Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson River.

Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Not quite.
Any landing you can walk away from is a GOOD landing.
Any landing that leaves the airplane airworthy is a GREAT landing.

I'm going to have to revise the old saying and disagree ... because that was about as perfect a landing as one could have in that situation ... so I will go against conventional wisdom and say that was a great landing (particularly since that was in the pilot's control) ...

... now the airplane however ...
Any airplane you can walk (or swim) away from is a good airplane (it did hit the water and stay in tact for them)
Any airplane you can use again is a great airplane.
Re: Breaking News: USAirways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Rive

Excellent work by that crew!!!!! Hopefully the efficient evac earns FA's some greater respect in the public eye too. I would log that landing if I were the crew! :)
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

:) In an unrelated news item on The Garlic Newswire:


15 January, 2009:

Several youngsters playing in Argonne Park in Englewood, New Jersey today were pelted out of nowhere with what appears to be finely ground Goose pate. Cecil blognonowitz, one of the older boys, stated to this reporter "It was a real bummer, me and my friends were building a snowman and suddenly someone started throwing this red-ish pate at us from above. We looked around to see who could be doing it and all we saw was some dumb airplane disappearing over the buildings. Those first class travellers really ruined my day, I cant believe that they dont have better garbage cans on board."
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

hi fellas, i was driving down the henry Hudson parkway coming back from riverdale when i noticed a very low aircraft flying south over the river , when i first saw it i thought it was very unusual and i thought it was headed for teterboro which was just across the river , , i didnt pay much attention to it since i didnt see any flames nor anything like that , i drove for another 40 or 50 secs I Saw the plane making a 180 degree turn all that with loosing altitude i totally freaked out and i knew something was obviously wrong,i hit the brakes right past the intrepid (close to pier 71)and i watched it untill it disapeared ( i couldnt see the impact because of my low low car ) i got out of my car and i ran into the fence to see , it was still afloat, and maybe within less than a minute , one of the NY waterway ferries was already there , and people started coming out of the plane already , withing 5 minutes, there were probably in dozen of ferries and small boats , they made a sort of circle around the plane and some of them started pulling people from the airplanes rafts and wings on board
i was in total chock,
what i can tell you for sure is that none of his engines was running , the plane was very quiet pretty much like a glider ,the pilot did a great ob indeed , it was like if he was coming in for a soft field landing with total control of his craft
and i can also tell you that the A320 is a pretty strong aircraft , it stayed most of the fuselage and the wings were intact , the engines detached and were swept away by the strong current , i was still in disbelief till i got back to my car and realized there was this cop who pulled behind my car and gave me this freaking $115 ticket for obstructing traffic on a highway!
Re: Breaking News: USAirways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Rive

Excellent work by that crew!!!!! Hopefully the efficient evac earns FA's some greater respect in the public eye too. I would log that landing if I were the crew! :)

First off, major kudos to everyone at US Airways and the ferry boat operators. Even corporate is offering assistance and they appear to be well organized.

But you know what is bothering me about the coverage? They keep talking about "The Pilot" as if it was only one man/woman that got the passengers out safely. How about applauding the entire flight crew. The flight attendants sure did a great job and I am sure the other pilot had a big part in assisting the the flying pilot.
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Kamikaze birds..


Too bad most of you are too young to get the joke. ;)
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Also, in the P-3 world, ditches were practiced on every annual checkride. Do the 121 guys practice ditches?

I have never practiced ditching in water, but we did talk about the procedures in ground school.

We did however practice a dual engine failure from 2,000 ft. circle back to the landing runway at night.
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

I'm atheist, what do you mean by that? That every atheist/agnostic should blame god for a double engine failure over NYC? Naw I pass.


EXACTLY. I hate it when people say things like, "it was god's will they died/survived." What the hell is it? ...population control? :rolleyes:

Kudos to the entire crew on getting everyone out safely...awesome outcome to the story.


I also heard that the captain is a CFI-G. :)
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv


Why is Dr. Phil on CNN as a "aviation safety export?"

Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Anyone aware of any other incidents where a birdstrike took out ALL engines on an airliner?

