Anyone working at a Ross FBO?

I worked for them for several years. Let me guess.. are they taking over the FBO in Spokane? The most recent FBO that I am aware of that they acquired, they kept about half of the employees in a merger.
Yep, that is us. I don't mind leaving because I have so much going on right now. I just wish there was more communication so I can plan better.
If they are simply buying the FBO and putting the Ross name on it, then most jobs will probably be safe. Then again.. the Ross's did suprise me by letting go of some of their most senior employees. Their goal is to make money and get more FBO's with their name. Pay was never very good. Medical sucked. If you ever fly down to KSDL, you will see where all the money goes. If you have better oportunities, I suggest you take them.
well, I expect they will bring in an outsider and have everyone interview for their jobs.