Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson River.

Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

yes.. The crew did an awesome job
But as of the percentage... I can say.. The crew did their best... and The rest was up to God.
They could have done everything they could or wanted .. but if God has said no........ we all know what could have happened..
That said! wow... Awesome job
aparently the pilot (at least the capitan) was a personality in the world of aviation...

Are you serious? God was not flying the plane. The Crew just did what they were trained for.
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Does anybody happens to know a place were we could get a recording from LGA_TWR? online.. I looked but they only have recordings from JFK... not LGA..
Re: Breaking News: USAirways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Rive

Early reports indicate dual engine failure due to hitting flock of geese.

All passengers and crew accounted for.

Excellent decision-making and landing by crew.

GodDamn rats with wings......
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Is there even a QRH for dual engine failure? I mean I have no idea what best glide was in the EMB-145 (it was probably a memory item that I have thus forgotten all about), and I can't imagine the shock that would happen from losing BOTH engines. I mean I haven't done any engine out procedures since I was a flight instructor!
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Sounds like they had the right captain for the job!
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

I saw a blip about the pilot noticing an airport underneath on departure and it turned out to be TEB and according to the press that is where they turned for. Who knows of the press is correct on that one, but could an A320 with all that fuel/weight even use TEB?
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Are you serious? God was not flying the plane. The Crew just did what they were trained for.

He is not saying that God was flying the aircraft, he is just basically saying that they were under guidance/faith of God...
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

...this is certainly shaping up to be a case of those fat, lazy, overpaid airline pilots earning the six figure paychecks and 28 days off a month. Well freaking done!

Damn right!

Hopefully, this is a good reminder for people to pay attention to safety demos and their flight attendants.

Until they forget all about it 2 days from now.

It only took CNBC 1 hour to start talking about the financial ramifications to US Air.

Forced capacity reduction plus an insurance check.

Wolf did just stress the importance of "listening to the flight attendants" there is a novel concept...the most informative thing I've heard him say since the first Gulf War.

OMG that is funny!!

Any landing you can walk away from is a great landing, right?

Not quite.
Any landing you can walk away from is a GOOD landing.
Any landing that leaves the airplane airworthy is a GREAT landing.
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

That's debatable... but lets not start a religious pissing match..

I am not a church-going guy, but I do believe "there are no Atheist in a foxhole." I would bet that applies to a double engine failure over NYC, too.
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

yes.. The crew did an awesome job
But as of the percentage... I can say.. The crew did their best... and The rest was up to God.
They could have done everything they could or wanted .. but if God has said no........ we all know what could have happened..
That said! wow... Awesome job
aparently the pilot (at least the capitan) was a personality in the world of aviation...

i know it's besides the point but you have an extreme amount of ...... in your post, i still havn't read it because it's beyond ridiculous.

anyways, hats off to el capitan & the crew. marvelous job. everyone on that plane owes them a steak dinner & a cold one.
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

A lot of compliments to the Captain....the FO was a useless lump, who cares about him! They're just young kids who just sit there anyways [sarcasm] probably a CAP wannabe pilot :P
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

I am not a church-going guy, but I do believe "there are no Atheist in a foxhole." I would bet that applies to a double engine failure over NYC, too.

I'm atheist, what do you mean by that? That every atheist/agnostic should blame god for a double engine failure over NYC? Naw I pass.
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

The pilot definitely did a good job! I'm sure a landing on other than a surface meant for landing is risky business !
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Let's not turn this into a religious argument, mmmmkay?
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

I saw a blip about the pilot noticing an airport underneath on departure and it turned out to be TEB and according to the press that is where they turned for. Who knows of the press is correct on that one, but could an A320 with all that fuel/weight even use TEB?

Yes, a A320 could land at TEB. Its a 7000 foot runway. There is however a 100,000 lb weight limit imposed by the Port Authority, but that goes out the window in an emergency.