Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson River.

Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

I've talked to Patrick a couple of times. He knows his stuff and is a bona fide aviation freak. After September 11, he told me he had resigned himself to possibly NEVER getting paid to fly again.

Well, he's drawing a paycheck for flying again.

And check out his books. While they are designed for the non-aviation buff, they're still good reads.

Well, when the quarterback throws the pretty touchdown pass, nobody says "wow, what a great block by the left tackle!"

But they do mention the guy who caught the pass. ;)
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

I haven't read all 9 pages of this thread so forgive me if this topic came up already...

I guess Airbus deserves props for making a plastic plane that floats. If this were a 737 would it have floated as long? Or was it just the fact that they used the front exits only that allowed it to float? Or was it that they managed to land it and keep the fuselage intact that kept it floating?

What ever it was great job by all the crew. This is when all that training pays off.
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

NEW YORK (AP) -- Federal investigators said the left engine of the US Airways jetliner that ditched into the Hudson River was missing Friday as reports emerged that the pilot who safely landed the aircraft had considered an emergency landing at two airports.

Are the engines designed to detach upon danger?
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

I haven't read all 9 pages of this thread so forgive me if this topic came up already...

I guess Airbus deserves props for making a plastic plane that floats. If this were a 737 would it have floated as long? Or was it just the fact that they used the front exits only that allowed it to float? Or was it that they managed to land it and keep the fuselage intact that kept it floating?

What ever it was great job by all the crew. This is when all that training pays off.

Hey buddy - don't go baggin on the American product in favor of the Frogflier.

If it had been a Boeing, I am pretty sure that it would not only have floated as well - it would have floated better...and probably had an array of troller motors pop out from somewhere to comfortably get them to a dock where everyone could have deplanned without getting wet.
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Hey buddy - don't go baggin on the American product in favor of the Frogflier.

If it had been a Boeing, I am pretty sure that it would not only have floated as well - it would have floated better...and probably had an array of troller motors pop out from somewhere to comfortably get them to a dock where everyone could have deplanned without getting wet.

If it was a Boeing, the engines wouldn't have lost power in the first place.

Birds Schmirds

Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Are the engines designed to detach upon danger?
Not a busdriver and didn't stay at a holiday inn express last night, but I'd have to guess that if they aren't (perhaps they have some sort of failsafe system where they separate in catastrophic events so to remove the danger?) that the engine probably got ripped off when it impacted the water.

Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Are the engines designed to detach upon danger?

Not making fun of you, but your post made me imagine in my head an Airbus with a "Danger Will Robinson Danger!" voice, and then the engines falling off.
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Since both the 737 and this Airbus (US East) have nearly identical engines. (Both have CFM 56's) I think they both would have had the same problems dealing with birds. Though maybe a 737(FLUF) is ugly enough that birds get out of the way. I don't think its ugly but some do.
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Yes. The engine pods are attached with shear pins that are designed to fail and release the pod before it imparts too much stress to the airframe.
NTSB says both engine are on the bottom of the river and are being searched for.
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

NTSB says both engine are on the bottom of the river and are being searched for.

damn, you're quick I was just going to put that up..... :panic:
Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Not making fun of you, but your post made me imagine in my head an Airbus with a "Danger Will Robinson Danger!" voice, and then the engines falling off.

Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Wolf just said "and the copilot deserves a lot of praise also, more on that when we come back"

And now the fun begins...

A slightly altered view of yesterday that i got in my email today (man they are fast)


Re: Breaking News: US Airways Jet Crashes in the Hudson Riv

Not making fun of you, but your post made me imagine in my head an Airbus with a "Danger Will Robinson Danger!" voice, and then the engines falling off.
Yeah I actually thought of Ross Geller jumping out from behind a door yelling "DANGER!"