the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thread

Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

PHF -Terminal

I guess I could put that in my signature as well, eh? :p
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

So, I got a phone call on Dec. 31st from someone who gave me an OKC date of 2/25/09. Still have not received any FOL via email or US mail. For others who have received dates how long did it take to get your FOL? I want to see something in writing! :panic:
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

i got an email asking if I'd accept a class date of March 31 on december 22. I got my FOL paperwork december 29.
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

So, I got a phone call on Dec. 31st from someone who gave me an OKC date of 2/25/09. Still have not received any FOL via email or US mail. For others who have received dates how long did it take to get your FOL? I want to see something in writing! :panic:

The lady I spoke with told me the FOL would come in the mail in a week or two and that I would get a package 2-3 weeks before my class date.
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

I got a call from Maggie today and was offered a class date of 27APR. Of course I accepted it. So, now it is just a matter of getting my stuff in order for that date.
For AJR and others information I was told that my FOL will take a week or so to arrive. I don't know if that meant by Email or snail mail. Also like previously posted, I am expecting my OKC Packet a few weeks before my class date.
Apparently all the waiting paid off. I never would have thought last April that five days short of a year later I would be scheduled for OKC. What a ride though and it is just beginning.
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

I got a call today! Class dates May 5th. She offered me a class in March but I wanted a later date.

Wow.... you turned down an earlier date. Hopefully that'll push my date up from June.
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

I got a call from Maggie today as well. March 31st, OKC!!! :D
She told me the same about the FOL in 1-2 weeks, and the packet 2-3 weeks prior to OKC.

Wow. This is a great feeling. :)
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

Me, and Lisraref, got our FOL's....JAN 20TH!!!! FINALLY!
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

Yo that ain't right. I am supposed to give the news and your supposed to be grouchy and say it means nothing like you do to everyone else.

But regardless... Finally.... JANUARY 20TH....Me and Bippoptl will start in OKC..... This is turning out to be a good week :) .... Anyone else going 1/20?
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

I got an email about a school date for march 31st, on Dec 19, just got my FOL 18 min ago, at 7pm EST, via email. WOO HOO!!! The heck with fixing planes anymore!!!!:nana2:
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

Wow.... you turned down an earlier date. Hopefully that'll push my date up from June.

Yea, I would've taken a June date if they would have had one! I'm depending on a lot of people to take care of things while I'm away so I'm kinda stuck going along with their schedules.
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

Me, and Lisraref, got our FOL's....JAN 20TH!!!! FINALLY!

Excellent! See you guys there. Did they say when you could expect your Academy packet? When I got my date Friday I was told she would overnight it, I got a large envelope in the mail today but it was just another copy of my FOL (I received a FOL via email Friday afternoon). Anyway, so have you found a place to stay yet? Congrats again and see you there.
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

Excellent! See you guys there. Did they say when you could expect your Academy packet? When I got my date Friday I was told she would overnight it, I got a large envelope in the mail today but it was just another copy of my FOL (I received a FOL via email Friday afternoon). Anyway, so have you found a place to stay yet? Congrats again and see you there.

im gonna find an apartment because there is no way im not gettin the full $50 per day for rent...haha
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

I got a call from Maggie today as well. March 31st, OKC!!! :D
She told me the same about the FOL in 1-2 weeks, and the packet 2-3 weeks prior to OKC.

Wow. This is a great feeling. :)

Congrats!! I'll see you down there. I start April 7th.
Re: the official "waiting for FOL from Kansas City PEPC" thr

Piker, is your rep Maggie?

Yeah. This was the first time I had ever heard of her, maybe there was some HR switching or something. I was asking her questions about who I should call if I move, or change jobs and she said she could handle everything from here on out.

She didn't tell me this, but I got the sense she was contacting people as their clearances came in.

I am a little disappointed by the August date, but not really surprised. I know the FAA likes to send groups of students destined for the same facility to the academy at the same time. I haven't heard of any other Potomac Consolidated Tracons Pubnat 2s, but there were a few PCT Pubnat 1s.

Anyway, who knows. Maggie seemed pretty helpful and took the time to answer all my questions. Maybe my class date could get bumped up. If not, I'll drive around the mountain west for a few months this summer and give myself one last long vacation.