The official "Waiting on FOL from NYC PEPC"

We were told to expect late June or early July... then my HR rep shot that down and said October, at the earliest. It's a craps shoot.

I just got called and was told to expect an October class date if I still wanted the tower position. My tower had met it's hiring requirements for 09 already... sounds towers are filling up for fiscal year 09.

So they offered me the the TRACON again (which was my original offer, but I got them to switch it during my interview and received a TOL for the tower). So now I'm gonna be a TRACON controller. Sort of bummed about missing the opportunity to work in a tower... but I'm ready. Here I come Oak City!

By the way jermscentral... is you name Jeremiah?
I just got called and was told to expect an October class date if I still wanted the tower position. My tower had met it's hiring requirements for 09 already... sounds towers are filling up for fiscal year 09.

So they offered me the the TRACON again (which was my original offer, but I got them to switch it during my interview and received a TOL for the tower). So now I'm gonna be a TRACON controller. Sort of bummed about missing the opportunity to work in a tower... but I'm ready. Here I come Oak City!

By the way jermscentral... is you name Jeremiah?

I'd gladly take the option to change to the STL TRACON (T75); it's about a mile from the facility where I have been placed, and it would bump me up four levels in traffic/pay. Too bad they're fully-staffed! I love the tower option, though, because I think it's neat to actually see the planes you're controlling rather than a data blip on a screen... but if I was given a chance for one of the higher-level facilities in that area (of which there are only two), I'd probably take it.

And nope, my name's Jeremy. I've had this username on different sites since I was in high school, and it's funny going back and doing a Google search on it to see what all message boards and forums I used to post on.
So guys who's still waiting for FOL? I just wrote my HR and she told me that I am still waiting for security clearance. 5 weeks already.:whatever:
So guys who's still waiting for FOL? I just wrote my HR and she told me that I am still waiting for security clearance. 5 weeks already.:whatever:

Still waiting here. I was told I'm in the 08/20 class and all of my clearances are through, but no FOL yet.
I just called the Medical Office today and I passed my MMPI! Whewwww!

She said they are still waiting for the doctor responsible for my file to give it the final blessing but he is in DC all week for a conference :crazy:

Since I was on a roll I figured I'd called the security people but they said there was some confusion with my current clearance so they are supposed to call me back tomorrow with details:confused:

Sounds like its slowly moving for me though....
Everything is cleared for me (conditional clearance for background in order to expedite the process) but still waiting on an FOL. Also, my HR rep just retired so I was just switched to a new one. Expecting a class date (from what was implied by HR) no earlier than September.

Destination - ZDV
I sent in one request to my HR rep for clearance information on the 23rd and was told that none of my clearances were back, and that because of the ATO hiring requirements already being met, I wouldn't be in class until after October.

I'm going to wait at least two weeks before I write again to check on clearances because of the amount of time Terri Owens told us it would take to get the clearances back -- approximately 45 days after the PEPC. After that, all clearances should be back in to the office (barring anyone that had to retake the MMPI), and at that point, I'll actually check back.