
Since I'm a Social Work major, I had to do 200+ hrs of volunteer work for a class. I worked at the local gay homeless/ teen community center. It was very rewarding, and humbling. I also did some work on the gay teen suicide hotline, and worked with gay teen prostitutes trying to get them off the streets and drugs. I'd like to return to that kinda work on a volunteer basis at some point, not necessarily for a job at a major. But because of the need, gay teens are at the highest risk for drugs, prostitution and suicide after being rejected and abandoned by friends and family after coming out. SJI's ACE program is something else that also interest me.
Seriously, I appreciate the story. I don't make the rules, I don't have any pull, just got a peek over "the castle walls" enough and, within arms reach, to throw over some leg of lamb and some grog for the hungry.

Rebel all everyone would like, but at the end of the day, I really don't see anyone else stepping up to get the information out there which they discover.

I'd be more than happy to refocus the efforts on popcorn, classic movies, and grilling.
Definitely agree with the beginning...find what you care about or are passionate about.

I volunteered for close to 5 years with my local volunteer fire department. Lots of great experience...earned my state EMT certification (which has since expired), became a certified state Firefighter 1, even became at one point the Level 2 technician for the entire department's SCBA equipment (basically responsible for maintenance of all SCBA masks, harnesses, etc).

I had to step back since school and work was getting in the way, and I miss it quite a bit.
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Anyone have experience with Habitat for Humanity? I've been known to swing a hammer in a constructive fashion, occasionally

I did a lot of work with them in high school and really enjoyed my time. It's best to try to get a group together and all work on one project!
I did a lot of work with them in high school and really enjoyed my time. It's best to try to get a group together and all work on one project!

They have repair projects in addition to the home builds. I grew up in a well-off county in California, and I was shocked how many older folks lived with leaking roofs, no heat, or broken plumbing. I found those smaller projects to be more enjoyable because you could solve someone's impossible problem over a day of a weekend.

If you're a CFI, bring business cards. Quite a few of the ones helping were owners of construction firms.
I'm an RJ pleb with 11 days off a month and a commute. Time at home is valuable and precious, BUT i do want to volunteer (And no, its not just for the resume).

We recently rescued an amazing pup from a shelter a few months ago. Ever since I've wanted to work with animals, so since my fiancée is a 9-5 worker bee, I'm going to try to work at the local humane shelter. If that doesn't work out, I always walk the pup on local rail trails. They need volunteers to help keep them clean, so thats my plan once it warms up. Get exercise for me and the dog AND cleanup a trail while doing it.

I know theres plenty of outdoorsy people here. Find a local trail that is maintained by volunteers and use time spent on the trail as a volunteering opportunity.
Right now I try to "volunteer" for Funeral Duty for the MNARNG Funeral Honors Team whenever I'm home. I'm one of the only soldiers in the state that can play Taps live, and the only soldier that is dual qualified to play and perform all other functions of a military funeral. I love being able to give back to veteran's families, and enjoy being able to see the impact my service makes. I do get paid for them, so it's only kinda volunteer work since it's not under the normal duties as a MDAY Army National Guard soldier.
Wow another honor guard guy! I served on the Ft. Huachuca Honor Gurad back in 04-05. 48 funerals in 8 months. Probably the best part of my 4 years in the army.
Wow another honor guard guy! I served on the Ft. Huachuca Honor Gurad back in 04-05. 48 funerals in 8 months. Probably the best part of my 4 years in the army.

I was ADOS with the MNARNG for Funeral Honors in FY2011 & 2012, and been working with the program since 2010. Over the last 6 years I've done over 1000 military funerals.
I was ADOS with the MNARNG for Funeral Honors in FY2011 & 2012, and been working with the program since 2010. Over the last 6 years I've done over 1000 military funerals.
If there was a way to get back into it and not be stuck in a reserve unit (IE DOD Civilian) I'd totally do it. It's an amazing honor being able to help families gain closure.
Volunteermatch.org a great resource for finding organizations in your area that you may want to contribute to based on your interests, the needs of the community, the time you may have to give, and your unique talents/skills. Even if you are rarely home, or have a weird schedule, there are a ton of ways to give back! As others have said, do that which inspires you.

