Domestic violence misdemeanor


New Member
Hi all, so I'm looking a a domestic violence misdemeanor for "emotional abuse" or so she claims. Just been arrested, released and hired an attorney. Just before this, I just got hired at a major airline, not sure what I am supposed to do-- am I supposed to disclose it? My attorney is useless on the non-criminal front, so I would also appreciate any recs for who could help regarding keeping my job which I have worked really hard to get over way too many years
I can't answer for your employer or whether, even if you technically don't need to, you should disclose it to an employer anyway.

This is pretty general so I suggest you pass this on to your criminal defense attorney. He or she may know someone local in the aviation arena to obtain confirmation.:

From an FAA standpoint, there are four required disclosures for involvement in the criminal justice system. One is convictions for certain drug offenses on the 8710. The second is "motor vehicle actions" under 61.15 related to drugs or alcohol which affect your driver's license in some way.

The last two are on the medical app.

One question, 18.v. This one has always been a problem. While it is primarily about drugs or alcohol, the language goes further than that: "arrested, convicted and/or subject to an administrative action...which resulted in attendance at an educational or rehabilitation program." There's nothing which limits the "attendance at an educational or rehabilitation program" to only those associated with a driving offense or drivers license suspension. So if, for example, the disposition of your domestic violence case were anger management classes with dismissal upon successful completion, it might nevertheless be reportable on you next medical application under 18.v.

The other is 18.w., which asks for all non-traffic convictions. That one is specific to a conviction.