Can you take 2 checkrides on one Day


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if I could take my ppl checkride and my instrument checkride on the same day, 17th birthday hopefully. I know that I could fail my ppl and that would screw me up. I was just wondering if any on had done it or if it is even possible.
Possible? I don't see why not. Feasible? Not really.

You must have 50 hours of PIC cross country time before you can take your Instrument checkride. Since you would not have your private until basically that morning, you would have to gain all of that XC PIC time by doing solo cross countries. Also, you must have 40 hours of actual or simulated instrument time, all of which would have to be with an instructor.

On top of that, instrument is a whole different world compared to doing private. I realize you have lots of cool experiences flying with your parents, and thats awesome- it will most certainly help, but if I were you, I would just take it easy. You can start work on your instrument the day you finish your private if you want to.

Just my $.02...good luck.
Yeah but can't you log PIC as a student when you solo. I already have the 40 of insturment with my mom who's. Makes sence tho would be kinda expensive to rent a airplane for 50 hours in one year. When I fly with most friends who are instructors I'm under the hood so hopfully I'll have every thing I need, but if I bust my PPL that moring...............
I would say take it one step at a time, especially in the begining. When you get your PPL you go through a tremendous learning curve. Many old timers say a PPL is a license to learn, and I think that learning curve could be dangerous if you are banging around in the clouds.
Yeah but can't you log PIC as a student when you solo.

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I would have to agree here. When you do your solo cross country flights, you are PIC, not anyone else.

keep the shiny side up
Yeah but can't you log PIC as a student when you solo.

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I would have to agree here. When you do your solo cross country flights, you are PIC, not anyone else.

keep the shiny side up

[/ QUOTE ] do log your cross country flights as PIC when you're a student pilot. I know somebody that did exactly what you're speaking about. If you have the training, have the flight experience, and you meet the qualifications, by all means, take both would be the smart thing to do.
That really is what I want to do. I also want to get my comm and multi as soon as I can.
I would have to agree here. When you do your solo cross country flights, you are PIC, not anyone else.

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That is what I said.
At UND we take our multi, instrument, and commercial all in one checkride...Can't wait for that one
If you have the training, have the flight experience, and you meet the qualifications, by all means, take both would be the smart thing to do.

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That is a huge "if". In all honesty, I don't think that private and instrument checkrides on the same day is a very realistic goal. You might consider doing instrument and commercial together...I know someone who has done that before.
If you have the training, have the flight experience, and you meet the qualifications, by all means, take both would be the smart thing to do.

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That is a huge "if".

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What makes the "if" so big? It's not hard to understand why this would be possible, as long as somebody actually meets the requirements. If you have the training and experience, but you simply didn't take the checkride weren't old enough, then there's no reason not to move into advanced training. Having that PPL in your hand does not magically prepare you for instrument why not knock it out??
That really is what I want to do. I also want to get my comm and multi as soon as I can.

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....why? Just enjoy, man! I'm sure everything will work out.

I have to agree with Iain; the instrument rating is a whole new ballgame compared to the private. Get the private, gain some experience making your own decisions inflight, and then do the instrument. I learned a lot doing those PIC XCs; when you do it all under the close supervision of the instructor (i.e. student solo XC), you really don't the same level of independence.
That really is what I want to do. I also want to get my comm and multi as soon as I can.

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....why? Just enjoy, man! I'm sure everything will work out.

I have to agree with Iain; the instrument rating is a whole new ballgame compared to the private. Get the private, gain some experience making your own decisions inflight, and then do the instrument.

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Yeah, I'm always in a rush. I wanna try going to school on the Navajo when I get my multi and fly it in the summer time while I'm in college. I don't know if the insurence would allow it or if I would even be a good enough pilot to pass the check ride or if the passengers would fly with a 19 or 20 year old. I don't know why, but I don't really want to be an Instructor or a banner tower and the only things around me other then those are multi's, not that there's any thing wrong with towing banners or instructing.
You do enjoy disagreeing with me, don't you Mtsu?

Its alright, I enjoy debating. But I can't type anything too lengthy right now, my boss keeps bothering me!
You do enjoy disagreeing with me, don't you Mtsu?

Its alright, I enjoy debating. But I can't type anything too lengthy right now, my boss keeps bothering me!

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You think people like disagreeig with you, try being in my shoes every thing I say I get hostile responces to.
Doesn't bother me tho I love depating.
You do enjoy disagreeing with me, don't you Mtsu?

Its alright, I enjoy debating. But I can't type anything too lengthy right now, my boss keeps bothering me!

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I was hoping you'd catch Hey, look at it this way, if the debate wasn't stimulating, I wouldn't even participate!!!! You're cool in my book anyday, know how to take it with a grain of salt!!!
I was hoping you'd catch Hey, look at it this way, if the debate wasn't stimulating, I wouldn't even participate!!!! You're cool in my book anyday, know how to take it with a grain of salt!!!

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Oh I catch everything! I should add that the only debates I stay out of are in the Squawk Box. I'm not very well-versed in those areas, so I keep my opinion to myself. They would eat me up in there!

But anyway, thanks for the good words. OK, back to the debate at hand!
I've heard that the two you could do together wihout killing yourself are the CFI and the commercial since they are very similar.

I've never heard of anyone doing a private and an instrument all at once, but that doesn't mean it couldn't be done. But you wanna talk about a hell of a long day?
At UND we take our multi, instrument, and commercial all in one checkride...Can't wait for that one

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That's how I did it back-in-the-day at Riddle. Went from Private- ASMEL to Commercial AMEL-Inst, Private ASEL in one 2.5 hour checkride in a Seminole. We then did a 7-ride Comm-ASEL add-on after finishing the first huge checkride.