NetworkJC 2013

Yes! It looks like someone finally saw the registration form!

Ha! Give ME grief about hotel block rates... Get the horns! :)

So how do you get the early bird special on 2 Sep, when tickets are only on sale for 1 minute during that date? What time zone are you considering here? I'm already on 3 Sep!! Lol. 99% sure I'm in. Just giving you grief...:):cool:
The Riviera is $79 a night per Orbitz for that weekend for those first year FOs. Excalibur is $106. Also if you're a AAA member, the Mirage is offering 10% off room rates. I'll try to keep everyone updated when I see deals pop up. There are 9 conventions in town that weekend too so the prices may look a little higher compared to last year but there are plenty of deals to be had.
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The Riviera is $79 a night per Orbitz for that weekend for those first year FOs. Excalibur is $106. Also if you're a AAA member, the Mirage is offering 10% off room rates. I'll try to keep everyone updated when I see deals pop up. There are 9 conventions in town that weekend too so the prices may look a little higher compared to last year but there are plenty of deals to be had.
You could also channel your inner William Shatner and go lower on priceline. :)
You're making out like a bandit. No hotel cost, or airfare. Only registration fee and gas to drive there and back. There should be a locals surcharge, lol!

Yeah but he's got to deal with the "And you come home drink? Yaaaaaaaar!!" :). Most of us have flights to get it out of our systems.
You gonna make it this year?

Hoping too. If I get my new job at the State Hospital, they have 5 weeks of training. Yikes! But it's 8-5, and M-F! So I'd still be in training at the time NJC comes around. So theoretically I could hop a plane and be there maybe at 8pm or shortly after. We'll see, it's a huge raise, so let's hope fundage isn't an overlying derailer.

Supposed to maybe get an offer letter maybe this week, so gonna have to hold off on early registration until a later date. But cross your fingers, I sure am.