Offical PUBNAT 8 is OUT

Ok I got my score for the AT-SAT....................................................

95.6 :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

I can't believe it. I know i aced the math the dials and the angles i did ok on the scan and letter factory..... i know i bombed the analogies and i crashed so many planes i was laughin my asss off at my own self. i scored a 36 55 76 and a 46 or something like that. when i got the 36 i crashed no planes but it took me longer to get the planes where they needed to go. when i got the 76 i crashed like four planes or more but the rest where they needed to be quicker.

i can only conclude that maybe the math weighs more heavily in your grading then i thought.

Nice job; how hard was the math section? pretty nervous about that part.
the more people that get 90's the more i feel that im not good enough. i got a WQ score of 87, but it's still lower than a lot of people on here. the wait begins....
the more people that get 90's the more i feel that im not good enough. i got a WQ score of 87, but it's still lower than a lot of people on here. the wait begins....
I only got an 85.4 and I was still selected. As long as your score in the WQ range your odds of being picked are the same as someone who scored a 100.

If I wasn't crazy before I am now. Honestly I felt like I bombed big time....
The only thing I'm sure I did well on is the dials and the math and the angles... I found those to be easy as pie..............
So now the wait........

Oh i took my test today in Pittsburgh......
Out of 15 14 showed. id say one third to half were OTS a few grads from school the rest idk.

I'm looking at your signature and you took the test on 10/19... yesterday!?!?!?!? You already got your score?!?!?!?

I just took mine at Pitt today so hopefully mine is posted tomorrow!
Thanks for the info guys!

I was just wondering about those questions because those are some of the practice questions on and they seemed real easy. Some are harder but those seemed a little to easy to me.

the new problems you put down were all divisable by 6 to get miles per minute. Are most the math problems like that?


The answer is no.
Another example will be an aircraft is flying 100 GS, how many miles has the aircraft traveled in 2 hrs 40 mins?

This example has nothing to do with dividable by 6.
The answer is no.
Another example will be an aircraft is flying 100 GS, how many miles has the aircraft traveled in 2 hrs 40 mins?

This example has nothing to do with dividable by 6.


Thanks! I guess I ment to ask if most are easy to do in your head. I have a aviation background so that question you mentioned was very easy to do in my head.
Nice job; how hard was the math section? pretty nervous about that part.

It really wasn't that bad.

At the top of every math question is the formula " ground speed = true airspeed + tailwind or - headwind. "
all the time is military and zulu.

questions might say....
if a plane is at 24,000 feet at 1400Z and descended at a rate of 1,000 feet per minute. and the plane is traveling at 250 knots. what time will it be when the plane is at 12,000 feet.

simple as that and the speed of the plane is useless info.

If a plane has a tailwind of 25 knots and the plane is traveling at 225 ground airspeed then how long will it take it to go 550 miles???

simple again the tailwind is useless info.....

the most difficult problem involved dividing 505 by 185.

hope this helps.......
It really wasn't that bad.

At the top of every math question is the formula " ground speed = true airspeed + tailwind or - headwind. "
all the time is military and zulu.

questions might say....
if a plane is at 24,000 feet at 1400Z and descended at a rate of 1,000 feet per minute. and the plane is traveling at 250 knots. what time will it be when the plane is at 12,000 feet.

simple as that and the speed of the plane is useless info.

If a plane has a tailwind of 25 knots and the plane is traveling at 225 ground airspeed then how long will it take it to go 550 miles???

simple again the tailwind is useless info.....

the most difficult problem involved dividing 505 by 185.

hope this helps.......[/QUOTE

Thank you, It does help, but I'm trying to find a good way to do this in my head, I'm ok on paper, but lose it when I have to try it in my head.

Thanks! I guess I ment to ask if most are easy to do in your head. I have a aviation background so that question you mentioned was very easy to do in my head.

I have an aviation background too, but I think the questions are really more on your maths skill. Yes, they are pretty easy to me. There are a few that can't come up with an answer right away because the answer will end up like 2 hrs 18 mins. But just a few of those.

Don't worry too much :)

60 kt gs = 1 nm/min
120 kt gs = 2nm/min
180 kt gs = 3nm/min
240 kt gs = 4nm/min

Work with 60's, not 6's... it gets too hard. If it takes too long, round, then figure out the difference. Like, if Plane A is travelling at 110 kts, how far will it travel in 30 minutes. Well, either do 1/2 of 110, so 55, or 120/ (60/30) = 60 - (10/2) = 55.

