ATP opening more locations


Well-Known Member
According to the website ATP is going to have 5 new locations, San Diego, Oakland, Indianapolis, Charlotte, and Tampa. I wonder if they are simply going to be shuffling planes around from the less busy locations or if they are ordering more. It's kind of interesting they are doing this when business is supposedly down. San Diego is opening Feb 9 and there are no dates for the other new locations as of now.
According to the website ATP is going to have 5 new locations, San Diego, Oakland, Indianapolis, Charlotte, and Tampa. I wonder if they are simply going to be shuffling planes around from the less busy locations or if they are ordering more. It's kind of interesting they are doing this when business is supposedly down. San Diego is opening Feb 9 and there are no dates for the other new locations as of now.
Wow, it is hard to believe that they are expanding in this economy. Last ditch efforts??
It's a buy low, sell high type of thing. When the market is down whether it be stocks,real estate or infrastructure, you can get a lot for a low price. To me it looks like ATP has money to invest and looking to take the risk that in a few months/years when the economy is in full swing and the pilot shortage becomes realistic that they will be in the position to make money with the large flow of money into flight training.

This is how big profits are made, expanding when everyone else is contracting, but there is always that risk that can be pretty painful if things do not work out the way you had planned.
The Tampa location is a no brainer. They send CFI canditates down there to take check rides. Might as well have a location and planes already there. It will probably be at Peter O'Knight field.

I don't know why they would open the Indy location. They just closed the Illionis location last year.
It's a buy low, sell high type of thing. When the market is down whether it be stocks,real estate or infrastructure, you can get a lot for a low price. To me it looks like ATP has money to invest and looking to take the risk that in a few months/years when the economy is in full swing and the pilot shortage becomes realistic that they will be in the position to make money with the large flow of money into flight training.

This is how big profits are made, expanding when everyone else is contracting, but there is always that risk that can be pretty painful if things do not work out the way you had planned.

Or if planes aren't being utilized to their planned levels, opening new locations may bring at least a handful of new students and increase the planes' usage enough to cover the new locales.

I bet there are a bunch of wannabes across the country that have to or think they have to train near home, so there are people hanging out in Indy that will be like "hey! I have tens of thousands of dollars! why not?!"
Why Indianapolis, when Cincinnati is a bigger city and within 2 hours of Columbus, Louisville, and Indianapolis?

Plus in Cincinnati, I know of a really great MEII looking for a stable gig :)
Indy makes great sense. Close to BWG and also close to SDF/CVG/DAY/CMH. However I really do not care for it too much since I just started my new gig in the Indy area. However they will have a hard time finding an airport in Indy. I honestly have no clue where they think they will go in Indy. Plus the one or two FBO's in indy can offer everything ATP can at a cheaper price. But keep in mind with IND you do not have the awesome class B airspace like you do in CVG. Easy to get in and out of IND. Also pleanty of cornfields to land the planes in. Anyone know where at in Indy?
ATP needs to open one for the NYC/NJ crowd!(besides trenton) :mad:

At the end of the day it comes down to Price. As we all know NYC/NJ is very expensive to fly out of and run a business. I'm sure if they could do it without hurting the bottom line I'm sure they would.
These guys are crooks. The ripped me off for $50,000 and all I got was a couple ratings. They have examiners who bust guys for minimal things enough times to get them kicked out of the program. After that the Examiner asks you to come to him for "instruction" and he will guarantee you pass your checkride "next time" How this company gets away with this is staggering.
These guys are crooks. The ripped me off for $50,000 and all I got was a couple ratings. They have examiners who bust guys for minimal things enough times to get them kicked out of the program. After that the Examiner asks you to come to him for "instruction" and he will guarantee you pass your checkride "next time" How this company gets away with this is staggering.

WOW...I am sure that there is nothing else to this story that you didnt tell us.
These guys are crooks. The ripped me off for $50,000 and all I got was a couple ratings. They have examiners who bust guys for minimal things enough times to get them kicked out of the program. After that the Examiner asks you to come to him for "instruction" and he will guarantee you pass your checkride "next time" How this company gets away with this is staggering.

Although I'm sure most people here have some sort of discrepancy with ATP, ATP still provided the flight training they promised. Most people who get kicked out are the ones who either don't study enough or are slow learners and fall behind. I would like to add that the ATP lifestyle and learning process is not for everyone but it has worked for a large number of people. For instance, me.

As far as bad examiners.... The examiner I had for most of my rides didn't care about ATP and examined me on my ability. I had no problems with any of my examiners. Everybody's story is different though I am sure.

Good luck
These guys are crooks. The ripped me off for $50,000 and all I got was a couple ratings. They have examiners who bust guys for minimal things enough times to get them kicked out of the program. After that the Examiner asks you to come to him for "instruction" and he will guarantee you pass your checkride "next time" How this company gets away with this is staggering.

This guy IS a JOKE! Believe me, I know first hand.
These guys are crooks. The ripped me off for $50,000 and all I got was a couple ratings. They have examiners who bust guys for minimal things enough times to get them kicked out of the program. After that the Examiner asks you to come to him for "instruction" and he will guarantee you pass your checkride "next time" How this company gets away with this is staggering.

Wow. First off the examiners are not employees of ATP so them busting you had nothing to do with ATP. There is a lot more to this story then is being presented here.
Back on subject...

Has anyone heard anything about the SAN location? Which airport/housing/etc.? It's opening pretty soon so I'd think there would already be a plan in place.
Lets keep it on topic guys! We all have our own feelings. But remember ones experience can always be different from another. Some have great times, some have bad times, etc. At the end of the day to each their own. And at the end of the day ATP is a business. Bashing people especially here is not the time or place. Especially with a newbie with one post. :)
Guys, it is very simple, ATP is NOW accepting foreign students, and they are now doing private pilots at all locations.
Yes people, ATP has turned into a chain FBO for flight training. If you ask me, they had no other choice.
Teaching Europeans for myself, I am quite happy, 100+ hours a month I easily get still. I only have one American student. Most are Danish, Irish, Italian, German, and English.
ATP is no competition however, not unless they start teaching a JAR ground school and develop a JAR flight department.
It probably is only a matter of time however before the European market slows down. The USD having a low value against the Euro is helping business for sure but as we all know, the European economy follows behind the USA's.