In response to the op and volunteerism as it relates to the hiring process....I once had a recruiter for a legacy tell me (in response to my community volunteer work on my resume), "We don't care if you've built houses in Africa for orphans, we would like to see that you give back to your company, involve yourself more in what matters to you and your peer group...Maybe just volunteer for your Union or something."

I then threw up in my mouth a little and excused myself.
Volunteermatch.org a great resource for finding organizations in your area that you may want to contribute to based on your interests, the needs of the community, the time you may have to give, and your unique talents/skills. Even if you are rarely home, or have a weird schedule, there are a ton of ways to give back! As others have said, do that which inspires you.

In response to the op and volunteerism as it relates to the hiring process....I once had a recruiter for a legacy tell me (in response to my community volunteer work on my resume), "We don't care if you've built houses in Africa for orphans, we would like to see that you give back to your company, involve yourself more in what matters to you and your peer group...Maybe just volunteer for your Union or something."

I then threw up in my mouth a little and excused myself.

Not "what have you done for us lately", but "what are you doing for us today". :D

Classy of them.
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I'm glad you contributed, but if you had to do it it is not "volunteer" work. Service hours, yes. Volunteer, no.

While yes it's true that I had to have "voluntary" hours at a place of my choice in order to pass the class. It was the courses term... voluntary. Not mine. But like I said, as a direct result of having done that. In the future sans class, I would love to become a volunteer at the homeless teen shelter/youth center.
Volunteermatch.org a great resource for finding organizations in your area that you may want to contribute to based on your interests, the needs of the community, the time you may have to give, and your unique talents/skills. Even if you are rarely home, or have a weird schedule, there are a ton of ways to give back! As others have said, do that which inspires you.

In response to the op and volunteerism as it relates to the hiring process....I once had a recruiter for a legacy tell me (in response to my community volunteer work on my resume), "We don't care if you've built houses in Africa for orphans, we would like to see that you give back to your company, involve yourself more in what matters to you and your peer group...Maybe just volunteer for your Union or something."

I then threw up in my mouth a little and excused myself.
Wow. Give back to your company? Screw everyone and everything else on the entire planet then. So being the best employee, (dedicated, honest, hard-working, sincere and reliable) that you can be is not enough.......wow.... how completely tacky, heartless and self-absorbed is that? Bejebus.
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Volunteermatch.org a great resource for finding organizations in your area that you may want to contribute to based on your interests, the needs of the community, the time you may have to give, and your unique talents/skills. Even if you are rarely home, or have a weird schedule, there are a ton of ways to give back! As others have said, do that which inspires you.

In response to the op and volunteerism as it relates to the hiring process....I once had a recruiter for a legacy tell me (in response to my community volunteer work on my resume), "We don't care if you've built houses in Africa for orphans, we would like to see that you give back to your company, involve yourself more in what matters to you and your peer group...Maybe just volunteer for your Union or something."

I then threw up in my mouth a little and excused myself.

Wow. Give back to your company? Screw everyone and everything else on the entire planet then. So being the best employee, (dedicated, honest, hard-working, sincere and reliable) that you can be is not enough.......wow.... how completely tacky, heartless and self-absorbed is that? Bejebus.

Wow. Give back to your company? Screw everyone and everything else on the entire planet then. So being the best employee, (dedicated, honest, hard-working, sincere and reliable) that you can be is not enough.......wow.... how completely tacky, heartless and self-absorbed is that? Bejebus.

It was probably a AAG recruiter. Lol.
I keep thinking that I have finally reached the age where not much should shock/shake/surprise me anymore that someone says or does, yet I find that I am still having WTF/WTH moments several times a week. Ugh.
Wow. Give back to your company? Screw everyone and everything else on the entire planet then. So being the best employee, (dedicated, honest, hard-working, sincere and reliable) that you can be is not enough.......wow.... how completely tacky, heartless and self-absorbed is that? Bejebus.

It was pretty awful. It made me sad more than anything...the reminder that this is how so many humans are. Truly a sad state of affairs.

It was probably a AAG recruiter. Lol.

Tld said:
It was pretty awful. It made me sad more than anything...the reminder that this is how so many humans are. Truly a sad state of affairs. Nope.
Can we play 20 questions to figure it out?

They been in merger in the past 10 years?
More then 3 aircraft type fleet?