Goofballs as reps blindly trusting their scheduling chairman who thought he was a SME on PBS.
SM may be a very smart guy and a great scheduling chair, but he is not the sharpest tool in the PBS methodology department and he, I hold, is single-handedly responsible for the lost time. XJT Reps trusted and believed every lie he spouted about our PBS and insisted on entertaining the abortion that is SmartPref. And yet, LXJT gets to enjoy their extremely lucrative line bidding system for two years while LASA takes it in the shorts on our PBS system?
"Say whaaaat!?"
Oh, right, they'll spend two more years of wasting company funds trying to build a SmartPref ((since, well, in short, it's not really OPERATIONAL!)) and then sell this infant PBS, that has survived an abortion, to BOTH pilot groups.
So yeah...Thanks Obama!