Near mid-air collision at Syracuse involving a Delta and American airliners


Well-Known Member
Watch the video. It looks like the Delta flight was cleared to take off as the American flight was landing. It's hard to tell how far apart they were horizontally, but it was so close the planes lost sight of each other and passengers in one of the planes heard a "whoosh" sound.

"According to FlightRadar24, the planes came about 700 to 1,000 feet within each other vertically."

So RVSM legal? Eh.

Yeah, but there's a big difference between intentional and unintentional <1,000 foot clearances I would think.
I mean there is literally no information here.... This could've been anything from scary to an absolutely normal everyday event.
I mean there is literally no information here.... This could've been anything from scary to an absolutely normal everyday event.

It will be pulled off the airwaves once the media realizes there’s no Boeing nexus here. If they ever figure that out, that is.
If being this close to another airplane was this big of a deal then I'd never be able to fly into FXE or OPF because there is always training aircraft buzzing around the MIA Class bravo and just outside of the FXE class Delta doing maneuvers. There is literally a TA/RA just about every time that I go into either of those airports.
It will be pulled off the airwaves once the media realizes there’s no Boeing nexus here. If they ever figure that out, that is.

The local news (Yes, the local news who literally have the fact checking prowess of a flat earther) spent about ten minutes talking about "beleaguered" then riffed on "people shouldn't bring food on airlines, so smelly" ("Come snatch this sardine sandwich outta my hands if you think you're tough enough, Passmore") and "OMG, seats are SO SMALL, we need more space".

Enough. They'll get their crap together or they will cease to have a commercial aviation program and our GDP will suffer.
The local news (Yes, the local news who literally have the fact checking prowess of a flat earther) spent about ten minutes talking about "beleaguered" then riffed on "people shouldn't bring food on airlines, so smelly" ("Come snatch this sardine sandwich outta my hands if you think you're tough enough, Passmore") and "OMG, seats are SO SMALL, we need more space".

Enough. They'll get their crap together or they will cease to have a commercial aviation program and our GDP will suffer.

Local news….

Lived in a smaller town with a local (very) station. Easily the most spelling errors in the graphics I’ve ever seen.

And it was a university town to boot.

Lots of 80’s hair, but it was the later 90’s, so there was that as well.
Local news….

Lived in a smaller town with a local (very) station. Easily the most spelling errors in the graphics I’ve ever seen.

And it was a university town to boot.

Lots of 80’s hair, but it was the later 90’s, so there was that as well.
I agree. But I can't watch any of the 24hr news networks without just getting angry so I'm stuck with local news. Luckily I live in LA and our weather chicks are the best in the country, so I've got that going for me.
I saw a good, balanced video representation on the news (local NBC affiliate maybe? I’ll look for it later…). They said 700’ was as close as they got vertically, when the departing plane started a right turn. They were at the same altitude with 1/2 mile separation (? If memory serves ?).

Edit to add: it was not on the NBC story I saw. I’ll try to find it…
The local news (Yes, the local news who literally have the fact checking prowess of a flat earther) spent about ten minutes talking about "beleaguered" then riffed on "people shouldn't bring food on airlines, so smelly" ("Come snatch this sardine sandwich outta my hands if you think you're tough enough, Passmore") and "OMG, seats are SO SMALL, we need more space".

Enough. They'll get their crap together or they will cease to have a commercial aviation program and our GDP will suffer.
This was on ABC World News Tonight yesterday. That's where I first learned of it. They gave better information on the air, but it was so close passengers in one of the airplanes could hear the other airplane

They were cleared to take off and land on the same runway. Pretty big effin deal.

This was on ABC World News Tonight yesterday. That's where I first learned of it. They gave better information on the air, but it was so close passengers in one of the airplanes could hear the other airplane

They were cleared to take off and land on the same runway. Pretty big effin deal.

Or they thought they heard a whoosh after they were told there was a near miss and most likely an uneventful flight.

“Marge! We’re gonna be on the news!”
Or they thought they heard a whoosh after they were told there was a near miss and most likely an uneventful flight.

“Marge! We’re gonna be on the news!”
There was no "Whoosh". You know it, I know it and I suspect it's all a nothingburger. I don't understand why people want to claim witness to something so routine and innocuous, they wouldn't even have known if if some weird angle on a dash cam didn't become a viral internet video. Maybe they get a judgement for a million bucks in a lawsuit, and then their lawyer will send them a check for $0.02. Got to keep the machine running right?
The nights we are operating in the Class B, we are often (OFTEN) passing right over airline traffic that are 500 feet below us. We just maintain good awareness of altitude control and it's a non-event. Everything has to be sensationalized to get those embedded ad hits I guess.