Offical PUBNAT 8 is OUT

:clap::clap::rawk::rawk: YAYYY FOR ME!!!:rawk::rawk::clap::clap:
Finally got my email. Testing in Anderson, IN slated for Nov 2-20th.
I picked Nov 6th. Good Luck All...
Called Robinson today, taking it at St. Charles, IL on the 20th.

Any advantages to earlier vs. later?
Called Robinson today, taking it at St. Charles, IL on the 20th.

Any advantages to earlier vs. later?

Negative. The earlier you take it, the longer you wait for your Geo Pref. The later you take it, the more nervous you get about all the scores being posted. It doesn't make a bit of difference score or order of operations wise.
Taking it tomorrow in Fullerton CA, Im so nervous I cant sleep...

SLEEP You!!!

Or risk not even making it to Qualified because the drool from you sleeping during the test shorted out the keyboard....:drool:
Or even worse yet, everybody fails because they can't hear their planes crashing over your snoring.:p

pretty sure I didnt do too well on the math portion, guessed on the letter factory questions, and got a little behind with the Scan, but I'm happy with my overall score!

Didnt crash any planes. lol
OMG i take my test in the morning.... I am so nervous. I am more worried about crashing planes then anything.... i didnt prepare for the ASVAB test to get into the army and i scored a 98. This test sounds so similar hopefully I'm ok.
Anybody know any good prayers say one for me.....:insane:
OMG i take my test in the morning.... I am so nervous. I am more worried about crashing planes then anything.... i didnt prepare for the ASVAB test to get into the army and i scored a 98. This test sounds so similar hopefully I'm ok.
Anybody know any good prayers say one for me.....:insane:

Wowwww......Good Luck!!! Don't oversleep, you'll do great :D
:yup: :clap::clap: :yup:. Total congrats!!!!

Thank you!

...and some advice to you guys that are waiting to take it: dont over stress like i did! Its just like Rostafari (i think i spelled it right?) explained it in his thread. here:

I didnt have the "green" book, i just played the Jeremy Justice games online. review your multiplication tables (for the mental math) and just get a good nights sleep. I was kinda tired while taking my test since I slept like 3 hours the night before. i may have done better if I had just relaxed a little.

Anyway, good luck to the rest of the PUBNAT8 group!
OMG i take my test in the morning.... I am so nervous. I am more worried about crashing planes then anything.... i didnt prepare for the ASVAB test to get into the army and i scored a 98. This test sounds so similar hopefully I'm ok.
Anybody know any good prayers say one for me.....:insane:

its a little different than the ASVAB because of the games (letter factory, scan, and ATC scenarios). About the only thing thats similar to the ASVAB is the analogies section, but I thought the ATSAT analogies were more challenging.

Anyway, it IS an aptitude test, so dont stress! GOOD LUCK!
anyone in the dallas area waiting to be scheduled for the AT-SAT!? from what i gather, it looks like more e-mails are going to be going out soon. any tips? i think i'm ok with the math ... but what about everything else?

a friend of mine is a leasing agent at an apartment complex where a lot of trainees live; there's actually a trainer that lives there, and he passed a message through my friend to me saying there's really no way to study.

ppl who've taken the test already: is that true?
Wow, took the Test on Friday and just have to say this! Don't care, there is no way in hell anyone could every get a 100 on the test! All I know is everyone that took the test with me walked out feeling like sh!!. Can't wait to see my score!!!!!!!!!!
FYI to anyone in the DFW area ... just called and received word that we're actually the last to test lol. i don't know if that is good or bad. either way, we'll be testing from December 1st-16th, so our e-mails will go out next month. it seems like a long time, but i suppose it's more time to prepare & play games!!