What do you make as a 121 pilot

How much income per year do you make as a pilot? Only pilot income (not investments or other)

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Don't go into aviation for the money. Some of the most enjoyable people to fly with are the ones who are excited about what they do, not how much it pays. Aviation can be very profitable. But then again it might take 10 years or more to ever recover your initial training cost and debt incurred while working low paying entry level jobs. IF big money is what you are interested in go into law or wall street or something like that.
Don't go into aviation for the money. Some of the most enjoyable people to fly with are the ones who are excited about what they do, not how much it pays. Aviation can be very profitable. But then again it might take 10 years or more to ever recover your initial training cost and debt incurred while working low paying entry level jobs. IF big money is what you are interested in go into law or wall street or something like that.


Being a lawyer is like being a pilot; there are a lot of people who make ok money, and a few people who make tons of money.


After law school, I came straight back to flying airplanes. I make more, and I'm home more, than my colleagues who are practicing.
Here’s what I make as a 121 pilot.

I make my wife happy, because I’m no longer an ever-tired stress ball.
I make my doctor happy, because my blood pressure dropped to better than normal within three months of getting this job.
I make my friends happy now that I can visit them whenever no matter where they live. (Okay, that makes me happy, they could be sick of it).
I make more time for me and my family.
I make myself happy I still get to fly something.

Thats the military for you these days, esp as a reserve technician full-timer, Army/AF. The whole "lets see how much BS we can pile on your plate in a day, oh and maybe you can go fly some."

Being a lawyer is like being a pilot; there are a lot of people who make ok money, and a few people who make tons of money.


After law school, I came straight back to flying airplanes. I make more, and I'm home more, than my colleagues who are practicing.

If things had gone more satisfactory, post graduation from law school? Would you be working in law, or still flying airplanes?
If things had gone more satisfactory, post graduation from law school? Would you be working in law, or still flying airplanes?

Not sure what you mean, as the track I took was incredibly intentional since about halfway through law school. Since I was recalled at ExpressJet, I had no intention of practicing law, and to do so on a part time basis woukd be malpractice on its face.
Because I heard the APC numbers were wildly inaccurate.

The numbers are probably not correct down to the penny, but they’re close enough that you get the idea.

Take any rate on APC, multiply by 1000, and there’s your ballpark. How much more info do you need,
The numbers are probably not correct down to the penny, but they’re close enough that you get the idea.

Take any rate on APC, multiply by 1000, and there’s your ballpark. How much more info do you need,

As has been stated here in this very thread and elsewhere by others the numbers on APC are not close to being accurate.
The numbers are probably not correct down to the penny, but they’re close enough that you get the idea.

Take any rate on APC, multiply by 1000, and there’s your ballpark. How much more info do you need,

As has been stated here in this very thread and elsewhere by others the numbers on APC are not close to being accurate.

I was told the same thing. A buddy of mine though pulled up the untied contract and we compared it to APC and APC was actually low on the hourly rates. I had been told APC was way too high but he proved me wrong.
The numbers are probably not correct down to the penny, but they’re close enough that you get the idea.

Take any rate on APC, multiply by 1000, and there’s your ballpark. How much more info do you need,

It's still over $100,000 off in my situation.
Hacker McHacklby, attorney at law.


HR. HACKenstuff
HACK Wagner
HACK in the Box
Hugh HACKman
Gene HACKman (that was an easy one)
HACK The Lego Maniac
HACK Dawson (Titanic)
HACK Bauer
HACK Donaghy (30 Rock!)
BarHACK Obama
"Heeeeee's HACK the Knife"

Gosh dang, this is kind of fun!
It's still over $100,000 off in my situation.

I'm guessing you're not bidding a medium or low line and just flying that? For the people that are it should be pretty close if you aren't including profit sharing.
I really don’t work that much. I probably average maybe 70 hrs per month, on the high side. Some “other stuff” here and there but my W-2 well North of 1000x the APC rate. Plus the other data on the page is wrong.

I guess I know the source of “the girls on the pilot wives page said you get a monthly guarantee!” “nope, not in the last 20 years, where are they getting this crap from?”:)
I think you're underestimating the laziness of a pilot.

I could probably correct it but that requires stuff. And stuff is difficult. Difficulty makes me lazy and tired. I'm literally going to go dig in the fridge and look for dinner stuff. But I'll probably check my iMessage first. Maybe. :)