Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson River.

Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Anyone else notice USAirways has already changed the flight number? I know it's usually something they do after an accident. The number is now 1543.
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Still speechless. In awe of the success of everything...major kudos to the pilots, FA's, passengers, folks in the ferries, rescuers! Everyone should be proud to be apart of it.

Flew some of the folks from the flight home to San Antonio yesterday. Didn't know they were on the flight until an entourage met them at the gate. I guess the passengers have been paying a rather large amount of attention during the safety briefings...that'll last 2 days.
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

OK.. pardon me if its repeated but i did not see it anywhere else on this forum...
And just like I predicted, it was just a matter of time before a ¨random camera¨ ¨randomly pointing into the hudson river¨ would catch the ¨landing¨ and upload it to the net for us to enojy...... So tHis is what really happened that afternoon...

<object width="450" height="370">

<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="450" height="370"></object>

It is amazing how quickly the ferries came!!
It didnt even take then a minute to get on their way!!..
Now that I see it, that also played a bigtime factor for them to make them well!. Had it happened in the open sea (with all those waves) and rescue teams taking perhaps hours to get there , perhaps the outcome would have been something else...
Now...Kudos to the ferry team! :)
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

sorry for the video twice.... Tryed editing it out, but It wont let me... So I guess it wont hurt you to enjoy it twice :o...
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

NY Times Article

.....not the least of which was the fact that Captain Sullenberger, who has been hailed by the mayor and the president for his skill and bravery, was not at the controls at takeoff. Instead, the plane’s first officer, 49-year-old Jeffrey B. Skiles, was in control; a 23-year veteran of the airline, he had just 35 hours of flying time in this particular kind of craft, the Airbus A320.

Re: Breaking News: USAirways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Rive

Theoretically yes, but in practice highly unlikely. That is why I am so surprised to see the fuselage in such excellent condition considering the aircraft apparently managed to take off. This accident notwithstanding, the engine mount bolts are designed to sheer and shed the engines, and assuming the horizontal stabilizers don't sheer off and puncture the pressure bulkhead in the rear of the aircraft, there is a certain amount of buoyancy that an aircraft can attain. At high speed impacts, however, the chances of ditching successfully is close to zero. I won't speculate about this USAirways incident, but it would seem that they must have had some amount of power to create a controlled landing in the water. Who knows....all I can say is hope everyone is ok....

That is interesting, Is that design specific to the airbus? I asked my father-in-law who is an aeronautical engineer about that and he said he has never heard of engine mounts designed to sheer off...Then again, his career was with Mcdonnell Douglas. and then with the airforce primarily working on the C-5.
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

FO had controls on take off but the captain took over after the bird strike.
Re: Breaking News: USAirways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Rive

That is interesting, Is that design specific to the airbus? I asked my father-in-law who is an aeronautical engineer about that and he said he has never heard of engine mounts designed to sheer off...Then again, his career was with Mcdonnell Douglas. and then with the airforce primarily working on the C-5.

I know that some Boeing planes are designed with this feature as well. Any abnormal/very high stresses or vibrations will cause the shear pins to break and the engine will come loose. This is so the high stresses don't take out the entire wing.
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Let me elucidate a little. Folks have landed aircraft on the water and have gotten out successfullly. But what I'm talking about is the dynamic of having 150-plus laymen sitting in back, most likely with their iPods on and that didn't pay attention to the safety briefing that more or less encountered a water ditching and survived without serious injury.

I make it a point to have my card out, follow along and actually make eye contact with the FA while they are doing their safety brief...Actually had an FA come along once after the brief, and thank me for at least pretending to care. I told her I was not pretending, if we go down and we survive I want to know how to get the heck out before we drown, or fry! It is agrevating to see how people are so rude who dont even bother to act like they are paying attention!
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

I don't know if anyone has posted this pic yet. I'm sick and don't feel like looking at all the pages so here you go.

Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Hey, Jeff--hope you're feeling better! :)

Yes, someone did post his photo before, but I don't think it was with the phrase on the bottom. That is PRICELESS!!!! :D

Oh yeah, I've been meaning to say this since the accident happened---SCORE ONE FOR THE OLDER DUDES! :bandit: :rawk: :nana2: ;)