Offical PUBNAT 8 is OUT

Not a chance. There's some PUB 5/6 people that have already been given May/June class dates. You might receive your class date by Memorial weekend, but I wouldn't expect to be at the academy until after the summer.

Sorry, that was pretty negative of me. I guess it's just the 1 year and 2 months that I've already been waiting.

LOL its cool i was just kiddin in my guesstamations anyway... i really figure that i wont see OKC til next christmas. i just like to dream......
Awesome, I'll be honest here, I'm just ok at math, and so this applied math section has me a little worried. I have the ATC prep-book, and the letter factory, senarios, gauges, scan, and the analogies seem to be fairly easy.
If I already took the test for a previous announcement, I shouldn't be worried that I wasn't authorized for this one right?

Correct, your score is valid for 3 years. They have it on file and you do not need to take it again. It will still be listed on your ASAP page under the other information, test scores section IIRC.
Yeah if i dont get an email by next friday i am going to start to get worried too lol

When I talked to the scheduler at RVA he said that Chicago emails won't go out until the last week of October. I'm not sure about Texas though.
See there, this thread is nearly dead and dried up since everyone is getting their test dates squared away....MUST BE NICE!!!

Not me, though. I'll keep this thread alive since I still don't have one yet :(.

And when I get mine, I'm abandoning all of you :p

On a serious note...Good Luck Everyone!
See there, this thread is nearly dead and dried up since everyone is getting their test dates squared away....MUST BE NICE!!!

Not me, though. I'll keep this thread alive since I still don't have one yet :(.

And when I get mine, I'm abandoning all of you :p

On a serious note...Good Luck Everyone!
Any word on when eamils for you will be coming out? I will help you keep this alive somehow. I still have alot of questions going into this test.
Any word on Maryland?? or anything near DC??

I havent gotten my yet....should I be worried?

Don't freak out yet. There are a lot of areas that haven't tested yet. If you start getting a lil antsy, call Robinson Aviation. They can give you a general idea of when you'll be testing.
7/17/09 - applied PUBNAT8
8/13/09 - AT-SAT authorized
10/1/09 - AT-SAT scheduling e-mail
10/26/09 - taking AT-SAT in Salt Lake City

Anyone know a fast way to get the Air Traffic Control Career Prep book (green book)? B & N and Amazon says it usually ships within 10-14 days which doesn't do me much good. I'm going to do as much prep as I can online but would like to get the book too. I'm located in Denver.
You really ought to have started studying for it sooner.

Best advice I can give you is find out if you have a school that offers the ATC-CTI training and check their bookstore to see if the green book is required for their classes. Other than that, try to find some aviation bookstores in your area that might have it.

Either that or see if you can get Amazon to expedite the shipping.