The official "Waiting on FOL from NYC PEPC"

Did you folks who have TOL's complete your geo pref's emails for the pubnat 5&6? I was told by HR not to bother unless we were NOT going to take our current TOL. Of course I'm not going to pass mine up, I'd hate to wait any longer, but I'd hate for something to happen down the road and not have completed the 5&6 geo pref's!
Did you folks who have TOL's complete your geo pref's emails for the pubnat 5&6? I was told by HR not to bother unless we were NOT going to take our current TOL. Of course I'm not going to pass mine up, I'd hate to wait any longer, but I'd hate for something to happen down the road and not have completed the 5&6 geo pref's!

just fill it out.

it cant hurt you in the end anyway:bandit:
I hate shrinks SO BAD!! I went yesterday to my psych eval. and retook my MMPI-2. I left yesterday completely lost as to whether I felt better or worse about the actual sit down with the doc.
I hate shrinks SO BAD!! I went yesterday to my psych eval. and retook my MMPI-2. I left yesterday completely lost as to whether I felt better or worse about the actual sit down with the doc.

man i guess the guy that gave me the number of people who failed the MMPI wasnt kidding.

anyway how did that sitdown work out? i got mine moved up to monday 1230 so i can get it out of the way.
I Hope I Get My FOL This Week! Or At Least Hear From My HR

Last week, I e-mailed the lady doing my security clearance and found out I was cleared for it on March 13th. On March 23rd, I e-mailed my HR rep and was told that none of my clearances were in yet. Either word travels slow (I saw something here about a 1-2 week delay in paperwork shuffling), or someone doesn't want me asking too many questions. ;)

April 13th will mark the 45-day "deadline" we were told would be the date all clearances should be back after the 02/27 PEPC. That's the day I'll be checking with HR to see if my clearances are submitted and if there are any other local openings I could take that would get me in quicker.

Oh, and the only way I knew who was doing my security clearance was because my e-QIP somehow expired after the PEPC, and I had to re-sign the signature pages and send them back to her.
All of my references just received their letters today, although I was told my security clearance had been received two weeks ago.

The more I try to understand the process the more I'm confused!

Here's to a WHOLE BUNCH of FOLs coming our way this week.
All of my references just received their letters today, although I was told my security clearance had been received two weeks ago.

The more I try to understand the process the more I'm confused!

Here's to a WHOLE BUNCH of FOLs coming our way this week.

I had the same thing. They basically give you an"interim clearance" after a records check, financial check etc. Your actual clearance takes quite a bit longer, but all you need is the interim clearance to get your FOL and academy date.
I received my FOL earlier today. I'm going to ZDC and start the academy on 6/22. I'm OTS and applied in pubnat4, for what it's worth.
Failed my MMPI as well. Had to retake, and saw the Dr. on Monday of this week. Said everything was fine and he was sending a letter to recommend me. Said he had seen 6 people since the beginning of the year for the FAA and I am in MEM, so I guess it is a pretty popular test to have to re-take. I put a call in to M.U., but she has not returned my message, suprise suprise.
My HR rep just emailed and said she's working on FOLs for the 06/22 class date, so it will be several weeks more for those of us waiting for 08/20 FOLs.

Not the update I wanted...but an update nonetheless.
My HR rep just emailed and said she's working on FOLs for the 06/22 class date, so it will be several weeks more for those of us waiting for 08/20 FOLs.

Not the update I wanted...but an update nonetheless.

Wow!!!! Your rep emails you, and gives you some sort of update.....whats that like?