Long IFR XC Tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. I just had a quick, and somewhat stupid question. I am flying from KSFZ-KPWM-KMHT-KSFZ tomorrow, obviously filing IFR. Problem is that we are doing touch and goes at each of the airports. So should I file one huge fp or should i file three of them. I am just confused when I would request the next clearance if I do separate flight plans when I am doing touch and goes. Thanks everyone for your continued help


I should have been more clear. We are doing one touch and go at each airport rather than a full stop. So we will shoot the app do the touch and go, and then go to the next airport.
Separate flight plans. Before you commence the approach at each airport, ask the approach or center controller for your clearance. If they can't/won't give it to you, they'll at least let you know how to get it.

*edit* that would work here in TX. I see you're in somewhat busier airspace. I leave it to the people with experience in the Northeast to suggest a better method....
1 big one will be fine, just put IFR Flight Training or something similar in the remarks box and they'll know.
In the Houston area if you are going to do multiple touch and go's at an airport they are gonna tell you to cancel, 1200, change to advisory freq. Dont think you will be able to pull that one off on one flight plan. Can you do all your touch and go's at your final destination? That would be the easiest thing to do.
At towered airports, a full stop with a taxi back and pick up your clearance from ground/clearance delivery will work well.
In the Houston area if you are going to do multiple touch and go's at an airport they are gonna tell you to cancel, 1200, change to advisory freq. Dont think you will be able to pull that one off on one flight plan. Can you do all your touch and go's at your final destination? That would be the easiest thing to do.

That's the thing...I do not believe he is doing multiple TNG's at one airport. They will all be at different fields. That being said, I am surprised that you're not stopping for any fuel. My long IFR was 3.? hours and we stopped for fuel. 1.6 was in actual IMC.... talk about a beating for a new student. I was whipped. Good Luck!
In my experience...just did this down in the Baltimore area a couple of weeks ago...

file on big one as suggested, and request the option with the tower...they'll certainly want you to stay on the move, but it sounds like that's your plan already. Thats the quickest, although if you're looking for more of a learning experience...the suggestion of getting new clearances with ground each time will give a student great practice. Enjoy the flight.
I've heard about a "through clearance" procedure that might be appropriate for what you're trying to do.

A search of the 7110.65 controller's bible yielded the following info (could not find anything in the AIM):


You may clear an aircraft through intermediate stops.

CLEARED THROUGH (airport) TO (fix).

I assume one would file the flight plan from SFZ to SFZ, with the VORs, airways, and intermediate airports included in the route. This might be what you're looking for -- has anyone had experience getting a "through clearance" before?
has anyone had experience getting a "through clearance" before?

We did these a lot when I was an instrument student on IMC days. C/D would ask what we were planning to do at each airport before we ever departed.
At towered airports, a full stop with a taxi back and pick up your clearance from ground/clearance delivery will work well.
:yeahthat: I do the same.

It actually simplifies things a lot; keeps controllers from getting confused.

Also I like it when I am teaching, gets the student more opportunities to request, read back, and follow a clearance.
I also try to give my students the experience of picking up a clearance at a non-towered field as well, either over the phone or after departing VFR.
Not to confuse you or anything, but this is the reason I think the DD-175 (Military Flight Plan) is superior to the FAA version, because there's more than enough room to annotate all your intermediate stops where you plan to do transition work (R D 0+30 ABI AFW) would mean you plan to delay 30 minutes in Abilene with a final stop at Ft. Worth Alliance. I don't know if base ops imputs it as separate flight plans or not, but I fill out one form. I've tried looking for a way to do this on a civilian flight plan but have thus far failed to do so. Therefore, when using the FAA form I'd probably just go ahead and file separate flight plans for each leg. If you find a better way to do it, I'd love to hear about it.
I also try to give my students the experience of picking up a clearance at a non-towered field as well, either over the phone or after departing VFR.
With only 3 controlled civil airports in the state getting the tower experience is bigger for us, but its all about getting them as much exposure to the system as you can.