
I have a bit of an oddball question. I did all of my training under part 141 with self-examining authority. I had some trouble with stalls on my private checkride, so my "End of Course" was unsatisfactory. I did some remedial stuff with my instructor, then went back up for only .5 to show that I can stall.

Due to the nature of self-examining, this checkride does not go as a "bust" on my record, so I told HR during the phone screening that I had 1 bust (which was on my CMEL, which was done with an actual DE). I recently realized that during the logbook review, they're gonna be curious why my supposed "first time pass" on my PPL was .5 long. Anyone have any suggestions on how to handle this?

I certainly want to be honest with them, but don't want to go against something that I already divulged to HR.

You're fine. No one is gonna care. If they ask tell them. Your original reasoning is fine.
As long as you don't have the failure show up on the FOYA or PRIA checks they do, then your fine. If they ask during the review, just be honest and tell them. If your truly in doubt that it might show up I would find a way to do a check yourself and see if it shows up, though I am not sure how to do the FOYA check they do on yourself.

The FOYA check comes back with some pretty interesting things and a lot of people have been removed from training for things they did not even know about. Its a common thing at Colgan for some reason...
If any of y'all are around the office, Chuck promised to call monday with a thumbs up or down about attending the event.

I could use some help making sure that happens! ;)
Thanks the advice, y'all! It should definitely not show up in the records. I was just concerned about them asking during the logbook check.
The FOYA check comes back with some pretty interesting things and a lot of people have been removed from training for things they did not even know about. Its a common thing at Colgan for some reason...

What kinds of things? I'm just curious how one could be astonished at not knowing something that was found out about them.
It is pretty standard to have atleast 2-3 students removed from every class because something pops up on their backround check that they did not disclose. Most of the time they are things that dont show up on the PRIA so people assume they are safe, but they do show up on FOYA.
I just got an email from Chuck Colgan:

"I would like to express some concerns due to some recent omissions by candidates. It is ABSOLUTELY critical that the information on your application be accurate; your log book must match the flight times that you entered into your application. This also includes failed check rides, or check rides you had to retake. Also, please include any training issues that you may have had. Our company policy is WE CANNOT hire pilots with more than 2 failed check rides".
I just got an email from Chuck Colgan:

"I would like to express some concerns due to some recent omissions by candidates. It is ABSOLUTELY critical that the information on your application be accurate; your log book must match the flight times that you entered into your application. This also includes failed check rides, or check rides you had to retake. Also, please include any training issues that you may have had. Our company policy is WE CANNOT hire pilots with more than 2 failed check rides".

I'll see you on the 21st!
I busted the comm single on lazy 8's, Then the MEI twice on lesson planning, So I'll probably not attend the interview.
If any of y'all are around the office, Chuck promised to call monday with a thumbs up or down about attending the event.

I could use some help making sure that happens! ;)

I volunteered to go with Chuck to the event... haven't heard a word back so I can't say anything beyond the typical "I tried!":confused:
I did as well. I got a chance to meet Michael, which was the first time I put a jetcareers name to an actual face. If anyone wants a write up, I would be happy to post one in here. Let me know.
I busted the comm single on lazy 8's, Then the MEI twice on lesson planning, So I'll probably not attend the interview.

I'm in the same boat. Failed my Comm single for doing a go-around on a power off 180. Came in a little hot and knew I was going to float in ground effect so I executed a go-around so I wouldn't go beyond the 200 ft. allowance. The examiner then said I failed because a power off 180 is a simulated engine failure abeam your touchdown point so I had no engine to go-around. OK, fair enough, I should have nailed it the first time, just wish I was aware of this policy. The real kicker is I probably would have made my point but didn't want to risk going long so I did the go-around. I then failed my CFII for not "teaching enough" on a non-precision approach. I'll be the first to admit that I was not a natural teacher and knew I struggled teaching things. On the re-check I was determined not to fail for not teaching enough so I talked about everything I possibly could. Because I was so concerned about teaching I completely forgot to make a call inbound to the non-towered airport we were going into:o I felt like such an idiot but I can assure you I will never do that again!
Anyway, I have 2 questions. One, do I report these failures as 2 checkride failures or 3 on airlineapps? Second, am I just completely screwed getting hired for the foreseeable future? I know that if I can get in to a room with people that will hear me out I can explain these failures. I'm just worried that I'll never even get a phone call because airlines are screening apps and not even looking at mine because it doesn't meet their criteria. Thanks for you're input.
One, do I report these failures as 2 checkride failures or 3 on airlineapps?

Reporting failed checkrides is included in the company's addendum on AirlineApps. Colgan specifically asks that you report multiple issues with the same checkride. You simply fill in the text box with your story. It never specifically asks for a number of checkrides failed.

Second, am I just completely screwed getting hired for the foreseeable future? I know that if I can get in to a room with people that will hear me out I can explain these failures. I'm just worried that I'll never even get a phone call because airlines are screening apps and not even looking at mine because it doesn't meet their criteria. Thanks for you're input.

Absolutely not! The 2 checkride rule with Colgan is in response to public outlash from flight 3407 where the media went nuts cause they found out Captian Renslow (RIP) had failed 5 checkrides. Right now, they're in CYA (Cover Your A**) mode, which is understandable. Fill out the apps, BE HONEST, admit your mistakes, and be sure to let them know what you learned a really serious lesson from each bust.
I have spoken with a recruiter about an individual that had 3 checkride busts...Poor guy was 0 for 3 thru his PVT, INST and COMM on the first go around and later went onto earn his ATP, CFI, etc... and has flown King Airs in a single-pilot operation and he was given the thumbs down.
I have spoken with a recruiter about an individual that had 3 checkride busts...Poor guy was 0 for 3 thru his PVT, INST and COMM on the first go around and later went onto earn his ATP, CFI, etc... and has flown King Airs in a single-pilot operation and he was given the thumbs down.

Sucks for your friend. But no job is a guarantee. If a company has new standards that set for the flavor of the week, so be it. Not saying anything specifically about your friend, but to a certain degree, a certificate is a right. A job is not.