Offical PUBNAT 8 is OUT

I have taken the At-Sat and honestly, the book is not going to help you as much as you think. It will give you a good idea, but as far as the actual disk that comes with it...a lot of the examples are different enough that it could actually hurt you on the test. My best advice I can give everyone is to read the thread "everything you need to know about the at/sat" and go to to practice the scans and atc scenarios portion. That other thread will give you some great help.
this thread seems to have been very useful for those that applied for the PUBNAT8. One question I do have though is I noticed that some people apply for the next newest PUBNAT even after taking the AT-SAT and getting a score and there any benefit to that as opposed to waiting for the PUBNAT you applied for to go through its course?
this thread seems to have been very useful for those that applied for the PUBNAT8. One question I do have though is I noticed that some people apply for the next newest PUBNAT even after taking the AT-SAT and getting a score and there any benefit to that as opposed to waiting for the PUBNAT you applied for to go through its course?

The benefit is, if you are not picked up for this announcement or you do not want to accept the facility you are offered you still have opportunities in future PUBNATs. I was told by HR personally to keep applying until I recieve and accept a TOL.
7/17/09 - applied PUBNAT8
8/13/09 - AT-SAT authorized
10/1/09 - AT-SAT scheduling e-mail
10/26/09 - taking AT-SAT in Salt Lake City

Anyone know a fast way to get the Air Traffic Control Career Prep book (green book)? B & N and Amazon says it usually ships within 10-14 days which doesn't do me much good. I'm going to do as much prep as I can online but would like to get the book too. I'm located in Denver.

Read the stickied thread on here. It will give you a great idea of what to expect.

Also, play the Jeremy Justice game as often as possible. The thing about the math/dials/angles section is that you either have it or you don't. The math is a simple equation: D = Rate x Time. Angles are angles, and if you can drive, you should be able to read a dial. The only thing the book did for me was provide an idea of what the sections will consist of.

Good Luck.
I talked to Robinson earlier today about the scheduling for the DC/Baltimore area (the test is in Baltimore), and they said the emails should go out next week sometime.
Emails for NY Area have gone out and im reatking the test, took it last yr and scored a 80 but want a higher grade. Im taking it the 27th see you all there.
Like Jmpir117 mentioned, the e-mail just went out for me in New York. I will be taking it on the 17th of November.
Come on, INDY......I need a test date already.
Don't they know that the midwest is hardest hit by the recession.
We shoulda tested first. WAHHHH!!!! :wtf?:
Come on, INDY......I need a test date already.
Don't they know that the midwest is hardest hit by the recession.
We shoulda tested first. WAHHHH!!!! :wtf?:
Yeah..I called today and they gave me the same crap...the e-mails should go out sometime this week or next.

The lady told me testing is scheduled for November. :(
Yeah..I called today and they gave me the same crap...the e-mails should go out sometime this week or next.

The lady told me testing is scheduled for November. :(

They told me last monday that it would be last week or this week; neither of which has occurred. I stopped running atc scenarios to prepare. I'm getting really good at jeremy justice's version. Only thing i'm a lil worried about is letter factory. It sounds complicated from everyone's description of it. Especially since it's with the memory questions in the middle.
They told me last monday that it would be last week or this week; neither of which has occurred. I stopped running atc scenarios to prepare. I'm getting really good at jeremy justice's version. Only thing i'm a lil worried about is letter factory. It sounds complicated from everyone's description of it. Especially since it's with the memory questions in the middle.

don't stress over it too much. Just remember that in Jeremy's version, there is no refresh rate, but there IS a 7 sec refresh rate on the real thing.
and the ONLY thing that is hard on letter factory is the questions. the actual game is really easy and fun. good luck.
Just wanted to let everyone know I recieved my test score the day after I took the test.
And how did it go? Also I have a question for all of you out there; have any of you been able to find a link to the letter factory that one could download to practice? I have the Jeremy Justice link, but thats just he scan and senarios.
And how did it go? Also I have a question for all of you out there; have any of you been able to find a link to the letter factory that one could download to practice? I have the Jeremy Justice link, but thats just he scan and senarios.

can you get the scan to work? it doesn't load for me. i tried w both of my laptops (windows/ apple)