Offical PUBNAT 8 is OUT

Well on my employment history, I had 2 companies that were out of business. So I listed their previous address but the phone numbers as 555-555-5555. Would that be something that would disqualify me?
Just list the numbers as they were when you worked there if you can. Otherwise, leave it blank or put in the notes that they are out of business and you cannot locate a current phone number for them. If you make it past the application to the e-QIP, you will be asked for this information again. As long as they can reference that you worked there via some kind of government documentation (I-9, W-2, W-4, etc.) then you should be OK.

Just my .02
Yeah, you aren't able to leave it blank, hence the 555,555,5555. I did leave a note. I already have my full 10 year background sheet ready to go when they give you the indepth employment history. I figured it wasn't the biggest deal on this application as it's more of a, do you have previous experience.
Well on my employment history, I had 2 companies that were out of business. So I listed their previous address but the phone numbers as 555-555-5555. Would that be something that would disqualify me?

Yeah, I wouldn't put a fake phone number, because they do check employment history, and a number like that could easily say, "I didn't really work here." I'd Google the company name and see if there is a phone number in the cache somewhere. Even just a (former) corporate office number would be better than a fake number. And like Sam said, if you make it to the e-QIP, you'll *have* to state it, so don't mess it up before you even get to the AT-SAT. :)
How do you guys find the ACTC number? I'm looking for DSM, I got a number from FSS but it was out of service.

I guess I should just rent a plane and ask over freq :)
Yeah, I wouldn't put a fake phone number, because they do check employment history, and a number like that could easily say, "I didn't really work here." I'd Google the company name and see if there is a phone number in the cache somewhere. Even just a (former) corporate office number would be better than a fake number. And like Sam said, if you make it to the e-QIP, you'll *have* to state it, so don't mess it up before you even get to the AT-SAT. :)

Do they check employment before the AT-SAT or after you complete the e-QIP?
Wow, I better put everything into words and do a spelling check. I also see you had a few applications submitted before you were finally selected. Do you know the reason why, or it is just pure luck?

We put the same locations each time but this last time we put both terminal and en route, we had only put terminal before. So I'm sure that had a lot to do with it. I would definitely put both options on your app. :) good luck!!
Do they check employment before the AT-SAT or after you complete the e-QIP?

They don't call your places of employment before you complete the e-QIP, but if you list a fake phone number, they could very well think it's a fake company and DQ the app based on that information.
Well I did include phone numbers for verification in the comment section of each job as they were 13 or 13+ phone numbers with extensions for employment verification. Since the phone number slot only takes 10 numbers, I figured that would be best.

I'm gonna be irritated if that isn't reasonable. They're both airlines that people know of well, especially if you're part of the FAA. Oh well... here goes uh... everything.
Well its official. Good luck to all those that applied! Here's to hoping that we all get what we want with this posting!
Hey guys, this is my first post at this forum.

I just read this whole thread and would like to re-ask a question that got lost in all the other topics. Back a couple pages ago the main topic was how ridiculously difficult ATC is to learn and all.

Are most of you pilots, airline pilots, captains, 152 drivers? What are the experience levels that you bring to the table. I understand that just because I put in 80 hrs a month in a jet at an airline does not mean I could hop right behind a radar scope and start barking off instructions, but doesn't my experience bring a lot to the table?
I think your knowledge of weather, airport layout, instrument procedures, flight plans, radio communications etc etc gives a pilot an advantage, however I don't expect this career to be a cakewalk simply because I have 140 hours of flight experience.
Ditto, I know it's a different career. CFI/CFII, almost MEI. I know because we are intimate with the field that we have a leg up on people that the closest they've come is a flight on United. With that said, most who applied are not just OTS OTS, they have aviation experience.

I would say CTI have a leg up as they have been taught and tested on ATC regulations. However, for all of us pilots, we have a lot more regs to learn. Good news is I think we'll all remember to be kind to pilots who get overwhelmed in our airspace.

Whoops... I said our airspace like ATC owns it... well all know ATC serves pilots... silly me.
Really I think the difference is if/when us pilots get to OKC we are a little bored the first week while all the other OTS non-pilot applicants learn how to read a metar!
Really I think the difference is if/when us pilots get to OKC we are a little bored the first week while all the other OTS non-pilot applicants learn how to read a metar!
Believe me, it's boring. METARs aren't until later on in the basics course :D

I have no aviation experience but I did a ton of reading about VFR and IFR procedures, airport ops, and the FAR/AIM/.65. It definitely gives you an edge if you understand it prior to basics.