 40-50 slots for FY 2010!

Although that does mean that if 7 goes to selection before October that you might go somewhere else.

And you know it's not actually in Chicago right? It's in Aurora.

You guys know that right!? None of these ARTCC are actually in their major city...they are just close to it.

Maria! I spoke to Chicago this morning!

Chicago ARTCC: 40-50 slots for FY 2010!

Although that does mean that if 7 goes to selection before October that you might go somewhere else.

And you know it's not actually in Chicago right? It's in Aurora.

You guys know that right!? None of these ARTCC are actually in their major city...they are just close to it.

Yes, it's in Aurora! I did a tour - love it:love:

THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!! VERY EXCITING!!!:blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss:
That there be Hampton

Denver ARTCC: 54 slots for FY 2010!

woohoo! I'm having a little party inside

The other centers remain illusive. You can only call and leave your name so many times. Also Seattle ATM won't be back until next week. Urg!
Yeah, if anyone finds out about ZDC or IAD tower I'd like to know. I love that area. It's pricey, but you make the big bucks there.

Maria! I spoke to Chicago this morning!

Chicago ARTCC: 40-50 slots for FY 2010!

Although that does mean that if 7 goes to selection before October that you might go somewhere else.

And you know it's not actually in Chicago right? It's in Aurora.

You guys know that right!? None of these ARTCC are actually in their major city...they are just close to it.

ZAU, ZHU, ZNY and ZAB usually have a good amount of slots due to their higher wash out rates compared to the other centers. A lot of people don't know about the Functional Training that these places do. A real eye
Yeah, if anyone finds out about ZDC or IAD tower I'd like to know. I love that area. It's pricey, but you make the big bucks there.

Forget the big bucks part, you wont be making big bucks if you wash out! Guys, it's not as easy as everyone may be thinking. Training at a level 12 is no walk in the park. Hell, over here at LAX, they havent had 1 OTS become CPC. And it's only a 10 right now....