Where to go?


Airport Bum!
I am currently trying to figure out where to go to. I am a pub 2 applicant but did not get selected and I scored a 73.9 on my test, naturally I was not supprised.

After reading through the forums, I assume the geo pref will come out at the end of the month or early next month and I would like to prepare. I try talking to both facilities here at Jax, but most guys are old and dont know squat.

What states should I choose since I am qualified?
guam seems like a cool place to live. do you really think that it would have a low representation in the geo prefs?
what would be my chances of getting a spot in FL or CA? i know here at the orlando tower they are understaffed and they have several guys that are eligible to retire here this year so they will be even further understaffed. but i see FL as a key place where alot of people would want to apply for along with CA. so im wondering if maybe i should choose another state instead.
I lived there as a child.
It was fun for us as a family.
Probably would suck if you were there single.

I was always curious what it was like out thereI was under the impression that it was pretty much just the military base on the island and not much else. I know they have a macys (long story), but thats about it .Am I way off there?
I was always curious what it was like out thereI was under the impression that it was pretty much just the military base on the island and not much else. I know they have a macys (long story), but thats about it .Am I way off there?

Bout right. It is a great place if you like the beach and don't mind snakes.
Not good surfing- there is a reef around most of the island.
Mild waves, but sharks mostly keep to the pacific side.
I recommend getting scuba certified and learning to shop online