Offical PUBNAT 8 is OUT

I live in Cleveland and requested Pittsburgh I know a couple people got their email about testing in Corapolis, PA last week.
I was told to choose between oct 6th and nov 9th i think. so there is still time. I would call if I were you.

I know that they are probably inundated with phone calls, though. I selected Michigan or Ohio for testing...stupid me. I haven't seen anyone from these areas say that they're testing yet. I'll give it til the end of this week. :whatever:
Hi all,

I'm in Phoenix, and just got an email to schedule a testing date in Fullerton, CA.

Woohoo first post

Congrats on your first post! :yup: Seriously though, this is a great thing...they told me to check back in a month for my next set of directions. I'm thinking we'll know the good (or bad) news about PEPC info just before the holidays! That should be a great gift!
I have called Robinson today, I was informed that I will not recieve my invite yet, but I was told I will recieve my invite in four weeks for Daytona. Just to let some of you know if you have not recieve your invites yet.
I have called Robinson today, I was informed that I will not recieve my invite yet, but I was told I will recieve my invite in four weeks for Daytona. Just to let some of you know if you have not recieve your invites yet.
That's good to know, I thought I was getting passed up here in Utah. So are they maybe just sending notices, where there are more applicants?
So I caved and called...testing for Indianapolis, IN (that's me!!!:)) Will start November 2nd. Emails should be going out this week or next.
So with this talk of testing going until thanksgiving or so anyone want to take a guess at when the geo prefs will come out????????

Im going to say..........1/25/2009
So with this talk of testing going until thanksgiving or so anyone want to take a guess at when the geo prefs will come out????????

Im going to say..........1/25/2009

They usually do a good job of sending it a month after the testing is done, that is the only thing they have been good on. But all you can do is hurry up and wait.
They usually do a good job of sending it a month after the testing is done, that is the only thing they have been good on. But all you can do is hurry up and wait.

I saw the month avg. on the pubnat timeline thread but does it seem like pubnat 8's testing will be going on a lot longer than past ones. Someone said IND testing will not start until Nov. sometime and last all month.

Guess there are more people applying to this one than the others.
So with this talk of testing going until thanksgiving or so anyone want to take a guess at when the geo prefs will come out????????

Im going to say..........1/25/2009

I would say between Christmas and 1/25/09 with Geo Prefs by
Valentines, PEPC by spring break and Class date by Memorial weekend....
When they send the testing dates out, is there any certain way they do it, or is it something that they do randomly? It seems the testing dates started to file in on the east coast then jumped, to the west coast and skipped everyone in between.
The testing is contracted out to Robinson Aviation, so it is probably based solely on when their different offices get around to sending off the emails.
I would say between Christmas and 1/25/09 with Geo Prefs by
Valentines, PEPC by spring break and Class date by Memorial weekend....

Not a chance. There's some PUB 5/6 people that have already been given May/June class dates. You might receive your class date by Memorial weekend, but I wouldn't expect to be at the academy until after the summer.

Sorry, that was pretty negative of me. I guess it's just the 1 year and 2 months that I've already been waiting.