Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson River.

Re: Breaking News: USAirways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Rive

Just out of curiosity, does it offend any of our female pilots when they say "he (pilot) did a fantastic job!"

Interesting thought--I had it myself. Since the vast majority of pilots ARE male, there's a good chance it was a man. I have been watching the local NYC tv stations and the passengers did say "he" when referring to the commands he gave them over the PA before going into the river.
Re: Breaking News: USAirways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Rive

Anyone know what atc archive recording would have the call? Just my curiosity for learning purposes... would it be departure, delivery, clearance, or arrival?
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

I wonder where they find these "so-called" experts. The guy on CNN had no idea what he was talking about referencing the Airbus slide/raft system.
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

You see where they have tied off the plane with the cables? That's way cool...will sure as hell help determine the cause! I am LOVING :sarcasm: the expert's GREAT. I wonder what else they mess up?!?
Re: Breaking News: USAirways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Rive

Anyone know what atc archive recording would have the call? Just my curiosity for learning purposes... would it be departure, delivery, clearance, or arrival?
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

You see where they have tied off the plane with the cables? That's way cool...will sure as hell help determine the cause! I am LOVING :sarcasm: the expert's GREAT. I wonder what else they mess up?!?

I learned something new today. A man said that the reason everyone survived because when it's cold outside the water gets harder and makes for a softer landing. If it was warmer the water would be softer and could of led to casualties.
Re: Breaking News: USAirways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Rive

Anyone know what atc archive recording would have the call? Just my curiosity for learning purposes... would it be departure, delivery, clearance, or arrival?

If they hit the birds right at lift off - since those ####ers are always around the end of the runway - they were probably still talking to tower. LiveATC doesn't have LGA tower anymore.

Had my first strike a few weeks ago at PHL. It was "V1...rotate....####". Hit the wing though.
Re: Breaking News: USAirways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Rive

Yeah, we're getting killed with traffic right now, the load is way the heck up.

What happened to stats that used to be on the main page? It used to show how many on line, most users ever, etc.?!? Doug doesn't want us to know that there are over 19 million people on his website right now!!! :)

Anyway, glad to see it looks like all got out. Freakin' amazing!!!
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

I learned something new today. A man said that the reason everyone survived because when it's cold outside the water gets harder and makes for a softer landing. If it was warmer the water would be softer and could of led to casualties.

I just heard that on Fox News...what a bunch of no talent ass clowns.

I think I have a new signature line!
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Yes. Wolf Blitzer, indeed, needs to retire.

"Are there elderly and little children on the airplane?"

Come on dude, that's Nancy Grace-esque melodrama.

reporter on foxnews says that the pilot force has been thinned and now there are 67, 68 year old experienced pilots flying our aircraft....:banghead:

You see where they have tied off the plane with the cables? That's way cool...will sure as hell help determine the cause! I am LOVING :sarcasm: the expert's GREAT. I wonder what else they mess up?!?

I learned something new today. A man said that the reason everyone survived because when it's cold outside the water gets harder and makes for a softer landing. If it was warmer the water would be softer and could of led to casualties.

Now that we know everyone is off the plane and safe, I say we get the popcorn ready for more of the hiliarious antics by the different news stations.

Here's one:
Reporter: What were you feeling when the plane was going down?
Passenger: Scared as ____!

Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

CNN's meteorologist is weighing in with his "expert" commentary...he is apparently in shock that everything is "business-as-usual".

Wolf did just stress the importance of "listening to the flight attendants" there is a novel concept...the most informative thing I've heard him say since the first Gulf War.
Re: Breaking News: USAirways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Rive

A bird in each engine?

That sucks... alot...

Amazing job on the crew
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Seeing the passengers (and hopefully) crew on the wings of the aircraft is absolutely surreal. They've interviewed some of the pax and the statements are amazing.
Re: Breaking News: USAirways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Rive

Praise God that there are no deaths or injuries. Great job by the crew to get it down safely.
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

I believe this x2 happened:

Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

man.. i love listening to the media pretend to know what they are talking about...:sarcasm:
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

The birds thing reminds me of a battle up at Dover a while back. They wanted to put a dump about a mile north of field right in the MIDDLE of the departure/arrival corridor. The company said "we'll put up nets and keep the birds away"...yeah, whatever fools.

Anyway has anyone heard any actual witnesses that ACTUALLY saw birds or is it pure speculation at this point?!? I would be concerned a little bit about fuel contamination...(of course, I know jets will burn just about ANYTHING) but, I wanted to add something else besides just the birds theory!

Oh yeah, did you hear? The retirement age has been raised to HIGHER than 65!!! Oh man, and there was so much consternation when it was raised from 60! What will it be now?!? It was reported on Fox, so it MUST be fact!!! :sarcasm:
Re: Breaking News: USAirways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Rive

According to an unconfirmed source on LiveATC, the plane never switched from Local Control.

...aaaawwwww. I assume there's no other source other than liveatc?