Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson River.

Re: Breaking News: USAirways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Rive

and there she goes :(

I'm assuming since they can no longer see the aircraft that it's still going to end up fairly far away since the current will still be moving the craft?
Re: Breaking News: USAirways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Rive

Watching it on CNN...terrible.

Yes. Wolf Blitzer, indeed, needs to retire.

"Are there elderly and little children on the airplane?"

Come on dude, that's Nancy Grace-esque melodrama.
Re: Breaking News: USAirways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Rive

Not to digress from the topic, but a PanAm Boeing 377 Stratoliner of 1950's vintage ditched in the Pacific, and everyone survived. They ditched alongside a Coast Guard weather ship. I will have to get more info. if you're interested. I feel such a great deal of pride in the feat of airmanship that these pilots executed today.
Re: Breaking News: USAirways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Rive

Amazing job by all the crew to get the airplane down, in one piece, and get "hopefully" all the pax off. GREAT JOB!
Re: Breaking News: USAirways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Rive

Not to digress from the topic, but a PanAm Boeing 377 Stratoliner of 1950's vintage ditched in the Pacific, and everyone survived. They ditched alongside a Coast Guard weather ship. I will have to get more info. if you're interested. I feel such a great deal of pride in the feat of airmanship that these pilots executed today.
US Airways plane crashes in Hudson

Just saw on the news, a US airways A320 crashed in the Hudson after a bird strike. Everyone survived! Thank God. Good job to the crew.
Re: Breaking News: USAirways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Rive

I wouldn't want to go into that water today (18F), but better there than into a neighborhood/building/industrial complex.

Considering what a possible alternative to their ending was, that water may feel pretty good to them right now.
Re: Breaking News: USAirways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Rive

NEW YORK – A US Airways plane crashed into the frigid Hudson River on Thursday afternoon after striking a bird that disabled two engines, sending 150 on board scrambling onto rescue boats, authorities say. No deaths or serious injuries were immediately reported.
That must have been quite a bird. :rolleyes:

Amazing every one got out. Definitely rare for a transport category jet to ditch and stay in one piece.
Re: Breaking News: USAirways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Rive

reporter on foxnews says that the pilot force has been thinned and now there are 67, 68 year old experienced pilots flying our aircraft....:banghead:
Re: US Airways plane crashes in Hudson

I'll merge the threads.
Re: Breaking News: USAirways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Rive

Man the website is slow right now. Coincidence?? :)
Re: Breaking News: USAirways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Rive

CNBC is the "speculation nightmare" of this century.
Anybody else got a call from them for "Expert Statements"?

Looks like they did a good job. Kudos to the pilots & crew!
Re: Breaking News: USAirways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Rive

Just out of curiosity, does it offend any of our female pilots when they say "he (pilot) did a fantastic job!"
Re: Breaking News: USAirways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Rive

Additionally, first successful water ditching of a transport category airliner?

Nah, I think that was a DC9 back when that was a new airplane. I remember reading about it in the book "Air Disasters". Pilot ran out of gas.
Re: Breaking News: USAirways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Rive

Man the website is slow right now. Coincidence?? :)

Yeah, we're getting killed with traffic right now, the load is way the heck up.
Re: Breaking News: USAirways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Rive

Early reports indicate dual engine failure due to hitting flock of geese.

All passengers and crew accounted for.

Excellent decision-making and landing by crew.
Re: Breaking News: USAirways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Rive

It only took CNBC 1 hour to start talking about the financial ramifications to US Air.
Re: Breaking News: USAirways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Rive

This shows how essential the Flight Crew is to the actual flight and that there will never be pilot less planes!:) On a more serious note, It is a shame how much responsibility pilots hold for that 15 minutes to 18 hours, yet they are not compensated or respected as much as they are valued until something like this happens!
Re: Breaking News: USAirways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Rive

Aviation in the news is always the BIG STORY no matter where or what the circumstances. And I understand this is pretty big news.. I am at work right now down in south florida at a small class E airport. Just got a call from local news asking me if I could answer questions on camera about bird strikes and the like about the topic. Im not going to do it but I know they will end up interviewing someone with no clue about bird stikes and what really can happen. The lady on the phone had the tone like she couldnt believe birds could bring down an airliner. The gull of them.. No pun...