The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

It was a joke, but the chart says nothing about nut jobs, just desire for gun control over time. Unless Tapatalk us showing me a different chart then you are seeing. As to the joke, I bet ATN liked it.

Yes, it was entertaining. ;) But he is right. The chart spoke directly to the point I was making. The guy's claim that just because two-thirds of the country doesn't own a gun (much of whom aren't even legally able to own a gun, mind you), means that the country thinks the "gun people" are nuts is, well, nuts. The polling data demonstrates that.
Yes, it was entertaining. ;) But he is right. The chart spoke directly to the point I was making. The guy's claim that just because two-thirds of the country doesn't own a gun (much of whom aren't even legally able to own a gun, mind you), means that the country thinks the "gun people" are nuts is, well, nuts. The polling data demonstrates that.
So by this "Assault" ban will I have to go buy my guns from the mexican drug cartels, since the same people who want to ban them are fine with them going across the border?
So by this "Assault" ban will I have to go buy my guns from the mexican drug cartels, since the same people who want to ban them are fine with them going across the border?

That's just for tracking purposes. Like, let's see how many Border Patrol agents they can kill!

In anything even approaching a Free Republic, Holder would be in jail, if not swinging from a lamp-post. *spit*

PS. I say this as a guy who wouldn't have voted for Mittens with a gun to my head. There are more than two ways to vote.
So by this "Assault" ban will I have to go buy my guns from the mexican drug cartels, since the same people who want to ban them are fine with them going across the border?
You can buy them from me. I'm going in to the gun cartel trade.
Heh, according to JC I'm just to the right of Attila the Hun, and I'm annoyed by your abortion position. ;)

People have deeply held beliefs which don't fit in to some Focus Group advertisement and pretend-two-party-system? Ridiculous! Burn the witch!

I told everyone what he was a couple weeks ago and had to spend a week on Elba so I'll just refrain now...
Sorry to quote back to the first page, but I'm late to the party...

Ban guns, perhaps these people then go full-Hamas and strap bombs to themselves. Evil is always going to find a way.

THIS is the problem. What happened wasn't "evil finding a way". 9-11 wasn't "evil" happening. As soon as we (as a country) admit we have a mental health problem and we have a international image problem, all these gun control issues won't matter. But, like normal we've religisized (did I just make up a word?) our view into good and evil and as a result are ignoring the root cause.

Oh well, maybe someday we'll figure it out.
and Missery, since you're from there and all.

FROM THERE? FROM THERE? By Jove, this is WAR! My forefathers hailed from the Old Dominion. My more recent forebearers lived and died for generations in the Commonwealth. I hang my poor, benighted, moth-eaten hat in Missouri, but my Hearth and Home is in Kentucky, sir! Kentucky, sir, damn you!


...wait, is this a Trap?
I think this quote from the article says it all: "....the girl was not injured."

It says a lot, but doesn't support your position.

Teacher didn't have gun. Teacher couldn't shoot student. = Student not injured.

Give teacher gun. Teacher can shoot student. = Student injured or dead.

At least thats how a below-average junior high civics student explained it to me.

Yes, it was entertaining. ;) But he is right. The chart spoke directly to the point I was making. The guy's claim that just because two-thirds of the country doesn't own a gun (much of whom aren't even legally able to own a gun, mind you), means that the country thinks the "gun people" are nuts is, well, nuts. The polling data demonstrates that.

Yes, I'm sure a huge percentage of those 210 million people aren't legally able to own a gun. Puhleeze... Are you really that dense? The country doesn't think that the "gun people" are nuts, but keep up the ridiculous act and they probably will. Maybe they'll give you a T.V. show. It could air right after Doomsday Preppers.
It says a lot, but doesn't support your position.

Teacher didn't have gun. Teacher couldn't shoot student. = Student not injured.

Give teacher gun. Teacher can shoot student. = Student injured or dead.

At least thats how a below-average junior high civics student explained it to me.

Actually, it's more like this:

Teacher had a fist. Teacher didn't use fist. = Student not injured.

Insert a gun into the equation. = Student still not injured.

Yes, I'm sure a huge percentage of those 210 million people aren't legally able to own a gun. Puhleeze... Are you really that dense?

Are you? Do you understand that it is illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to own, carry, or purchase a handgun? Do you realize that nearly half of those 210 million people are under the age of 21?
You know of Bloody Island? If so you might know it's history. I can think of no more appropriate place.