What do you make as a 121 pilot

How much income per year do you make as a pilot? Only pilot income (not investments or other)

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Year one at Colgan is around 16-17k. I’d apply elsewhere

I must've been bustin' my ass then back in 2009, my first full year at Colgan.


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I might. Still chewing on it. It’s tough looking at the 737 Dfw bid packet and seeing 14-15 hour two days and seeing 10-11 hour two days on the bus.
The 737 trips are better. They have to be to get anyone to actually bid the thing.
QOL first for me. I’ll be one of those three digit seniority guys bidding WB FO.

Senior widebody FO is the best job in the world at my company.

Some of my newer copilots are hot 'n heavy about immediately upgrading and I no longer try to talk them out of it, I just LOL and keep those spots free for those that have some damned common sense.
Senior widebody FO is the best job in the world at my company.

Some of my newer copilots are hot 'n heavy about immediately upgrading and I no longer try to talk them out of it, I just LOL and keep those spots free for those that have some damned common sense.
I dunno how it is for y’all at each bases. But in the master base it goes a little bit senior to narrow body captain. To hold the 9 day 90 hour asia lines you need to be 3 digit seniority out of 15k pilots.
QOL first for me. I’ll be one of those three digit seniority guys bidding WB FO.

Senior widebody FO is the best job in the world at my company.

Some of my newer copilots are hot 'n heavy about immediately upgrading and I no longer try to talk them out of it, I just LOL and keep those spots free for those that have some damned common sense.

I wouldn’t say wanting to make more money as opposed to being home a little bit more is having no common sense.

Some people like money. Some people like time off.

And i know even if the pay rate is lower you can make more money, but that isn’t always the case.