Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson River.

Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Yep, I was aware of this one and also the Eastern Electra accident at Logan - Haven't found any incidents where all engines were lost due to birds, though. It appears this was unprecedented - and hopefully will remain unique. Magnificent job by the captain and crew.

USA Jet DC-9

USA Jet Falcon 20

Those are the only two I know of. A C-5 nearly went down at Dover AFB after a massive bird strike, but I can't find any information on it. This was over ten years ago.

Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

The Do's from the dirty Jerz!

I love this. :laff: Repeat it to yourselves 4 times and it starts to sound like your speaking Mandarin. Mmmmk back to my vodka tonic.

PS. OUT FRIGGIN STANDING !!!! A giant kudos to the pilots and cabin crew as well as NYC resucue. I wonder if the airlines will impose new training regs on water ditchings.
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Kick ass for the flight crew for landing safely in a hugely unsafe situation where the cards were stacked against them.

Kick ass for the cabin crew for preparing for an off-airport landing, and evacuating the passengers without much overall injury.

Many thanks to the first responders on the scene.
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Not sure if it was mentioned seeing as we are approaching page 10, but...

He served as an instructor and Air Line Pilots Association safety chairman, accident investigator and national technical committee member, according to a biography on the site. He participated in several USAF and National Transportation Safety Board accident investigations, and worked with NASA scientists on a paper on error and aviation, his site says.

Worth noting, all is quiet from the USAPA press-release-o-matic.
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

I wanna shake the hands of those amazing pilots and say the beer is on me if I ever get to meet them.
Very well done, they truly lived up to the meaning of a professional aviator.
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Worth noting, all is quiet from the USAPA press-release-o-matic.

They're probably realizing, "Hey, Dangit, I sure wish we had ALPA safety now..."
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

I wanna shake the hands of those amazing pilots and say the beer is on me if I ever get to meet them.
Very well done, they truly lived up to the meaning of a professional aviator.

Might be a good catch as guest speakers at NJC09 but I'm sure they're deluged with email, telephone calls and whatnot about now.
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Might be a good catch as guest speakers at NJC09 but I'm sure they're deluged with email, telephone calls and whatnot about now.

This guy has some credentials. I was just reading his resume. Unless it's all resume fluff, he has already had an interesting impact on aviation safety.
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Let me elucidate a little. Folks have landed aircraft on the water and have gotten out successfullly. But what I'm talking about is the dynamic of having 150-plus laymen sitting in back, most likely with their iPods on and that didn't pay attention to the safety briefing that more or less encountered a water ditching and survived without serious injury.
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Is there even a QRH for dual engine failure? I mean I have no idea what best glide was in the EMB-145 (it was probably a memory item that I have thus forgotten all about), and I can't imagine the shock that would happen from losing BOTH engines. I mean I haven't done any engine out procedures since I was a flight instructor!

Yeah, we have it in the QRH. They put it in there after flagship 3701 went down if IIRC. VFS is what we use for best glide, so 160-170ish at most weights, although the dual engine failure QRH says to maintain 260 minimum (obviously to permit an airstart)....wouldn't work so well in this secnario. Interestingly our ditching QRH basically says: pull the GPWS breakers, fly it in at Vtgt for whatever flap setting you have, and have fun.

I wonder if they were able to get flaps down, I couldn't tell from the photos I saw. If they were, that probably contributed to the positive otucome. I'd imagine they sill had their APU running so they had a generator online. There's an argument against those "bleeds on APU off" takeoff proponents.

In any event, great work Capt. Sullenberger.........

and oh yeah FO such and such and the 3 FA's too. :) At least this accident got me to review our ditching procedures. Can't say that I've looked at those in quite some time.
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Can he (THE PILOT) log it as 0.1 hours of glider time, seeing that he is a licensed glider pilot?
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Depends on the FO, depends on the captain, depends on the departure brief, depends on the situation, depends on a lot of things that we don't have access to right now.

Generally most captains would say in their brief that if it was my leg and an emergency happened, I'd fly the airplane and they'd fix it. Others told me the opposite would happen.

Rumor is, though, that the captain is also a glider instructor and hence, probably had a tiny bit of a leg up on the FO. ........

No rumors:

Rated: Airline Transport Pilot; Airplane Single and Multi-Engine Land; Commercial Privileges Glider;
A320, B737, DC-9/MD-80, Learjet. 19,000 hours.
Certificated Flight Instructor (Airplane Single and Multi-Engine, Glider, Instrument Airplane); Flight
Engineer (Turbojet Powered); Ground Instructor (Advanced and Instrument).
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

why is stuff like this in here?
A woman who answered the phone at Sullenberger's home in Danville hung up on a reporter who asked to speak with the family.

Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Can he (THE PILOT) log it as 0.1 hours of glider time, seeing that he is a licensed glider pilot?

I didn't see either "Multi-Engine Sea" or "Glider - Sea" as a rating. He will probably get violated :)
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Bet there are A LOT of people paying attention to the F/A safety briefings today!