Offical PUBNAT 8 is OUT

took the test on friday and got my score back. got a 87. is that good enough? A lot of people on here got over 90. Would have done better if my eye wasn't infected and i could see more clearly. especially on the scan and scenario. lol.
took the test on friday and got my score back. got a 87. is that good enough? A lot of people on here got over 90. Would have done better if my eye wasn't infected and i could see more clearly. especially on the scan and scenario. lol.

Yup....your fine. Anything 85 and over is considered Well Qualified or WQ.
I scheduled my ATSAT last week but my ASAP page hasn't been updated with any info, is that normal?
Hey all! Just finished the test in San Francisco earlier today. Whew! Glad that's over! :insane:

We had about 15 people take the test in our group, with a notable amount of people being pilots from regional carriers. I think I was the only flight attendant. I agree completely with scsu54: I felt like crap about my performance! I hope that's just me being on hard on myself and not complete reality, lol! I had the hardest time with the math. I've never been fast at mental math so even though I get the answers right, I feel like other people reach the answer faster than me. I ran out of time with a few problems left. :(

The other tricky spot for me was the ATC scenarios. I can't believe someone on here called that enjoyable! I will say though that it is much more manageable than the CD or online versions!

I think I actually did pretty good with the letter factory, which surprised me because it was the only game I wasn't able to practice beforehand. They give you lots of practice time with that one so that you're comfortable with it.

For everyone here waiting to take the test, best of luck! Try not to stress and remember that this site can be a blessing and a curse. It's great to give you an idea of what to expect but it can also set you up for disappointment after you've seen all the people on here with high AT-SAT scores and you feel like you're not measuring up to that when you're taking it yourself. Relax, do your best and don't worry about trying to measure up to someone's score on here.

Now time for a cocktail... :beer:

If I wasn't crazy before I am now. Honestly I felt like I bombed big time....
The only thing I'm sure I did well on is the dials and the math and the angles... I found those to be easy as pie..............
So now the wait........

Oh i took my test today in Pittsburgh......
Out of 15 14 showed. id say one third to half were OTS a few grads from school the rest idk.
Hey all! Just finished the test in San Francisco earlier today. Whew! Glad that's over! :insane:

We had about 15 people take the test in our group, with a notable amount of people being pilots from regional carriers. I think I was the only flight attendant. I agree completely with scsu54: I felt like crap about my performance! I hope that's just me being on hard on myself and not complete reality, lol! I had the hardest time with the math. I've never been fast at mental math so even though I get the answers right, I feel like other people reach the answer faster than me. I ran out of time with a few problems left. :(

The other tricky spot for me was the ATC scenarios. I can't believe someone on here called that enjoyable! I will say though that it is much more manageable than the CD or online versions!

I think I actually did pretty good with the letter factory, which surprised me because it was the only game I wasn't able to practice beforehand. They give you lots of practice time with that one so that you're comfortable with it.

For everyone here waiting to take the test, best of luck! Try not to stress and remember that this site can be a blessing and a curse. It's great to give you an idea of what to expect but it can also set you up for disappointment after you've seen all the people on here with high AT-SAT scores and you feel like you're not measuring up to that when you're taking it yourself. Relax, do your best and don't worry about trying to measure up to someone's score on here.

Now time for a cocktail... :beer:
Do you remember any of the math at all. I would have to say that it is the part I'm most worried about.

I take it this Friday, and am getting a bit nervous, and studying like crazy.

If I wasn't crazy before I am now. Honestly I felt like I bombed big time....
The only thing I'm sure I did well on is the dials and the math and the angles... I found those to be easy as pie..............
So now the wait........

Oh i took my test today in Pittsburgh......
Out of 15 14 showed. id say one third to half were OTS a few grads from school the rest idk.

O M G !!! You guys that took it already are scaring me.....:eek:
O M G !!! You guys that took it already are scaring me.....:eek:

Only thing i can say is practice the scan the letter factory and the AT scenarios. the scan isn't bad if you have good hand eye coordination and eye movement. The letter factory was easy except being able to answer the all of a sudden questions.
The AT scenarios........... i digress. the analogies only make sense if you are a good candidate for being committed.

feather : hen campus:???????????????????????

garden: density Lamp:??????????
...GOT to be kidding me.

fraid not........ i pride myself at being good at word problems and reading and comprehension test. even a test that has normal analogies but this one took the cake..... i was like wth does that have to do with anything. they can either have the same meaning, opposite meaning, three letters common, or the same sound, but still it made me wanna :insane::insane::insane::insane:...
Only thing i can say is practice the scan the letter factory and the AT scenarios. the scan isn't bad if you have good hand eye coordination and eye movement. The letter factory was easy except being able to answer the all of a sudden questions.
The AT scenarios........... i digress. the analogies only make sense if you are a good candidate for being committed.

