What do you make as a 121 pilot

How much income per year do you make as a pilot? Only pilot income (not investments or other)

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Ok, but then you don’t get to criticize.

I know people don't often go to www.jetcareers.com home page, but yea, Im kind of thinking he can do as he likes.....

Ok, but then you don’t get to criticize.

I sure do and I certainly will! :)

Otherwise, I would be more than happy to sit silently and say, "Yeah, hmm, check with their webmaster to clarify the data" at most.

I'm not feeling any personal responsibility to correct the data, but it's woefully incorrect. I wouldn't even say it was "outdated" because that would imply that the inaccuracies were accurate one period of time.
One of the co-founders of APC is a United pilot, the other is a UPS pilot. They sold the site to Internet Brands but I'd think they would be more responsible about the content than anyone at JC ever was.
They probably took the "cash and be gone" package compared to the "sold, but you have to run it the way we say and we take all the revenue" model they offered a "friend".
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They probably took the "cold and begone" package compared to the "sold, but you have to run it the way we say and we take all the revenue" model they offered a "friend".

That’s better than what I’m dealing with. My server got hacked by the Romanian mob and now all of my customers visitors are getting boner pill and hair loss ads along with various viruses. Sigh......wonder if someone will buy my websites. Comes with free Viri and a built in revenue stream direct to the Romanian Moffia.
So you DID work there!

That’s what the checks and my ID said, anyway. I still refused to accept it. :)

As has been stated here in this very thread and elsewhere by others the numbers on APC are not close to being accurate.

I never saw the pay rates off by more than a few dollars. So it’s not that they’re inaccurate. It’s just incomplete data. Because pay rates are just a multiplier in a work rules formula.
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That’s what the checks and my ID said, anyway. I still refused to accept it. :)

I never saw the pay rates off by more than a few dollars. So it’s not that they’re inaccurate. It’s just incomplete data. Because pay rates are just a multiplayer in a work rules formula.

Here, @tiredcfi, this is how you trigger The Toddler.

@ATN_Pilot LUUUUUUUUUUUUVS SWA! He felt like he was finally at a top tier carrier with a bunch of square-jawed go-getters, where he always wanted to be.
Year 1 - 50k
Year 2 - should be on track for 55kish

I always work minimum 85 credit a month. Some months around 100. Even on reserve I'd pick up at least 2 locals to bring minimum up to 85 or more.
I think you're underestimating the laziness of a pilot.

I could probably correct it but that requires stuff. And stuff is difficult. Difficulty makes me lazy and tired. I'm literally going to go dig in the fridge and look for dinner stuff. But I'll probably check my iMessage first. Maybe. :)
I’ve worked very hard so that I can be very lazy, which is why I consider ever being awarded one minute over guarantee (note: ours is a fixed number that I never ever see) an insult.

I made way more and worked way less on reserve. Might be time to go back to that if our staffing is less pear shaped.
I’ve worked very hard so that I can be very lazy, which is why I consider ever being awarded one minute over guarantee (note: ours is a fixed number that I never ever see) an insult.

I made way more and worked way less on reserve. Might be time to go back to that if our staffing is less pear shaped.
I don't think NASA wants to hire people who strive to be lazy.