The official "Waiting on FOL from NYC PEPC"

For the center I was picked up for (5 other people here were also) my HR person said that there are classes on May 15 and April 8, but they're both full. She said there's nothing until next fiscal year also, which would be sometime in October.

This is really bad for me, because my grad school would start in September. So that will be a big I not do grad school and then get in trouble if something falls through with the FAA?

I'm going to have to really hope that someone drops out of one of the May or April classes, otherwise I will be in a jam.

Good grief, how many degrees do you need?? Don't you already have two?
Good grief, how many degrees do you need?? Don't you already have two?

Just one, but a bachelor degree is useless.

This is the first time in this process where I feel very frustrated with this wait. I completely understand that it takes a long time to get a government job; I expected that and was comfortable with it. But if there are no class dates until October, that means it will be 17 months from first application to class date...if I even get an October date! If this lasts more than 15 months I'll have officially reached the point where I'm putting my entire life on hold just in the hopes of getting this job.

And I suspect this must be the result of some sort of hiring freeze. If it's true that they only hired 60 people in January panels (though that may just be forum rumor) and they do 20 in each basics class then they will only need 3 classes for all of the January folks! They told us at the PEPC that classes were full through April (some said May). Even so, there are 6-8 classes between that time and the new fiscal year. I mean, they could train twice our number in that time.
Well....I really have no idea as to what to think of this. I received a phone call this morning from ANC securities telling me that they needed to have a phone interview with me. I am a little nervous because they couldn't do it at the time, they had to schedule me for tomorrow morning. I don't think that is standard procedure but there again, they are trying to expedite me to FAI. Has anyone else ever been asked for a phone interview from the securities office? Should I be worried????:(:confused::panic: Crap, now I am going to stress all night long. God Bless the FAA for the white hairs that they create.
Well....I really have no idea as to what to think of this. I received a phone call this morning from ANC securities telling me that they needed to have a phone interview with me. I am a little nervous because they couldn't do it at the time, they had to schedule me for tomorrow morning. I don't think that is standard procedure but there again, they are trying to expedite me to FAI. Has anyone else ever been asked for a phone interview from the securities office? Should I be worried????:(:confused::panic: Crap, now I am going to stress all night long. God Bless the FAA for the white hairs that they create.

You went to NY PEPC?
Just one, but a bachelor degree is useless.

This is the first time in this process where I feel very frustrated with this wait. I completely understand that it takes a long time to get a government job; I expected that and was comfortable with it. But if there are no class dates until October, that means it will be 17 months from first application to class date...if I even get an October date! If this lasts more than 15 months I'll have officially reached the point where I'm putting my entire life on hold just in the hopes of getting this job.

And I suspect this must be the result of some sort of hiring freeze. If it's true that they only hired 60 people in January panels (though that may just be forum rumor) and they do 20 in each basics class then they will only need 3 classes for all of the January folks! They told us at the PEPC that classes were full through April (some said May). Even so, there are 6-8 classes between that time and the new fiscal year. I mean, they could train twice our number in that time.

My husband first applied in June of 2007, we arrived in Decemember 2008 (end of December...almost January). Many in my husband's class applied in the Summer of 2007. They all waited 18 months from time of application until point of hire. It is HARD.

My husband switched jobs while in this whole process of waiting to be hired. Honestly we had to carry on with life as if we didn't have the job. We figured that way if something did work out great...but if it didn't we were still taken care of. Some of the others that had applied and waited that long as well said the same thing, they had to treat is as "just an application" until they got hired.

I am sorry for your frustration! Trust me, I understand, even though I know saying that doesn't make it any better. The waiting for this is honestly the worse. Even once you have a TOL you still have NO answers. There is a huge lack of information that gets really frustrating! It is hard how one person applies and is in training within 6 months and others are still waiting for a class date 9 months AFTER their TOL and PEPC.
OK all my clearances are in! They gave me the security waiver before my references have been contacted, as far as I can tell.

Does the FOL come automatically once everything is in? Or does the FOL come hand in hand with a class date?
I emailed my HR rep and asked. I think if you dont email or call, they wont tell you and you will just wait for your FOL which could be several weeks or months.
Just got an e-mail with 4 docs to fill out and send back... though I could have sworn I already did at least one of them and got confirmation it was received. Oh well, if it gets me in quicker, I'll sign (almost) anything!
i just called my HR rep and he said it takes 4-6 weeks for items to clear

grr how are u guys getting results so fast
i just called my HR rep and he said it takes 4-6 weeks for items to clear

grr how are u guys getting results so fast

You should expect 4-6 weeks. Some Facilities are in a really bad crunch right now, so they are expediting them.
My HR person said no more classes until FY 2010.

My facility managers say that they are expecting about 30 more people for FY 2009 than they have in training and OKC.