The official "Waiting on FOL from NYC PEPC"

My HR rep just emailed and said she's working on FOLs for the 06/22 class date, so it will be several weeks more for those of us waiting for 08/20 FOLs.

Not the update I wanted...but an update nonetheless.

At least you got an e-mail ;)
I'm enroute, and my HR rep said she has me in the 08/20 class -- she just hasn't done the FOL yet.

I am in this same situation, I went to the January PEPC though, so I really want to get the FOL to finally have this over with and start to plan for it with total certainty.
ZOB. Is anyone else here projected for 8/20 going to ZOB? I know three other people headed to ZOB in the 7/10 OKC class which I just missed, but am yet to meet anyone else for ZOB who is projected for 8/20.
Good to see that something is moving. I just wrote to my HR, hopefully ill get the response tomorrow morning and ill keep post it.
Just got email from my HR, shes still waiting for my security clerance:banghead:
7 weeks already :banghead:
Just got email from my HR, shes still waiting for my security clerance:banghead:
7 weeks already :banghead:

I'm in the same boat. The investigator visited several friends, family members, and former co workers already so I'm hoping it won't be too much longer!
I'm in the same boat. The investigator visited several friends, family members, and former co workers already so I'm hoping it won't be too much longer!

Just curious about the investigator- I was under the impression OPM did the mail outs only. Do they do this for everyone? If so , I need to let my references on the SF85(P) form now to expect this.

The NY medical department. Audrey Figurski 718-553-3313.

I called Audrey last week. She seemed very nice but had to forward me to one of the flight surgeons for more information. When he picked up he was completely annoyed, cut me off in mid sentence and told me not to call for status updates because he was too busy.

So I'll just keep my fingers crossed and hopefully I'll hear something from HR eventually!
I called Audrey last week. She seemed very nice but had to forward me to one of the flight surgeons for more information. When he picked up he was completely annoyed, cut me off in mid sentence and told me not to call for status updates because he was too busy.

So I'll just keep my fingers crossed and hopefully I'll hear something from HR eventually!

If the flight surgeon has it, then all you are waiting for is for him to sign off on it. Audrey called me yesterday to let me know he had signed off on mine and would be sending it to OKC on Wednesday.