Destined for greatness

Part time vs. full time is a function of how much work there is to be done, not the "value" of the position. As for who would take this, who knows? There may be someone out there, semi-retired, who just wants to work part time for pocket money and jumpseat privileges.
Is payscale really in question when they start at 12 bucks an hour?

Many non-union shops don't have an official scale. You just get the annual 3-5% increase. Unsure if GLA's dispatchers are union or not but I don't think they are.
Many non-union shops don't have an official scale. You just get the annual 3-5% increase. Unsure if GLA's dispatchers are union or not but I don't think they are.
I agree plus what union would allow for a part time dispatcher? If they are Union, I hope all those other "assigned" duties come with some nice overrides attached
If people are worried about what they are going to get paid at "Great Mistakes", they probably need to find a different career field. You don't go to a regional or a carrier pretending to be a regional for money.

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"Great Mistakes"

Enough said.

Is payscale really in question when they start at 12 bucks an hour?

The point of the post wasn't the question of payscale or not. It's been a running joke on these forums that, every time a job posting comes up, the first response is one that involves pay. In this industry you learn REAL QUICK it isn't about the money, it's about the quality of life. Very often, they do go hand in hand. Hence the endless discussion of salary caps and union contract negotiations.

@CPZ9900 ? thatsthejoke.jpg? Eh?
Whoop, missed one.

If people are worried about what they are going to get paid in the aviation industry they probably need to find a different career field. You don't get a job in aviation or a carrier pretending to be a regional for money.

There we go. Carry on!
If people are worried about what they are going to get paid at "Great Mistakes", they probably need to find a different career field. You don't go to a regional or a carrier pretending to be a regional for money.

"A carrier pretending to be a regional" is a great description of GLA these days. I've also heard "Great Flakes" used in addition to "Great Mistakes."
Who on earth would ever put in for this. Reminds me of Republic's tactic a few years ago of wanting to interview people to put in a dispatch "hiring pool" for jobs at some later date with no promise of when that offer might be, or if it would come at all.

Also, I see they still have that wonderful black text on dark blue background on their web page. Great choice, guys. I can't think of a more difficult to read web corporate website.

From an HR perspective, it's a smart move to have a pool of candidates that they can hire on a short notice. I'm surprised we don't see more of that practice.
From an HR perspective, it's a smart move to have a pool of candidates that they can hire on a short notice. I'm surprised we don't see more of that practice.

Probably because there is enough demand for dispatchers that by the time they call someone in their "hiring pool" that individual already has an actual job dispatching for another airline where they didn't make them wait in limbo for some indefinite period of time.