The official "Waiting on FOL from NYC PEPC"

You are basically in a room with three hearing machines. When you hear the beeps, which come in quick succession, you have to push the button on your handheld joystick. The beeps start low (meaning easy to hear) and get higher in pitch and are much harder to hear. Some beeps I couldn't hear and I just pushed the button anyway. BUt that was me so you do what you will. that's pretty much it. Oh and the room was kinda noisy and the instructor was moving stuff around on the desk so it made it harder to hear.

Sounds like the same test they require at the Bureau of Motor Vehicles to get your license here in Ohio.
No she is working on the May class date peeps now and will be working on the June(me) probably early next week and maybe get to July(me) late week
How long does the hearing test take? Are you in a booth or just out in the open with headphones? I really really hate that test. The last time I took it I think they kept me in the booth long after the test was over. I think I was pushing the button for at least ten minutes after the test actually finished when I would imagine hearing something. grrr...
How long does the hearing test take? Are you in a booth or just out in the open with headphones? I really really hate that test. The last time I took it I think they kept me in the booth long after the test was over. I think I was pushing the button for at least ten minutes after the test actually finished when I would imagine hearing something. grrr...
At the PEPC I was at, there were three of us in what seemed like a conference room. The machines were set up on the tables... they lady starts one machine, then moves on to the next. It's kind of a pain cuz you can hear EVERYTHING going on in the room. But it's really not that hard. It takes like 5 mins tops.
When in doubt, push the button. Worked for me...
I know I did the hearing test for another agency and they put you in a sound proof booth and it was much easier (Although you seem to hear yourself breathing more... weird). I still passed the test, with all the phones ringing and people laughing in the hall etc. Like they said above, if you have not heard a beep in a little while, press the button. LOL :)
At the PEPC I was at, there were three of us in what seemed like a conference room. The machines were set up on the tables... they lady starts one machine, then moves on to the next. It's kind of a pain cuz you can hear EVERYTHING going on in the room. But it's really not that hard. It takes like 5 mins tops.
When in doubt, push the button. Worked for me...

I was in that room; she started the machine and then went and played with the other. I could hear everything, but only in one ear -- the earphones were solidly covering one ear, but the other ear was partially unsealed, so it was "leaking" outside sounds. I saw my hearing results, and it made me look like I was more hard of hearing in the unsealed ear. So make sure your headphones are on tight.
I know mine won't come Friday. I just e-mailed and got back a response from BR. My facility (SUS) has already reached its hiring capacity for FY2009, so I will not be in class until after October at the start of FY2010. Major letdown. My wife graduates in May, and I was really hoping to have something earlier so she could start her job search in STL. I had called my facility and found out they just brought on two trainees from the Academy last week, which didn't bode well for me since that represents over 13% of the total number of controllers there (15). Oh well; back to waiting even longer for me. :(
I know mine won't come Friday. I just e-mailed and got back a response from BR. My facility (SUS) has already reached its hiring capacity for FY2009, so I will not be in class until after October at the start of FY2010. Major letdown. My wife graduates in May, and I was really hoping to have something earlier so she could start her job search in STL. I had called my facility and found out they just brought on two trainees from the Academy last week, which didn't bode well for me since that represents over 13% of the total number of controllers there (15). Oh well; back to waiting even longer for me. :(

Sorry to hear that buddy. That sucks.
I know mine won't come Friday. I just e-mailed and got back a response from BR. My facility (SUS) has already reached its hiring capacity for FY2009, so I will not be in class until after October at the start of FY2010. Major letdown. My wife graduates in May, and I was really hoping to have something earlier so she could start her job search in STL. I had called my facility and found out they just brought on two trainees from the Academy last week, which didn't bode well for me since that represents over 13% of the total number of controllers there (15). Oh well; back to waiting even longer for me. :(

I got the same e-mail today. I am happy to hear my clearances are all good, but pretty bummed about the long wait.
I'M in the same boat too guys nothing till October and i went to the LA PEPC in January. In hindsight I coulda went to the Chicago PEPC (half hour drive from my house) and saved a bunch of money.

But Its rather reassuring and comforting that we know we have a nice federal job locked up tho in these uncertin times. Lets all have a toast to this great Wait and maybe I'll see some of you guys in OKC!!!