What to do?


Airport Bum!
First of all I am not a pilot, but I grew up around aviation and I work in aviation as a fueler.

I am 26 and I feel that I am stuck here and I really want to leave, but the only two industries I have experience in is in aviation and television. I'd go back to TV but I don't want to take a pay cut, and Id rather be a fueler than go back to TV.

What is a good field for a fueler to go to? If I have to move, I will move in a heartbeat. This area stinks anyway.
Have you thought about the military? You're not too old to enlist which could get you experience and education in another area of aviation (maintenance, avionics, dispatch, atc, etc) and use that as a spring board to doing what you want. Just one idea since you didn't really say what else you want to do but sound willing to move and try new things.
I have considered the military, mainly either the Navy or the Airforce, but I have been talked out of that.

I am considering on getting my dispatchers license, but that won't happen till feb, if that does happen. I am just curious on what other career options I have other than pumping fuel into aircrafts.
The military was a good suggestion. Don't forget the Coast Guard. The truth for many people is that serving in a peace time military is unfulfilling. With the Coast Guard you are doing a real world mission all of the time and during time of war they serve in a combatant role.

If I were in your situation I would look seriously at a trade school of some sort. Remember that with jobs like plumbers and electricians, the union is often a barrier. Don't spend a lot of money getting trained only to find a union standing in your way of getting a job. Each of us is different, but if I were in you, I would look most seriously into the area of computers. You could learn it on a part-time basis and there are a great many positions where you can ply your trade unfettered by union interference.

As you consider your future, try to picture this. What will you feel like doing your job when you are sixty-five years old. Look for a future that an old man can do and be happy doing because like it or not, none of us remain young forever.