Offical PUBNAT 8 is OUT

If big centers had such a high washout rate for OTSers, then why would they pick up OTSers to begin with? The answer is they wouldn't. There are plenty of ppl around here (some that currently work at centers) that say centers are BETTER equiped to handle developmentals because of the number of CPCs they employ and the ability to dedicate people to training, if you would like, I will go hunt for those posts and link them, but right now I have other things to do.

Stop telling people how they are going to wash out, if you were so good you would have been picked up for 5/6.

...because they need controllers at centers and experienced FAA controllers aren't bidding to centers because they have no incentive to bid up from other facilities. So for every 10 developmentals that come through a center, if 2-5 can check out, fantastic! Bring in 50 developmentals and hope that maybe 15-20 of them FPL...
When I interviewed I was told that ZNY had met their hiring goals for `09, that they employed 370 CPCs and developmentals, that they were expecting more retirements, and that they were authorized a total of 440 CPCs at full staffing. This is from the ZNY peronnel manager to me. He also said he had recently conducted about 18 interviews from pubnat 5/6. and had more to go, although I know at least a few of those were for potential hires at other facilities.

I was also told their developmentals had a high success rate.

Lol that doesn't surprise me when there are EDCTs and CFRs to EWR, LGA, and JFK from 0000-2359EST... Sarcasm...
True story... I was told you had to score at least a 90 to be considered for ZTL...

Was on approach talking to one of the controllers in ATL one slow evening (two weeks ago on 126.97), and I asked him when they get a referral list, do they see your actual test score or just WQ, Q. His trainer got on and told me that all they see is Q or WQ. They don't see the test scores at all.

Thats straight from a guy training a guy (in all likely hood sitting next to another guy) working in a dark room to a guy sitting in an airplane next to another guy with several other guys sitting behind him.

I don't, however, know about center as I only talk to them early in the AM's and they never give us a proper IFR release (and are always in a crappy mood) from an uncontrolled field.
Hi, I am new to this application process but very excited about the possibilities ahead. I have applied for PUBNAT 8 before the closing date, and like everyone else I am awaiting to be sent an email regarding when to take the AT-SAT. My question is what can we study for to prepare for the test meanwhile to achieve a WQ score?
By the way Good Luck to All!
Hi, I am new to this application process but very excited about the possibilities ahead. I have applied for PUBNAT 8 before the closing date, and like everyone else I am awaiting to be sent an email regarding when to take the AT-SAT. My question is what can we study for to prepare for the test meanwhile to achieve a WQ score?
By the way Good Luck to All!

The Green Book

Some people knock it...worked great for my hubby

Thank you for that post!! While waiting, it does not hurt to dig in, practice and study.

No prob...when you get tired of the sims locking up and giving you errors...these other guys can link you to all kinds that you can download online
The Green Book

Some people knock it...worked great for my hubby

I agree that the green book is the best thing out there (unfortunately that might be by default since there are so few choices.) I bought it and loved the CD (despite the bugs). I also used a different book I found at Borders. It has a better written description of each section, but I'd only recommend that you skim through it and don't actually buy it. Either way, read what everyone else has written here and at SM

Hi, I am new to this application process but very excited about the possibilities ahead. I have applied for PUBNAT 8 before the closing date, and like everyone else I am awaiting to be sent an email regarding when to take the AT-SAT. My question is what can we study for to prepare for the test meanwhile to achieve a WQ score?
By the way Good Luck to All!

Read this thread:

Get the Green Book!

Play these games:

Read thread on Pubnat 7.

I've studied alot for the test and IT DID HELP!!! Have fun:p
MariaChi-thanks for the info! :rawk:
Anyone knows the critieria to be selected to take the test?
I have more than ten years of full time work experience and a bachelor and associate degree. Will this alone qualify me to test?
I agree that the green book is the best thing out there (unfortunately that might be by default since there are so few choices.) I bought it and loved the CD (despite the bugs). I also used a different book I found at Borders. It has a better written description of each section, but I'd only recommend that you skim through it and don't actually buy it. Either way, read what everyone else has written here and at SM

I used this book as well and liked the reading more than that of the green book, but i used both. This book has 2 online practice tests that were pretty close to accurate. I would use either or both books and make sure to play the games at they were a huge help.
MariaChi-thanks for the info! :rawk:
Anyone knows the critieria to be selected to take the test?
I have more than ten years of full time work experience and a bachelor and associate degree. Will this alone qualify me to test?
While not required, it is recommended that you also have a pulse. :laff:

Seriously, I got selected for the AT-SAT with just about the same education and work history, so you can look forward to taking the torture, I mean test.:p
I've searched and never found anything. Even the version that comes with the green book sucks. The one good thing about that section is that they give you a TON of instruction and practice time before it begins (like over 20 min). I the end, I didn't find the actual box and conveyor belt navigation to be very difficult. It's all about the questions that pop up. I did what someone else had suggested and played a couple of games of tetris at the same time to try to practice having divided attention.
I the end, I didn't find the actual box and conveyor belt navigation to be very difficult. It's all about the questions that pop up. I did what someone else had suggested and played a couple of games of tetris at the same time to try to practice having divided attention.
Exactly. Moving the boxes isn't the issue. It's the questions they ask you when the screen goes black.
I red up on what letter factory is like so I knew what to expect but I never actually used the disk with the green book cuz I couldn't get it to work. I still scored WQ, I would say don't concern yourself too much with it. You get plenty of practice ahead of time.
I still scored WQ, I would say don't concern yourself too much with it. You get plenty of practice ahead of time.

I agree. It may not be such a bad idea to play the broken CD game once or twice just to have an idea of the kinds of questions that will be asked. That way you'll know what to be observing and having a third eye on while playing the game.