Offical PUBNAT 8 is OUT

Washington D.C. ARTCC (actually in Virginia): They are short staffed and hard to staff. They only have 6-8 hires waiting for training right now.

Well, I successfully found the United States option, and Throughout the Nation. But I selected that for all 10 Duty Locations. I didn't want to leave anything blank and per the instructions. I'm hoping for Potomac Tracon, though b/c I live down the street. Should I change the second duty location to Virginia, put Vint Hill as the city and leave the rest blank?
Well I've applied to PUBNAT8 and here's to hoping that I don't have to wait for PUBNAT8 to get through the process! :beer:
You guys and gals know if this looks right?

"The section(s) listed below contain question(s) without answers. To answer the question(s) in a section, click on the section name to go directly to that section or click the "Edit User Information" button below.

Please ensure that any unanswered questions in these sections are appropriate and intentional. It may be appropriate to leave a question unanswered in certain situations, e.g., when the instructions indicate that you may skip a question(s). "

I filled these two sections out but it keeps saying that Im missing information....anyone else run into this?

Also is it ok to go back and edit information on your application after you already submitted it? As long as it says "Submitted" by the close of the announcement?
You guys and gals know if this looks right?

"The section(s) listed below contain question(s) without answers. To answer the question(s) in a section, click on the section name to go directly to that section or click the "Edit User Information" button below.

Please ensure that any unanswered questions in these sections are appropriate and intentional. It may be appropriate to leave a question unanswered in certain situations, e.g., when the instructions indicate that you may skip a question(s). "

I filled these two sections out but it keeps saying that Im missing information....anyone else run into this?

Also is it ok to go back and edit information on your application after you already submitted it? As long as it says "Submitted" by the close of the announcement?

What web browser are you using?
Ya, you can edit it up til the time the announcement closes, just be sure to redo those last few questions to "certify" it or whatever and then re-submit it.

Atlanta ARTCC: 80 Slots

Minneapolis ARTCC: No positions available until FY 2011

Cleveland ARTCC: Still hiring continuously

Memphis ARTCC: 25 slots

Houston ARTCC: "We are always trying to bring people in, but there is no way to anticipate how many" Uh yeah...don't believe that one since the other ATMs could tell me exactly how many slots they were given.

That's all I got for now.

Beware of leaving messages. Cleveland woke me up this morning at 4 AM
Internet Explorer

Well if you haven't already I would save it then completely restart the browser/ASAP, if it still doesn't work, try deleting your temporary internet files and cookies. I know how everyone hates doing that so if you don't want to you can download Firefox and try it with that, at least then you would know if it's truly an ASAP problem and not a confused browser :dunno:
Mine said there was a problem with the Military section. I'm going to go back and make sure nothing went wacky. :crazy: I use Firefox. So if it is still messed up I'll know it isn't my fault.

Edit: The Military section has places you are supposed to leave unanswered if you haven't served, and that is what was calling attention to that area.

Beware of leaving messages. Cleveland woke me up this morning at 4 AM

Yeah, but that's 6am their time...when shift starts. OR they were just being smart alecs.

But seriously, even though I'm not applying for PUB 8, you are doing a lot of work for people, especially those who are going through this for the first time and don't even know where to begin. :clap: You are making a lot of people VERY happy.
The section(s) listed below contain question(s) without answers. To answer the question(s) in a section, click on the section name to go directly to that section or click the "Edit User Information" button below.


Please ensure that any unanswered questions in these sections are appropriate and intentional. It may be appropriate to leave a question unanswered in certain situations, e.g., when the instructions indicate that you may skip a question(s).

Anybody else seeing that when you click the submitted link under Applications page ?
The section(s) listed below contain question(s) without answers. To answer the question(s) in a section, click on the section name to go directly to that section or click the "Edit User Information" button below.


Please ensure that any unanswered questions in these sections are appropriate and intentional. It may be appropriate to leave a question unanswered in certain situations, e.g., when the instructions indicate that you may skip a question(s).

Anybody else seeing that when you click the submitted link under Applications page ?
Go back into ASAP and under User Information and check that all the info in those sections is correct. Also check to make sure any questions left unanswered were intentional.
What was the mistake?

Well when i do any 'normal' application yo ustart with the most recent job and work back. But because that didn't give me the '3 years' they said i couldn't get the geoprefs like i should have earlier this year, my score was good enough for it
Yeah, but that's 6am their time...when shift starts. OR they were just being smart alecs.

But seriously, even though I'm not applying for PUB 8, you are doing a lot of work for people, especially those who are going through this for the first time and don't even know where to begin. :clap: You are making a lot of people VERY happy.

No problem...I need to do this just for my own piece of mind before we submit. Before we just chose the two states we wouldn't hate...not that I have to pick 9 (!) and there are 19 to choose from. Well...I'm not letting us get passed over again.

BTW...funny story. The ATM from Atlanta couldn't BELIEVE that there was a single person out there with a WQ score who didn't have a job within a few months. He was just flabbergasted when I told him that there were literally thousands of OTS waiting. He also confirmed for me that it is an unwritten rule that he never takes people with a Q score.

I'm pretty surprised at how different the ATMs act. Some of them are asking "Why are you calling me" and think it's quite inappropriate from me to be asking about things they could not possible disclose. But the ATM at Memphis ARTCC actually chatted with me on the phone while she went in to check her email and confirm the hard numbers. She congratulated me for being so bright an showing initiative. Then off the top of her head she tried to tell me all the centers she knew of that were and were not hiring.

So I guess that even though I'm calling around for ya...I would call too for that center you really want. If the ATM is a dick to you...rethink it maybe? But if not...they will really love to hear that you want to go there. Give them your name....a few times.