New Southwest Livery leaked?

Some people are just always in a hurry and don't think longer than "right now." Like this captain I was flying with. We pull up to the hold short line and he says, "Tell them we're ready."
I don't say anything.
"Tell them we're ready."
"Sure, right after that airplane on a half mile final lands. Otherwise tower is just gonna tell us to hold short."
With an exasperated grunt, he tells the tower we are number one and ready.
"Roger," the tower says, "Hold short, landing traffic."

I HATE when guys make me do that, especially at really busy airports. The only place I've ever been that is happy to let you sit and make over block until you tell them you're ready to go is CAE.
Again, its a huge improvement.


Looks like they go their inspiration from the Arizona state flag.
It looks fine until the tail section, I wish that was a bit different. Hot dog on a stick colors are kind of killing it for me.
I HATE when guys make me do that, especially at really busy airports. The only place I've ever been that is happy to let you sit and make over block until you tell them you're ready to go is CAE.
One that has gotten really popular around here is saying "holding short 26 ready to go" like people think that will relieve tower from having to tell them to hold short. So the conversation goes something like this:
As a 737 turns base to final for our one runway
"Tower AirTaxi sixty two holding short runway two six, ready to go"
"AirTaxi sixty two, hold short runway two six, landing traffic"
"AirTaxi sixty two, holding short runway two six"
Complete waste of airtime. It gets even better if the guy holding short doesn't read back his hold short properly, like this:
"AirTaxi sixty two hold short runway two six at echo, landing traffic"
"Holding short"
"AirTaxi sixty two, I need you to read back your full hold short instructions"
"Holding short two six at echo"
"AirTaxi sixty two, I need you to use your callsign with the full read back!"
"AirTaxi sixty two holding short runway two six at echo"

Dr. Schorr owns that design and they have to pay him to use it. Thus, they had to rebrand. But they don't reprint a plane until it needs it. So, soon there will be three different paint schemes in the fleet.
Who is this Dr Schorr guy? I've heard him mentioned before regarding this livery... how can someone own the livery design for an airine?
I believe his practice was for him to own everything, including real estate, and lease it back to the company at really high rates. So, the investors bought the company and then had to get free of the money sucking leases.
But I am only passing on what was said in a q & a at training when the new design was introduced in 2007.
I don't know who designed what and I never said "he" designed anything. Personally I like the current design. But it's said that a new one is coming.
Now that actual quality pics are out of the livery flying around, I actually like it. Not a whole lot, but I don't mind it. Looked a lot worse in those crappy cellphone shots.
I don't know who designed what and I never said "he" designed anything. Personally I like the current design. But it's said that a new one is coming.

Spirit had to rent or pay some kind of fee to retain the Dr's owned design?