I've also got a checkride on Friday, although its for my instrument license. I've been nervous for about the last 3 weeks, and I'm so ready to get this over with I'm almost not nervous now. To make things worse, I haven't flown since Monday of LAST week. Combination of bad weather, and my instructor had a problem one day. My checkride isn't until 2pm, and my instructor wants to know if I want to practice the approaches before my checkride...Somedays this would be a good idea, but others not. Some days when I get done, my brain is sooo exhausted from all of the stress and thinking, and others I feel fine. Let me know if you guys have any suggestions if I should go up that day or not.
Ok, so I am incrediblynervous, but I've been trying not to think of it as much lately, so hopefully I won't be so jittery when I'm actually flying. If the wind isn't bad, I'll feel pretty confident, but if not, well, we'll see I guess. I'll keep everyone posted.
Good luck on your checkride too!