The official "Waiting on FOL from NYC PEPC"

I received an e-mail. I carried a TS clearance in the military that is still good so that shortened my security checkout
I am so jealous!! I was e-mailed today by ANC securities and told that I have more paperwork to fill out on e-QIP due to my redirect so who knows how long that is going to hold me up. Congrats and good luck guys!! Hopefully I will be following right behind you.
For those who were thinking they might be sending us Louisiana people shortly...just got an email stating not till the next fiscal year (Oct) and I was selected for BTR :(
Does anyone know when we should start to hear anything about our clearances/ class dates? I went to the PEPC on Feb. 26 and I am just wondering when things will start to happen.
Congrats!!! Was this just by luck or were you pulling some strings?

I think communicating with the right people made this happen. I've been speaking with the NATCA president at my center, who set me up to speak with the former training manager, who called OKC.

Maybe somewhere in that chain someone talked with someone else who was able to open an extra class. Or maybe a class spontaneously opened. I have no idea, I know just that this is great!
Congrats!!! Was this just by luck or were you pulling some strings?
I emailed BR a little bit ago asking about my clearances, and class dates and the freeze. She told me she's still waiting on my security clearance, and when it's in, she can give me a class date, "prior to October."
I emailed BR a little bit ago asking about my clearances, and class dates and the freeze. She told me she's still waiting on my security clearance, and when it's in, she can give me a class date, "prior to October."

Same story here , as soon as my HR gets my sec. clearance she will give me a class date.:)