The official "Waiting on FOL from NYC PEPC"

FINALLY!! Got my class date today for August 5th!! I was hoping for something earlier, but I will take whatever they give me.
Got my call today! My date for OKC is going to be July 14! :cwm27::cwm27:I know I am excited, but I also know that its another two and a half months away. :panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic:

Perhaps this is part of the training where we learn patience??
Got my call today! My date for OKC is going to be July 14! :cwm27::cwm27:I know I am excited, but I also know that its another two and a half months away. :panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic:

Perhaps this is part of the training where we learn patience??
I'm jealous
wow that's a quick class date, only one month to wait. Congratz.
I am too, waiting for FOL and the delay is on the SECURITY Clearance.


mines been cleared for over a month.

did you fill something out wrong on the 22 page security form thingy that i cant remember the name of at the moment?

mines been cleared for over a month.

did you fill something out wrong on the 22 page security form thingy that i cant remember the name of at the moment?

I filled out my security form inside the PEPC and i prepared sf-85 in advance. As far as i remember i put down everything i knew up to date. It may be that i made mistake or something, I don't know how to contact security department to find out what's the deal with the delay. :whatever:
I filled out my security form inside the PEPC and i prepared sf-85 in advance. As far as i remember i put down everything i knew up to date. It may be that i made mistake or something, I don't know how to contact security department to find out what's the deal with the delay. :whatever:

I called one of the numbers (I think a 202 area code) in the email pertaining to EQIP access. It's pretty much a help desk but they were able to provide the contact info of the security office in the region where my facility is located. They were extremely helpful and able to give me a status update...might be worth a shot
Got my call today! My date for OKC is going to be July 14! :cwm27::cwm27:I know I am excited, but I also know that its another two and a half months away. :panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic:

Perhaps this is part of the training where we learn patience??


Still waiting maybe this week

Still waiting maybe this week

Thank you. I saw that vyper has his class date for 7/10. Perhaps I'll see you there, and maybe I'll see some of the other people I met up in NYC at training.

I was starting to feel as if there may have been a problem with my security clearance paperwork, because at the PEPC, just when I though I was done with everything, they called me back to security to complete additional forms. Apparently they had missed that Honolulu is on a military base, and required an additional security check besides the standard forms. Im sure glad that everything is in order now.:sarcasm:
are you referring to the SF-86 (or SF-85p depending on facility) ??

e-qip is what i was trying to remember(basically the same thing if im not mistaken).

Anyway, HR says im cleared minus my MMPI medical.

I'm scared to ask her if NEW met its hiring quota because, if i waited an extra 2 or 3 months for having to retake my MMPI THEN was told i had to wait till october anyway, well i might cry:(.
Tracer you have an FOL or just a date like me? sorry to heat that Micall.But I am there till almost Thanksgiving so i will probably still be there.
When I spoke with my HR rep, he said that he would be sending out my FOL and some other papers or a "packet" in the mail, and I should expect to see that in about a week or two. He also was asked if July 14 was a good date for me to start class. I asked him if there was anything earlier than that, and he said that he had just finished filling any remaining spots for earlier dates, and that was the soonest available.

So I was told that my July 14 date was "locked in", and again I should be expecting to see my packet in the mail shortly.

His phone call was the first time I had ever spoken with him, and it was somewhat brief. A quick congratulations because my securtiy clearance had finally come in, and he was ready to put me in a class. Decided on the 14th., gave me a little information on what to expect next, and thats it. But believe me, that brief conversation was all that I needed to hear.
Still waiting on the mmpi-2, so much fun. But i'm just glad i got the offer at least. I've been trying to get a hold of my hr rep that never answers the phone. I'm pretty sure i'll have to wait until oct, but i was just curious of how full the classes are getting, anyone know?
Still waiting on the mmpi-2, so much fun. But i'm just glad i got the offer at least. I've been trying to get a hold of my hr rep that never answers the phone. I'm pretty sure i'll have to wait until oct, but i was just curious of how full the classes are getting, anyone know?

No FOL yet for me (ZBW).