Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson River.

Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

MSNBC is saying alot about the great skill, training etc of the pilots in regards to how professional they handled this one. Interesting to hear from the media.

Also saying theres an interview with one of the pilots is coming up in a few mins. I figured that the company would've kept em quiet for at least a week or something
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Any landing you can walk away from is a great landing, right?
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

NBC is saying the Pilot will be on with the Mayor in 20 min....
Amazing how it turned out.
Im glade I wasn't flying anyone down for a Hudson tour today.

The A320 was flown by one pilot?:rolleyes:

The media, yet again...

btw Tworotor, how are things with you?:)
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Dual Engine failure? What the heck. Stupid Birds. Glad everyone is ok. Something needs to be done with those pesky birds!
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

The A320 was flown by one pilot?:rolleyes:

The media, yet again...

btw Tworotor, how are things with you?:)

Yea damn media I know...Im pretty good man. How about you? Weather has been pretty bad for flying this winter eh.
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Any landing you can walk away from is a great landing, right?

No I think that's a good landing, any landing that you can reuse the plane is a great landing. I'd definitely tally this particular landing in the "good landing" column since the aircraft is essentially a submarine at this time.
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Yea damn media I know...Im pretty good man. How about you? Weather has been pretty bad for flying this winter eh.

Same here, man it is hell right now with these temps! I for one cannot wait for a heat wave, literally!:D
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

hats off to the pilot.

honorary sea plane rating in order?
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

So now we just gotta wait for one of those safety cameras videos located on one tower in a random place wich just happened to be pointing into the hudson at the time of the crash..... .. you know.. this stuff happens more often an often... There is always an eye somewhere...... you´ll see... A video will come up soon.. :P...
So what do the pilots get??.... A not-to-be-furloughed Guarantee letter?? *Sarcasm* .. no for real!! Great Job!! Thank God!!.. Either way... what its the compensation package for the pilots in this situations??
what about the passangers??? if you were not ¨¨hurt¨¨ in the crash? are you entitled to a monetary compensation??.. or is this entitled as an ¨¨act of God¨ and you simple get a Sorry..hope you are okey..
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

News is saying the Capt. is Chesley Sullenberger


A job well done by all the crew and rescuers!
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

The crew did an AWESOME job. It's just really amazing there were no fatalities.
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

wow, just seen this on the news here.....good thing everybody is ok !! One minor injury is what the news has said here.......great job by the crew, A+++ to the flight attendants for sure with the safe evacuation !! I was wondering, if any of you airline guys could shed some light......being that the glide ratio of an airliner is so good, would a return to the airport or continuance to the next nearest be an option at that altitude ?
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

The crew did an awesome job.

But now the city is patting themselves on the back for being so awesome and helping all those people.

90% pilots 5% people being in the right place at the right time 5% agencies being quick to respond
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

The crew did an awesome job.

But now the city is patting themselves on the back for being so awesome and helping all those people.

90% pilots 5% people being in the right place at the right time 5% agencies being quick to respond


Kudos go out to all involved for ensuring all are safe and on solid ground.
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

I guess you CAN land airplanes on the water with the engines located under the wings.

I always thought that when the engines hit they would cause so much drag that airplane would come apart at the wings, or at least break apart somewhere on the frame.

BIG props to the pilot and manufacturer.

Glad to hear it seems everyone is alright.:)
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

The crew did an awesome job.

90% pilots 5% people being in the right place at the right time 5% agencies being quick to respond

yes.. The crew did an awesome job
But as of the percentage... I can say.. The crew did their best... and The rest was up to God.
They could have done everything they could or wanted .. but if God has said no........ we all know what could have happened..
That said! wow... Awesome job
aparently the pilot (at least the capitan) was a personality in the world of aviation...
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

For what we currently know about the accident....Major kudos to the crew for a job well done during a very difficult situation! Also, great job by the rescue crews who battled bitter cold condition with speed, grace and skill!!!
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Al Quada birdies? Is that what keeps flying into my picture windows at the house?

No Doug, you're confusing the Al Qaeda birds with Kamikaze birds..

They descend from chemtrails....