Ok, that's a complicated one, but if you do it with 60's, 6 minutes is 1/10 of an hour. It makes it a bit easier in the end.
so i spoke with an individual today closely kept in the loop when it comes to the selections by managers in Oklahoma City. It seems as if there was supposed to be one that was going to occur in either Sept-October and she said that it was cancelled or pushed off but didn't offer a reason. Anyhow, she said that it may not necessarily slow things down for us though as we still have the opportunity to get sent to the facility after simply proceeding through the process the standard way as opposed to relying on that facility director to select your name when they go to OKC. Anybody with points of contacts feel free to pursue those points to verify whether or not this is true if you please. I would LOVE for someone to prove otherwise...
so i spoke with an individual today closely kept in the loop when it comes to the selections by managers in Oklahoma City. It seems as if there was supposed to be one that was going to occur in either Sept-October and she said that it was cancelled or pushed off but didn't offer a reason. Anyhow, she said that it may not necessarily slow things down for us though as we still have the opportunity to get sent to the facility after simply proceeding through the process the standard way as opposed to relying on that facility director to select your name when they go to OKC. Anybody with points of contacts feel free to pursue those points to verify whether or not this is true if you please. I would LOVE for someone to prove otherwise...

This is a very confusing post. The bolded section, in particular.

Simply proceeding through the process is the slow/standard part, and all PUBNAT applicants are selected at panels (OKC). The only applicants who are not subjected to panel meetings are CTO's.
Your contact gave you correct information regarding the cancellation of the Sept-October panels, and it was common knowledge on the board here (see PUB 7 thread). The panel is now scheduled for the week of Oct. 26, and they will be selecting from VRA/CTI/PUBNAT 7 applicants. Does this mean that your PUBNAT (8) will be delayed? No. What it does mean is that ya'll will continue in the standard chronological time line that all the previous PUBNATS have been subjected to.

This does not come from a direct contact but from my own experience in this hiring procedure (selected from PUB 6 over a year ago) and observations of previous PUBNATS.
so i spoke with an individual today closely kept in the loop when it comes to the selections by managers in Oklahoma City. It seems as if there was supposed to be one that was going to occur in either Sept-October and she said that it was cancelled or pushed off but didn't offer a reason. Anyhow, she said that it may not necessarily slow things down for us though as we still have the opportunity to get sent to the facility after simply proceeding through the process the standard way as opposed to relying on that facility director to select your name when they go to OKC. Anybody with points of contacts feel free to pursue those points to verify whether or not this is true if you please. I would LOVE for someone to prove otherwise...

As long as we're giving you crap...utamav uses the same avatar as you. Of course I can't make you change yours....but I can stare at you and make you feel real uncomfortable until you do.
those that have taken the test, how much does that "6" or "60" rule come in to play in the math section? I take the test tomorrow, and am just trying to study, and I don't want to get into something that will lead me down the wrong path.
As long as we're giving you crap...utamav uses the same avatar as you. Of course I can't make you change yours....but I can stare at you and make you feel real uncomfortable until you do.

It was an avatar I used on another forum. I just uploaded it as soon as I joined here. I did notice a similar one after being on here for a while, but i think the message on theirs says something different if I remember correctly.

Sooooooooooooo....I guess the stare down starts
Simply proceeding through the process is the slow/standard part, and all PUBNAT applicants are selected at panels (OKC). The only applicants who are not subjected to panel meetings are CTO's.
Your contact gave you correct information regarding the cancellation of the Sept-October panels, and it was common knowledge on the board here (see PUB 7 thread). The panel is now scheduled for the week of Oct. 26, and they will be selecting from VRA/CTI/PUBNAT 7 applicants. Does this mean that your PUBNAT (8) will be delayed? No. What it does mean is that ya'll will continue in the standard chronological time line that all the previous PUBNATS have been subjected to.

This does not come from a direct contact but from my own experience in this hiring procedure (selected from PUB 6 over a year ago) and observations of previous PUBNATS.

Very useful information. Thanks a lot for that. She really did confuse me in that explanation but u offered a nice bit of clarity.
:dunno: are we there yet....

Ahhhh....reading this thread has just helped me relive the good old glory days as a pubnat 2er waiting to get hired:rawk:

Your day will come people.... :cwm27: well.... maybe

good luck
I have been wondering the same thing about the applied math section (dividing by 6 or 60). I've been using the practice exams from to study so I hope the actual test is similar to that. Also, there is a letter factory practice included in the exams on but it seems that I run out of room in the boxes at the bottom and some of the letters just have to fall through - I can't put them anywhere. Anyone else run into this?
As long as we're giving you crap...utamav uses the same avatar as you. Of course I can't make you change yours....but I can stare at you and make you feel real uncomfortable until you do.

Whee! Haze the new guy!

Also, um, to get picked up at the selection panels, you're gonna need to pick this ping pong ball up with your butt cheeks, go around the chairs three times, and drop it into that beer stein over there.