Offical PUBNAT 8 is OUT

And how did it go? Also I have a question for all of you out there; have any of you been able to find a link to the letter factory that one could download to practice? I have the Jeremy Justice link, but thats just he scan and senarios.

I searched the boards here and on SM when I was preparing for the test and found absolutely no good helpers for the letter factory. The CD with the green book has a super-wonky version that simulates how you actually put the letters in the boxes, but nothing can recreate the horrible memory questions they ask you. The one good thing about that section is the fact that they give you a TON of practice time before you do that section. They seriously force you to read and practice every little detail of what you're going to do for a combined 20+ minutes. So basically read what you can about it, but since there really isn't a good practice for it, concentrate more on the other sections (like scenarios and math)
can you get the scan to work? it doesn't load for me. i tried w both of my laptops (windows/ apple)
No, I can't thats was something else I was going to ask, I did have it working at one point, but now it just comes up, but I can not type anything. The senarios works fine.
can you get the scan to work? it doesn't load for me. i tried w both of my laptops (windows/ apple)

Make sure you try to run it with Internet Explorer. I could never get it to work with Firefox (I assume the problem would be the same if you use Safari on the Mac)
ATSAT for Grand Forks, ND. The ASAP announcement listed Grand Forks, ND. It is NOT done by Robinson Aviation. I'm pretty sure it's by UND Aerospace, but my contact hasn't gotten back to me as to when that would be.
I searched the boards here and on SM when I was preparing for the test and found absolutely no good helpers for the letter factory. The CD with the green book has a super-wonky version that simulates how you actually put the letters in the boxes, but nothing can recreate the horrible memory questions they ask you. The one good thing about that section is the fact that they give you a TON of practice time before you do that section. They seriously force you to read and practice every little detail of what you're going to do for a combined 20+ minutes. So basically read what you can about it, but since there really isn't a good practice for it, concentrate more on the other sections (like scenarios and math)
yeah, thanks for the advice, that seems to be the thoughts amoung alot of people on here. I'm a bit rusty in the math department, so I have been spending alot of time there lately. Any tips on that part?
yeah, thanks for the advice, that seems to be the thoughts among a lot of people on here. I'm a bit rusty in the math department, so I have been spending a lot of time there lately. Any tips on that part?

Here are some things I did to prepare for the math section:
1. Pretend you're back in elementary school and re-memorize the basic multiplication tables
2. Review some basic minute to decimal conversions (i.e. 6 min = 0.1 hrs, 10 min = 0.16 hrs, 15 min = 0.25 hrs)
3. Review some mile per hour to mile per minute conversions (180 mph = 3 mpm, 300 mph = 5 mpm)
4. Practice doing any math you can in your head. When I started reviewing, I'd make simple errors trying to multiply or divide numbers in my head. Even if you just do 5 problems a day from the green or white book, you'll be set in no time.
I called Robinson today regarding the Baltimore AT SAT testing. I didnt receive the warmest welcome, nor did I receive any substantial information regarding the time frame for emails.

Someone last week said they called and were told emails were coming this week. However, all the guy could tell me is that they are going out before December.......not very helpful.

Patience is the name of the game....
my test is on Friday! im getting a bit anxious and nervous. Such a hassle that i have to fly down to San Francisco to take this. :(
my test is on monday however, i was lucky enough to get a local testing center..still pretty nervous though..getting ease from those that said they did not prepare...and im preparing..LOL
Just received ATSAT invite for Illinois -- Being held in St. Charles Nov. 3-20. Getting ready to call and schedule for the 3rd!
I just got my e-mail for Chicago. Only catch is Grand Forks is listed on the application, and apparently that's wrong. Called FAA career division and the lady who answered was not very helpful, or polite. She did spend a few minutes with me but didn't seem to get the idea.

Anyone else I'm able to talk to, anyone have an e-mail or a contact?