
I have a uniform question that i hope someone could shed some light on. I have lots of pants from my former life at comair, would the color be compatible with colgan? they are dark blue pants.

They are called blue-black pants.... and they totally suck. Only supplier with this particular shade of blue-black is M&H.... word on the street is we are leaving them for a slightly less crappy company. If your pants are close you wont get any grief from anyone on the line...
Don't mean to bust your bubble, but you received incorrect information. Pinnacle just had interviews Dec 8 and hired around 10 more for the CRJ200 and said they will hire more come the new year.

Bummer you totally busted my bubble...

Thanks for "putting me straight."

You know what a rumor is, right?
Has anyone gotten calls for the Saab?

I haven't...and i called Chuck today and got his wonderful voicemail...for the 4th time. I'm not really sure what the hell these guys are doing. They have fully interviewed and accepted people, ready to roll, yet they keep doing hiring events and .
Don't just call Chuck. Call everyone in HR until you get a live person on the phone. Things are so crazy they tend to forget about people... Leaving a voicemail never seems to work and they wont call you back. Keep on calling until you speak to a live person. Also calling in the morning seems to work best, around 0830 est seems to be the best time to get someone to answer.

Good Luck!
Very long story very short, I'm having to interview again with Mesaba (who will be interviewing for Colgan). While updating my airlineapps, I saw that "Colgan's" minimums are now 1100/150. Anyone know if this is true or what's the news with that?
I'm interviewing with Colgan / Mesaba on the 11th.

I am very NOT looking forward to the wonderlic test... never did too good on them. I just get frustrated with them. They normally contribute nothing to how I would perform on the job.

How many points will timmy score in basketball at a hight of 5,4" against the average of jenny who is 6, 3" and how does that effect the decision altitude on the ILS to Dulles? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Anyone have iny info on the sim that Mesaba is using in the interview? (profile, type etc)

Also, anyone have links to practice wonderlic tests? not a sample, a full test.

Anyone have iny info on the sim that Mesaba is using in the interview? (profile, type etc)

Also, anyone have links to practice wonderlic tests? not a sample, a full test.


The sim will most likely be the Saab 340. I don't have the new profile they're using for interviews since we've recently switched to the Saab from the Beech. As for the test, I have no idea.

Good luck in your interview.....
I am interviewing on the 11th. Flying out tomorrow.

Anyone else going? I am looking for a study group during tomorrow afternoon. (I feel ready but it wouldnt hurt to have somone to do a mock interview with)
OK, I interviewed yesterday and here is the report...

They fly you in the day before the interview and they put you up in the Country Inn and Suites in Eagan, MN. There is a McDonalds across the parking lot and the hotel serves the usual hotel breakfast.

Take the 6:30 Shuttle to the Mesaba HQ. The shuttle only runs on the :30's to the Mesaba HQ so dont rely on the 7:30 one!

We were 8 in total who interviewed, we were supposed to be 9 but one person couldnt make it.

At 7:30 we were led into a small conference room where we were given a small Power Point presentation on the airline. This inculded the usual stuff, aircraft, domiciles, pay structure, senoirity however because Colgans name is being phased out and is being merged into Mesaba and Pinnacle, the info on the presentation isnt up to date anymore. There is supposed to be a new TA that will be signed this week that will change most of the the stuff about pay, commuting, QoL etc all for the better. So I dont have exact info on that kind of stuff.

After the presentation we went for a short tour of the place and got to see their dispatch office. Then we were taken backto the conference room to begin the tests.

Test 1:
This is the dreaded Wonderlic test. What it has to do with aviation and piloting I have no idea but they administer it to you. 50 questions, 12 minutes. Dont be upset if you dont manage all 50 questions in the time given, you would need to be a genius to do that. Its more important that you get correct answers than actually completing the test because they only score you based on the number of questions you completed correctly. I think I finished 40 questions

Test 2:
This is pretty much a basic IFR written exam. 25 questions, no time limit. NO 121 stuff! DO NOT RELY ON SHEPPAIR for prep for this test, the Shep Air software is great, I use it but its not suited for this test. Use the Gliem IFR written book or the ATP gliem minus the aircraft stuff and the regs.

Then they sent us to be fingerprinted and wait for our turn to be called for HR and Tech.

They call you in based on the time of your return flight is scheduled. Be prepared to sit for a few hours there in their little lunch break room. It has a few couches, tables and a good number of vending machines.

HR and Tech:
By far the most fun I had during the whole process. They call you in and go over your paperwork. They read you a few disclaimers about honesty and how they are required to drop you if you witheld info regarind traffic violations and they discover it and other such things. BE HONEST.
I was in with a Chief Pilot and an HR lady. They take turns asking questions and they write A LOT. Dont be nervous about that. They write down so that they can compare notes after you leave for the day.
QUestions ranged from the ususal HR stuff (Why Colgan, WHy you over others, Why work for little pay) to a few basic tech questions (airport markings, Jepp chart {find the MAP on the ILS etc} tell me about your currenty aircraft systems)

Then we got in to a few scenario based questions.
"Its Christmas Eve and you are at the end of a 6 day trip and are about to leave for the last turn of the day. On walk around you see that the left nav light is out but thats ok you still have the second nav (each side has two nav lights), its still legal. You land and prepare for the return trip and discover that the second nav light is burnt out too and the sun is setting. You tell the captain and he takes a look. Captain comes back in the cockpit and says "I tapped it a few times, its working now, lets get out of here". What do you do?"

Not going to give you my answer because they WANT you to be original. They are aware of the gouges and are looking for humans, not robots who can repeat somone elses answers. Thats why on the sim they fly an approach that does not exsist in real life.

After the HR and tech they send you out for a few minutes so that they can talk about you behind your back and decide if they like you. If they do, they call you back in with a conditional offer. the offer is conditional on passing the sim ride, then the drug test then the background check.

The sim is a genereic twin piston. very similar to a Seminol/ baron/ seneca. Use your imagination and it becomes any one of those planes.

BAsic Attitude instrument flying is the key here. Take off, climb to 2500ft. the eval starts only at 1000ft because the plane isnt that realistic on the ground. in the air he gives you some vectors in the climb, then a steep turn and some situational awareness (what radial are you on / distance from the vor). Then he vectors you for the ILS. He freezes the sim and gives you as much time as you need to brief the approach.

After that I was sent to drug test. Results will come within 6-7 days.

They are hiring into both the Saab and the Q400.

I hope this helped!
BEN, congratulations are in order!!

Question on the written tests, would it make a difference from someone who already has a written ATP?
I have a written ATP. You still need to take the test.

Its really nothing to worry about. Just brush up on your IFR written material.