The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

Maybe more like Joe Urban living in a hip downtown district of *insert big city here*? I don't really know.
My brother and I are not even remotely close to being on the same page when it comes to guns, but are very close on other issues. We both grew up in a house with guns and have both shot guns from a young age. I don't know if it's quite as geographically divided. For example, I live in a bigish city, not exactly downtown, but not that far, and have guns, but he lives in the middle of nowhere and has none.
While I don't agree with any assault weapons ban, do you guys not see how much of the country views people in threads like these as "psychotic," "part of the problem," and "off their rocker?"

Because if you don't, you need to take a step back and realize what kind of message you're sending to Joe Six Pack that has never, and will never own a gun in their life.

Until you do that, and until you realize, "X group of people are IDIOTS! MORE GUNS AND AMMO!" gets you about nowhere in what people think of your cause.

In my mind, it's no different than trying to convine somebody that I, in fact, don't have a printing press in my basement from my job as a pilot, and that no, I don't get my pick of the flight attendant, and that no, my wife isn't suspicious of me going to work for 4 days out of every week. There's so much noise out there that it makes reasonable conversations impossible.

While this may seem like a reasonable conversation to some, to me, it looks a whole lot more like noise.

Deaf ears, got it.

I can't speak for anyone else, but disagree =/ didn't hear or comprehend. For my part, I think the issue is the very eidos of a case wherein once you feel like you need to appeal to Joe Six Pack, you've already lost. This is not meant to be a referendum Democracy any more than it's meant to be a Plutocracy (it's certainly becoming one or the other...maybe both), and private ownership of firearms is the last, best barrier against the insidious creep of various hierarchical structures towards limiting or abolishing the other freedoms we enjoy (those that are left). I'm pretty sure you understand what I just wrote and disagree with it. Is that "deaf ears"?

In any case, I don't give a steaming turd what "Joe Sixpack" OR "Joe Loftdweller" think of my absolute and unapologetic defense of private ownership of firearms. It's immaterial. Totally. Might as well ask an anteater.
The lawyer is trying to say if the gun nuts are goin to try and win over people don't react to a potential weapons ban by spouting off how many ARs and bullets your going to buy.
I don't agree or disagree with his message.
Yeah, but I maintain that if we find ourselves in a position where we must justify our inalienable rights to a mass Democracy, we've already lost's just a matter of time.
ATN, aren't you like the resident "libtard" leader? WTF YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO HATE GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!
My lib friends can get quite annoyed at my two conservative positions. :)

Heh, according to JC I'm just to the right of Attila the Hun, and I'm annoyed by your abortion position. ;)

People have deeply held beliefs which don't fit in to some Focus Group advertisement and pretend-two-party-system? Ridiculous! Burn the witch!
Heh, according to JC I'm just to the right of Attila the Hun, and I'm annoyed by your abortion position. ;)

People have deeply held beliefs which don't fit in to some Focus Group advertisement and pretend-two-party-system? Ridiculous! Burn the witch!
BURN HIM! Mostly for his position on abortion though. Haha!