Not all four engines, but YUKLA 27, (USAF E-3B) took a load of Canadian geese in the #1 and #2 engines less than a minute after rotation. All perished. Sad day.

Great job today by the entire crew.
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Good to see an Alaska made, Sitka to be precise, product help in the rescue:)

A couple of those ferries are Allen Marine boats.

/Back to regularly scheduled discussion
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Also, in the P-3 world, ditches were practiced on every annual checkride. Do the 121 guys practice ditches?


I did, however, do a practice water evacuation during indoc. That was eery!
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Al Quada birdies? Is that what keeps flying into my picture windows at the house?

In Iraq, we sometimes referred to "B1RDs" as the "Insurgent Air Force", as they were the only flying things that represented real threats to the helicopter.

Iraqi birds are notably larger threats- they're not used to aircraft and don't get out of the way. :rolleyes:
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Is there even a QRH for dual engine failure? I mean I have no idea what best glide was in the EMB-145 (it was probably a memory item that I have thus forgotten all about), and I can't imagine the shock that would happen from losing BOTH engines. I mean I haven't done any engine out procedures since I was a flight instructor!

When I was last in indoc, I got 'corrected' (read: made fun of) for using the term "Single Engine Failure", because it denoted the difference from a Dual Engine Failure. It throws back to my days in the UH-60 riding sideways. Still, it seems logical. The "it'll never happen" logic of not differentiating the terms ought to be right up there with the whole "the Titanic is unsinkable!" notion.

Kudos to the crew, including both pilots and all flight attendants, for handling an unorthodox situation with skill and verve and getting everyone safely out.
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

That was an unbelievable performance by the crew. We talked a lot about ditching (and practiced some) in Executive (Eagle ATR's) indoc and all I came away with was that you were pretty much hosed if you had wing-mounted engines on a low-wing airplane.

I'm probably saying this early, but unless something bizarre actually happened this is going to go down as one of the greatest accomplishments of piloting skill and CRM *ever*.
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

hi fellas, i was driving down the henry Hudson parkway coming back from riverdale when i noticed a very low aircraft flying south over the river , when i first saw it i thought it was very unusual and i thought it was headed for teterboro which was just across the river , , i didnt pay much attention to it since i didnt see any flames nor anything like that , i drove for another 40 or 50 secs I Saw the plane making a 180 degree turn all that with loosing altitude i totally freaked out and i knew something was obviously wrong,i hit the brakes right past the intrepid (close to pier 71)and i watched it untill it disapeared ( i couldnt see the impact because of my low low car ) i got out of my car and i ran into the fence to see , it was still afloat, and maybe within less than a minute , one of the NY waterway ferries was already there , and people started coming out of the plane already , withing 5 minutes, there were probably in dozen of ferries and small boats , they made a sort of circle around the plane and some of them started pulling people from the airplanes rafts and wings on board
i was in total chock,
what i can tell you for sure is that none of his engines was running , the plane was very quiet pretty much like a glider ,the pilot did a great ob indeed , it was like if he was coming in for a soft field landing with total control of his craft
and i can also tell you that the A320 is a pretty strong aircraft , it stayed most of the fuselage and the wings were intact , the engines detached and were swept away by the strong current , i was still in disbelief till i got back to my car and realized there was this cop who pulled behind my car and gave me this freaking $115 ticket for obstructing traffic on a highway!

crack kills...
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

That was an unbelievable performance by the crew. We talked a lot about ditching (and practiced some) in Executive (Eagle ATR's) indoc and all I came away with was that you were pretty much hosed if you had wing-mounted engines on a low-wing airplane.

I'm probably saying this early, but unless something bizarre actually happened this is going to go down as one of the greatest accomplishments of piloting skill and CRM *ever*.

*cough* sioux city *cough*
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

You mean this isn't fun?!?!




Nah, we actually had to jump out of an L1011 mockup into a deep-assed pool (I HAAAAAAATE deep water), swim to a life raft and start dragging folks into it. Then paddle across the other side of the pool.

Southernjets takes that stuff real serious.