feather : hen campus:???????????????????????

garden: density Lamp:??????????

i had both these questions! i don't remember the answer though. but for the second one. both garden and density have EN in it so you would look for AM in your choice of answers.

the math is pretty much like the green book. the angle section confused me a bit because unlike the green book there were some angles over 180

I thought the letter factory questions were hard, i guessed on most of them. just remember to replenish your boxes when you have 1 left. Also, don't worry if you do bad on the Scenario i got a ~50/100 efficiency on most of them an still managed an 87 overall.

if you have the green book, the games run a lot slower.
FYI to anyone in the DFW area ... just called and received word that we're actually the last to test lol. i don't know if that is good or bad. either way, we'll be testing from December 1st-16th, so our e-mails will go out next month. it seems like a long time, but i suppose it's more time to prepare & play games!!

Oooh, thanks for that update... I'm in the area, and I've been starting to get a bit anxious. Wonder why we're last? :\
Hey guys and gals for those of you who have taken the test are there really questions on the AT-SAT like...

-An airplane is traveling between airport A and airport B at 80 KTAS, with a 10 knot headwind. What is the airplane’s GS?

-An airplane is traveling at a GS of 210 knots. How long will it take the airplane to travel 7 NM(s)?

-An airplane is traveling at a GS of 600 Knots. How many nautical miles will the airplane travel in 1 hour 7 minutes?

-An airplane is traveling between airport A and airport B at 90 KTAS, with a 15 knot tailwind. What is the airplane’s GS?

These seem really easy. Maybe thats a good thing if these are on the real test.......
-An airplane is traveling between airport A and airport B at 80 KTAS, with a 10 knot headwind. What is the airplane’s GS? <<< No, too easy!

More like: An airplane is traveling between airport A and airport B at 80 KTAS, with a 10 knot headwind. Airport A and Airport B is 420 miles apart, how long will the airplane take to travel from A to B.

-An airplane is traveling at a GS of 210 knots. How long will it take the airplane to travel 7 NM(s)? <<< No, too easy!

More like: An airplane is traveling at a GS of 210 knots. How long will it take the airplane to travel 560 NM(s)?

-An airplane is traveling at a GS of 600 Knots. How many nautical miles will the airplane travel in 1 hour 7 minutes? <<< Yes

-An airplane is traveling between airport A and airport B at 90 KTAS, with a 15 knot tailwind. What is the airplane’s GS? <<< No, too easy
-An airplane is traveling between airport A and airport B at 80 KTAS, with a 10 knot headwind. What is the airplane’s GS? <<< No, too easy!

More like: An airplane is traveling between airport A and airport B at 80 KTAS, with a 10 knot headwind. Airport A and Airport B is 420 miles apart, how long will the airplane take to travel from A to B.

-An airplane is traveling at a GS of 210 knots. How long will it take the airplane to travel 7 NM(s)? <<< No, too easy!

More like: An airplane is traveling at a GS of 210 knots. How long will it take the airplane to travel 560 NM(s)?

-An airplane is traveling at a GS of 600 Knots. How many nautical miles will the airplane travel in 1 hour 7 minutes? <<< Yes

-An airplane is traveling between airport A and airport B at 90 KTAS, with a 15 knot tailwind. What is the airplane’s GS? <<< No, too easy

yup... thats right! I kept reaching for my E6B or scratch paper... but nooo, controllers do this stuff in thier head I guess lol
Thanks for the info guys!

I was just wondering about those questions because those are some of the practice questions on and they seemed real easy. Some are harder but those seemed a little to easy to me.

the new problems you put down were all divisable by 6 to get miles per minute. Are most the math problems like that?

If the DFW area is the last to test, i think ab out a month or two after we should be receiving GeoPrefs emails, least thats how its usually been happening
Just took the test today, crashed 2 planes on the ATC scenarios and didnt get higher than a 60% on any of them. The letter factory isn't that bad, but the questions that pop up are impossible. Don't waste your time practicing the letter factory with the software that comes with the green book. The rest is pretty much identical to the green book questions. Good luck to anybody else taking it!
Ok I got my score for the AT-SAT....................................................

95.6 :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

I can't believe it. I know i aced the math the dials and the angles i did ok on the scan and letter factory..... i know i bombed the analogies and i crashed so many planes i was laughin my asss off at my own self. i scored a 36 55 76 and a 46 or something like that. when i got the 36 i crashed no planes but it took me longer to get the planes where they needed to go. when i got the 76 i crashed like four planes or more but the rest where they needed to be quicker.

i can only conclude that maybe the math weighs more heavily in your grading then i thought.